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Most embrassing thing you have done?



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Old November 16th, 2010, 12:59   #76
Shell Shock
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most embarrassing moment? hmm, well it wasnt really that embarrassing for me, but had it been anyone else..

zombie game Oct 29th i believe. the one at TTAC. any who.. so me an red engi were just starting out, and we made our way down the main hall leading into the hospital (those who weren't there wont understand the layout) when we get flanked by two zombies, needless to say he went left i went right.. about a min later i hear him getting eaten, so i frantically search for the objective when this zombie lunges on me, followed by three more and... a recently zombified red engi, as i fall to the ground i (purposely mind you) start hollering out like a girl. it was a death sequence worthy of a machinima award.. it lasted all of 30 seconds. later in the waiting room people asked us "wheres the girl you were with?" i promptly bust out laughing and raised my hand.. i think i deserve an Academy Award for Best Actor
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Old December 4th, 2010, 13:47   #77
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prolly the most embarrassing thing i did was a grenade mishap training at the farm. One of the guys on our team has a farm that the back half has been converted into an airsoft field, including a nice big 2 story barn turned into a killhouse

well theres a big open stairway in the middle of the barn, up to the 2nd floor, a nice blind spot if you are standing unterneath the stairs where no matter what angle the guys on the 2nd floor cant shoot at you

well being the wonderfully coordinated fellow that i am, lit a grenade and lobbed it up, only to have it bounce off the stair railing and proptly come back down to me for a visit

my buddy and i duck behind a convenient wall, come back and try again....only to have the same thing happen

grenade exploding on the other side of a corrugated metal wall from you......loud
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Old December 4th, 2010, 15:13   #78
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Same field as Scouser... I slid the whole way down those damn wet stairs leading to the second floor. Face first the whole way. Hurt my pride more then my face!
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Old December 5th, 2010, 11:09   #79
Armed Infidel
a.k.a. Bob Sickinger
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it was a family game at the cottage...I had wedged myself between two rocks and had perfect cover on a trail that I figured the "enemy" was going to come down, totally forgot that I had a blind side and that someone could come over the top of the rock and make me a sitting duck...sure enough my son comes flying over the top and totally surprises me and mercy's me from about 10 feet away..well suddenly time kind of stood still as I contemplated trying to beat him to the draw(yes I am that stupid...thats the embarassing part), as our eyes locked you could see the expression on his face was "come on old man just try and beat me to the draw...make my day", well sure enough I tried and got a three round burst in the cheek...still have a bit of a scar.
The Left both ways
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Old December 5th, 2010, 11:43   #80
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For me, it was getting 'captured' in one of the Mil-sim games here in manitoba (Keystone strike 4).

Our Objective was to extract a captured pilot from the enemy forces, and to do so we were sent as a small team to clear out a simulated town to recover him, a good deal of the enemy forces were busy at the 'border' way off.

So, We ended up taking the long route through woods and swamp, ended up getting two bootfulls of swamp water and mucked about that for an hour. After we got to dry land we dried off/dumped our boots and moved on. Eventually we came across the outer edge of the 'town' which was marked by a sniper tower. Being the sniper myself I was to go out, secure it and put it to my own use while the rest of our squad moved on to a flanking position.

So, between me and the tower was a clearing in the woods, about a 100 ft across from the treeline to the tower. Surrounding the tower was a small clearing for a path and more bush.

Being an idiot and not thinking at the time, i simply walked right across the open expanse and as I got to the half way mark, I saw heads bobbing over the bushline and then people, more people, and more people.

Lots of people. They were just moving out as far as I know, so it wasn't long until they saw me and I had like 14 guns in my direction, I simply dropped my weapons and put up my hands (That, and I ripped up my 'map' up since I didn't want to give out any information. After the game, apparently people thought I was trying to eat it.)

I was pat down, guns confiscated and tied up. And inevitably put into the same little box-house thing as the pilot. We got acquainted and mucked about in captivity for a half hour or so, For some reason the enemy untied us but we were guarded pretty well. One guy at the door and others going about the simulated town.

However, there was a window that the pilot could fit through. So the plan was that I boost him and he makes a run for it. I mean, I was just a captured player, if I got shot and called out, I'd just simply walk back to spawn and be able to tell the rest of our squad what happened, i'm not sure what would happen to the pilot if he got shot though.

Now that we were bored, and figured we 'really' didn't have anything to loose so we sprung into action.

Now, the guard was keen enough to look in when we started scrambling for the boost, the pilot and I fumbled and I'm pretty sure my hands went somewhere they shouldn't have, but he stumbled out and made a run for it. For the next few minutes I was held at gunpoint while three other guys made a wild chase for the pilot.

