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AEG thoughts.


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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:03   #1
formerly MSDFS
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AEG thoughts.

I want to start off by thanking everyone in the last thread I posted, who cleared up pretty much all the issues I had.
Now comes the real question: 1st AEG.
Now I have been saving my pennies for one for the better part of two years, but things just kept coming up... I was hoping to buy a stock Marui and run that 'cause I really only want to play CQB but as it stands, I will really only have enough for a rather cheap gun, such as a JG or CYMA/Cybergun. I know it isn't recommended, but it's all I can afford now, and will be able to well into the foreseeable future.

I have pretty much decided on some model of MP5. Hopefully something with a full stock for larger batteries. I have held a springer M4 and did not like the feel/functions if it at all. Mp5s still have readily available mags, readily available internal/external upgrades.I know fully that clones are not recommended for first guns as they have reliability issues. I have spend hours, literaly HOURS online on and other sites figuring out how V2s work, and I think that I know enough to install parts that would make it reliable for indoor games, such as installing metal bushings and re-shimming and de-greasing the whole thing. (Common problems with clones from what I hear).

I have a very busy schedule and I cannot go to get Age Verified for a while. For a clone MP5, with batteries/mags etc, what should I expect to pay? I saw a JG MK5 SD5 for 230$ on Chixx airsoft... should I just get that our could I get better value for my money in the classifieds/at the convention?

Sorry for these n00b-ish questions, I just need to know how much money I need to set aside for this.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:06   #2
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99% of the people heres first piece of advice would be to get Age verified. that would be a good start
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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:12   #3
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Originally Posted by mrgruber View Post
99% of the people heres first piece of advice would be to get Age verified. that would be a good start
oh I plan to ASAP. I'm just trying to get that one step ahead.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:18   #4
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Originally Posted by Crunk_Ain't_Dead View Post
oh I plan to ASAP. I'm just trying to get that one step ahead.
Seriosly man, the first step should be getting your AV. Once thats done search the classidfieds. Maybe there will be some deal for you to take advantage of. Don't be in to huge a hurry to buy, great deal do come up.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:49   #5
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Agreed with Eeyore on this.. get AV and you'll be happy with the selection available to you.

As you wait out the time period to get AV you can always go to places that offer rentals. Splatters generally has nooblord you can rent from. You'll get to see test out a few guns at least off him before you decide on something you want. You'll also get to see some guns there too from other people too.

Just remember to show up with ID proving your 18. If you're lucky someone might be there who can AV you too
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Old January 5th, 2011, 22:54   #6
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Originally Posted by Crunk_Ain't_Dead;1381363
I have pretty much decided on some model of MP5. Hopefully something with a full stock for larger batteries. I have held a springer M4 and did not like the feel/functions if it at all. Mp5s still have readily available mags, readily available internal/external upgrades.I know fully that clones are not recommended for first guns as they have reliability issues. [COLOR="Red"
I have spend hours, literaly HOURS online on and other sites figuring out how V2s work, and I think that I know enough to install parts that would make it reliable for indoor games, such as installing metal bushings and re-shimming and de-greasing the whole thing. (Common problems with clones from what I hear). [/COLOR]

I have a very busy schedule and I cannot go to get Age Verified for a while. For a clone MP5, with batteries/mags etc, what should I expect to pay? I saw a JG MK5 SD5 for 230$ on Chixx airsoft... should I just get that our could I get better value for my money in the classifieds/at the convention?
There is a reason we tell people on here to get age verified and that's so people do not circumvent the system they have in place here.

You say you have spent LITERALLY hours on mechbox and have been a member for almost 2 years now but haven't had the time because of your busy schedule,to get age verified? I find that hard to believe.

Sorry if I sound frustrated, but it's late at night, I'm on Nyquil and Team Canada just lost the Gold cup medal game. Arghhhhh!!!

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Old January 5th, 2011, 23:14   #7
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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About Crunk_Ain't_Dead
New to airsoft, Waiting until I am 18 to buy me a nice AEG
Wait more.

If you're really 18, it's takes 5 minutes to be AV'd.

And that counts drinking your coffee and buying the AV'er one.


Last edited by Boyso; January 5th, 2011 at 23:16..
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Old January 6th, 2011, 02:26   #8
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Guys, if he's going to buy at the convention he's probably 18. I can't say for certain but that's probably the case. As for the AV thing, users have lives as well, just like the AV reps have lives. Maybe the schedules conflict (ie. user works graveyard shifts, AV rep works day shifts). For me at least it took about 3 or 4 weeks of going back and forth between me and the AV rep checking our schedules for some time we could both meet up before I could get AV'ed.

TBH, if you're a tinkerer then the Broxa might not be a bad choice but then again something could go terribly wrong and you end up with a paper weight. JG is a step up and compared to when they were a new company it's better. G&G I consider a slight step up from that but again I put it in the same category as JG; low-mid end china clones.

I'm sure if you go to the airsoft convention or whatever that there will be a retailer selling an MP5, and who knows maybe you can get it slightly cheaper, maybe not.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 12:45   #9
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Guys, if he's going to buy at the convention he's probably 18. I can't say for certain but that's probably the case. As for the AV thing, users have lives as well, just like the AV reps have lives. Maybe the schedules conflict (ie. user works graveyard shifts, AV rep works day shifts). For me at least it took about 3 or 4 weeks of going back and forth between me and the AV rep checking our schedules for some time we could both meet up before I could get AV'ed.

TBH, if you're a tinkerer then the Broxa might not be a bad choice but then again something could go terribly wrong and you end up with a paper weight. JG is a step up and compared to when they were a new company it's better. G&G I consider a slight step up from that but again I put it in the same category as JG; low-mid end china clones.

I'm sure if you go to the airsoft convention or whatever that there will be a retailer selling an MP5, and who knows maybe you can get it slightly cheaper, maybe not.
Precisely. I turned 18 about a month ago. I go to school full time and work most weekends. I`ll probably end up going to TTAC3 as it is not too far from me or ill just go to a game that an Aver is at.

I don`t think I`m gonna risk an aftermath, from what i`ve heard they either last a lifetime or 20 minutes.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 13:11   #10
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You don't have to go durring the TTAC3 events if you want. PM Brian and find out his schedule. I went through Brian also and went on an off day for airsoft so you could probably just stop by after school one day. Was a great opportunity to also talk to him about questions I've had about airsoft. He is knowledgeable and is a good guy.

When I went to a TTAC3 event as a newb I picked up so many things about airsoft it was so hard to process all of it at once. The people I met at TTAC are pretty cool and knowledgeable about a lot of guns, gear, and anything under the airsoft category.

If you don't get AV through him there are other West end Toronto AV'ers and I'm sure they will be more than willing enough to help answer some of your questions you've got.
... Just call me Blue ...
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