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JG SR25 any good?


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Old January 6th, 2011, 16:59   #1
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JG SR25 any good?

I just had a really good deal fall into my lap, and I'm thinking I might get a JG SR25. It's not a hugely popular rifle, so there aren't a ton of reviews on it. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with it, or comments on it? I know I'm not av'ed, but I'm pretty sure you can share your wisdom with me without breaking any asc rules.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 17:08   #2
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What is a "really good deal"? 10 dollars? 100 dollars? 100 billion dollars? What condition is the gun in? Does it come with anything else (battery, mags, etc,)?

Need more information.

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Old January 6th, 2011, 17:16   #3
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it's used and has slight scratches. It also comes with a 3-9x32 barska scope with a night crosshair mode, as well as a UTG Folding Bipod. I'm pretty sure ASC won't let me post prices, so let's just go with a vague number between $200 - $350.

I have a bunch of M4 mags, so would anyone know whether I could upgrade the SR25 receiver to an M4 receiver? As far as I know, M4 mags don't fit into the SR25.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 17:27   #4
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Nope not at all, it's totally different. You need "7.62 mags", basically M14/SCAR-H mags. I read that there's something weird with certain SCAR-H/M14 mags though which make fitment weird or something but you'll have to wait for someone to explain more deeply.

Either of these seem pretty good bets however:

Your biggest problem however is going to be mag pouches. They're not that common and M4 and AK pouches are what you're going to find 99% of the time. However I do believe that a double M4 mag pouch will fit a single M14 mag or something like that (maybe it was a double M4 pouch fitting a single AK mag?). I think that Chicom rigs might fit M14 mags though....

^^^EDIT^^^: MY MISTAKE! I was thinking of P90 mags.... Don't know how that turned into M14 mags. But at least from what I've seen M4 mag pouches seem to be a lot easier to find (used) than M14 mag pouches, and that's usually the dealmaker for me since I'm usually looking for lower priced gear/accessories even if it's been pre-owned.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 7th, 2011 at 10:23..
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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:06   #5
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the m4 mags thing is quite a big issue for me. Would anyone of you know if the m8a3 echo1 has a tm compatible m4 receiver? For the most part, I would like a very long heavily railed automatic rifle that fits a tm m4 receiver. (preferably longer then an m16) I would really like to know now what gun I'm waiting for...before I wait an eternity for a good deal on that gun.

Thanks for your help L473ny!
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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:16   #6
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Buy M16 with RIS, put longer barrel
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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:19   #7
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An M16 isn't an SR25.

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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:30   #8
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this may sound picky, but I think the m16 looks very unattractive. It looks like this long and skinny thing that'll bust if you bump it a little, I want something that looks a little bit like a sniper rifle and an m4. So far the tastiest gun I've found seems to be the echo1 m8a3. qualifications I want are:
lots of rails,
m4 receiver,
sorta m8a3 or sr25 like in appearance,
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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:33   #9
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It quite easy to get m14 mag poutches. Almost every major gear manufacturer has sevral models available. I have A SCAR H ( for airsoft), (2 M14 and ar-10 Real Steel that I use for competition using the same rig) and use HSGI universal mag poutches. ( they fit either 3 m4 or 2 308 cal mags) But blackhawk, eagle, tactical tailor. TAG, Paraclete and all the others make poutches fto fit 308 cal mags.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 18:35   #10
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
this may sound picky, but I think the m16 looks very unattractive. It looks like this long and skinny thing that'll bust if you bump it a little, I want something that looks a little bit like a sniper rifle and an m4. So far the tastiest gun I've found seems to be the echo1 m8a3. qualifications I want are:
lots of rails,
m4 receiver,
sorta m8a3 or sr25 like in appearance,
So get a railed M16 (M16A4 I believe?). Or buy an already-railed M16 or buy a regular one and add a free-float rail. Done.

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Old January 6th, 2011, 23:32   #11
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I'm not very familiar with the m16 rail system. what I'm thinking of is like a JG m4 s-system with about an extra foot of heavy continuous rails from your front site to the end of the rail system (no gaps), and not the type that you just pop on to the gun. Thanks for the help so far, and I will keep the m16 in the back of my mind as an option.

just curious, but anyone know whether the m8a3 has a normal m4 receiver?
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Old January 7th, 2011, 00:30   #12
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Thanks for your help! The M16 can look exactly like I pictured in an m4/sniper rifle! I'm pleased to announce I'm about 90% decided on the gun below.
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Old January 7th, 2011, 01:42   #13
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
Thanks for your help! The M16 can look exactly like I pictured in an m4/sniper rifle! I'm pleased to announce I'm about 90% decided on the gun below.
I am somewhat bothered that this will be about my 4th post on this website, and already it's to tell someone not to buy a gun from outside Canada.

You don't want that gun, you want to get age verified, and buy a gun from here.

It is illegal to import an airsoft gun.

And if you aren't 18 and can't get AVed, wait, because you won't be invited to many games anyway.
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Old January 7th, 2011, 01:47   #14
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No point in telling him. He's running a little operation where he imports guns without a lower receiver and puts on clear ones he buys within country.
Then sells them off to kids, he's already been chewed out about this before.

Thats why he asks 'Is it compatable with tm lower receivers' in nearly every thread he makes.

Overall, he beleives he's going to 'Open the gates' for airsoft in canada with his efforts and revolutionize it as a whole. Oh such an amazing 16 year old.

Stop helping this kidiot.

Last edited by Strelok; January 7th, 2011 at 01:54..
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Old January 7th, 2011, 11:25   #15
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Originally Posted by TheGavel View Post
I am somewhat bothered that this will be about my 4th post on this website, and already it's to tell someone not to buy a gun from outside Canada.

You don't want that gun, you want to get age verified, and buy a gun from here.

It is illegal to import an airsoft gun.

And if you aren't 18 and can't get AVed, wait, because you won't be invited to many games anyway.

I wouldn't be selling this gun. It is legal to take across a m4 gun with a tinted receiver. An advanced ruling has been done for this airsoft gun and the TRS # is 239041, ALCS#: 9770-AR-TC, Case number: C0302219. It's kind of funny that every thread I participate in ends up slamming me for CBSA stuff. I mean seriously, all I was asking about is a particular gun. But thanks for your help, you guys are very knowledge about your guns.

One other question: would anyone know where you click to deactivate your asc account? I'm a little tired of getting flamed here, and think I'll leave this community til your flame throwers run out of fuel.
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Last edited by airsoftfreak24; January 7th, 2011 at 11:40..
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