Within the next 15 minutes or so, the pilot and I found ourselves relocated into a more secure building, no windows, doorway literally boarded shut. We were also tied up again. The ties were pretty sloppily done and we got out of them, so with more boredom we decided to annoy the guards. There was no floor to the 'buildings' and lots of little stones, grass, twigs and the like, so we flicked that over the opening of the boarded doorway at where we figured the guards were at.

Just as we started having fun, gunfire rang out, all we could hear were BB's whacking into the outside of the wall and the like. And after a short while we were pulled out of our captivity and got a truck ride back into our safe zone.

Getting captured is embarrassing, but atleast I had figured out a way to make it fun for the while, haha. My buddy continuously rags on me about it.
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Old December 13th, 2010, 20:36   #81
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Most embarrassing moment, as a newbie I get invited to a night game, lots of lights but also lots of shadows on the ground. Theirs 3 of us pinned down behind a bunker (including Barbie) taking fire from a building. I sprint out towards the enemy building and fall into a trench landing on top of my brand new KWA cansoft. Embarrassed I pick myself up and start towards the building again only to fall into another trench 5 feet away! I fell so hard I lost 2 molle pouche that just catapulted into the dark The disappearing act must have worked because I made it to the building. Didn't hurt myself or the M4
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Old December 18th, 2010, 16:53   #82
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SO my very first game ever (last march) playing outdoors, flanked the enemy team threw the town and caught a bunch huddled up at a building, i jump out mercy kill them all then run away, i tried to turn into a doorway but slipped on the ice did the Wiley coyote for a few seconds then went down.
managed to keep my m4 out of the snow and water.

Ref watched the whole thing...
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Old December 20th, 2010, 00:23   #83
I am manly hear me squeek
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Ok i told this story and everyone laughed at me so i guess this is another one

It was my first Airsoft game ever About 5 years ago and it was a 24hr milsim hosted by wolfpack I know bad mistake never do a 24 hr for your first game.......anyhoo the day went great all kinds of fun and kills to be had and those wolves put on a very good game. Night time falls and its completly pitch black and a guy from the opposing team had figured out our number for safe passage through our base and also to avoid gettin lit up by our guys anyway This guy whom ill name later non shelantly walks into our main base passing the number question and begins knife killing our guys one at a time and very quickly. Finnaly word gets out that an enemy is in our base only to have this guy standing 5 feet from me. He looks over give me a nod like hes cool i turn my back and he grabbed me like he was gonna rape me i squeeled like a girl yes i said like a girl it was pitch black and again this was my first game ever and this guy was absolutly fucking huge in comparisin to me. So yes i screamed like a girl at wich time i think i scared him cause he dropped me only to have me light him up from nuts to forehead on full auto wich was not allowed it was semi only at night but i was scared and i immediatly appologized to him all he said was thats ok and went to respawn.

That Man was Claymore if you know him you know what im talking about. Super nice guy but scarry as all hell if he ever grabbed you at night.

Last edited by Spawn28; December 20th, 2010 at 00:26..
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Old December 20th, 2010, 00:57   #84
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Ok i told this story and everyone laughed at me so i guess this is another one

It was my first Airsoft game ever About 5 years ago and it was a 24hr milsim hosted by wolfpack I know bad mistake never do a 24 hr for your first game.......anyhoo the day went great all kinds of fun and kills to be had and those wolves put on a very good game. Night time falls and its completly pitch black and a guy from the opposing team had figured out our number for safe passage through our base and also to avoid gettin lit up by our guys anyway This guy whom ill name later non shelantly walks into our main base passing the number question and begins knife killing our guys one at a time and very quickly. Finnaly word gets out that an enemy is in our base only to have this guy standing 5 feet from me. He looks over give me a nod like hes cool i turn my back and he grabbed me like he was gonna rape me i squeeled like a girl yes i said like a girl it was pitch black and again this was my first game ever and this guy was absolutly fucking huge in comparisin to me. So yes i screamed like a girl at wich time i think i scared him cause he dropped me only to have me light him up from nuts to forehead on full auto wich was not allowed it was semi only at night but i was scared and i immediatly appologized to him all he said was thats ok and went to respawn.

That Man was Claymore if you know him you know what im talking about. Super nice guy but scarry as all hell if he ever grabbed you at night.
LMAO. Nice!
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Old December 20th, 2010, 03:32   #85
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Ok i told this story and everyone laughed at me so i guess this is another one

It was my first Airsoft game ever About 5 years ago and it was a 24hr milsim hosted by wolfpack I know bad mistake never do a 24 hr for your first game.......anyhoo the day went great all kinds of fun and kills to be had and those wolves put on a very good game. Night time falls and its completly pitch black and a guy from the opposing team had figured out our number for safe passage through our base and also to avoid gettin lit up by our guys anyway This guy whom ill name later non shelantly walks into our main base passing the number question and begins knife killing our guys one at a time and very quickly. Finnaly word gets out that an enemy is in our base only to have this guy standing 5 feet from me. He looks over give me a nod like hes cool i turn my back and he grabbed me like he was gonna rape me i squeeled like a girl yes i said like a girl it was pitch black and again this was my first game ever and this guy was absolutly fucking huge in comparisin to me. So yes i screamed like a girl at wich time i think i scared him cause he dropped me only to have me light him up from nuts to forehead on full auto wich was not allowed it was semi only at night but i was scared and i immediatly appologized to him all he said was thats ok and went to respawn.

That Man was Claymore if you know him you know what im talking about. Super nice guy but scarry as all hell if he ever grabbed you at night.
Hahaha...truly epic!!
Classic Army M15A4 - Stock
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Old December 20th, 2010, 09:08   #86
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Ok i told this story and everyone laughed at me so i guess this is another one

It was my first Airsoft game ever About 5 years ago and it was a 24hr milsim hosted by wolfpack I know bad mistake never do a 24 hr for your first game.......anyhoo the day went great all kinds of fun and kills to be had and those wolves put on a very good game. Night time falls and its completly pitch black and a guy from the opposing team had figured out our number for safe passage through our base and also to avoid gettin lit up by our guys anyway This guy whom ill name later non shelantly walks into our main base passing the number question and begins knife killing our guys one at a time and very quickly. Finnaly word gets out that an enemy is in our base only to have this guy standing 5 feet from me. He looks over give me a nod like hes cool i turn my back and he grabbed me like he was gonna rape me i squeeled like a girl yes i said like a girl it was pitch black and again this was my first game ever and this guy was absolutly fucking huge in comparisin to me. So yes i screamed like a girl at wich time i think i scared him cause he dropped me only to have me light him up from nuts to forehead on full auto wich was not allowed it was semi only at night but i was scared and i immediatly appologized to him all he said was thats ok and went to respawn.

That Man was Claymore if you know him you know what im talking about. Super nice guy but scarry as all hell if he ever grabbed you at night.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G thanks for sharing I lol'd so hard at my comp
Retired chairsofter
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Old December 20th, 2010, 13:25   #87
I am manly hear me squeek
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I still get the occasional nightmare from that go figure and it will be remembered till i die im sure of it. And my hats off to Claymore for being such a great sport he didnt even bat an eye when i lit him up i think he realized i was scared shitless he just said no worries and walked back to respawn. Fuckin Amazing game. Same night a member of the group i was with at the time was also Kidnapped from our tent while he slept. Now that would be embarrasing.8)
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Old December 20th, 2010, 15:51   #88
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This one time I was creeping through the bushes when I tripped over some rusty iron girders, broke a mag and was limping for days. The only redeeming facts were that no-one saw and I didn't get tetnis.

An even better one that thankfully didn't happen to me was when we were playing a 'secret agent' game, where we had everybody standing around like retarded camp guards while two 'secret agents' tried to take us all out without getting seen.

Short story: one of the agents was spotted and killed and then his team-mate spotted him on his way to the spawn and lit him up in the nuts.

At 400fps.

From 10 feet away.
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 14:38   #89
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Teammate (Scalpel) and I are taking a knee & facing each other at the very beginning of the game. Enemy (S.W. I think) pops around a corner behind Scalpel's back. My first shot of the game, I attempt a snap-shot, but my adrenaline pulls the trigger before my gun is properly raised. Scalpel takes a 390fps .28 to the eyebrow @ point blank while we both get lit up by the enemy. My BB sticks in Scalpel's face. There are pictures somewhere.
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 15:05   #90
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Originally Posted by Tiptoe View Post
Teammate (Scalpel) and I are taking a knee & facing each other at the very beginning of the game. Enemy (S.W. I think) pops around a corner behind Scalpel's back. My first shot of the game, I attempt a snap-shot, but my adrenaline pulls the trigger before my gun is properly raised. Scalpel takes a 390fps .28 to the eyebrow @ point blank while we both get lit up by the enemy. My BB sticks in Scalpel's face. There are pictures somewhere.
No more guns for you. Haha, would have been wicked though...YouTube - Aimbot
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