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Vsr-10 Upgrade Upgrade Path


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Old December 8th, 2010, 16:40   #1
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Vsr-10 Upgrade Upgrade Path

So, anyways... Since my trigger mech on my bar-10 broke, and I bought a vsr-10, it would appear I can run my twist barrel project in parallel with a standard laylax-type upgrade path, so I just want to make sure I have everything down.

Noobie's M-trigger/V-trigger (If I can't get a hold of an m-trig)
170SP spring *
Nineball bucking *
EDGI 6.01 435mm barrel *
Polarstar 90 piston
Polar Star spring guide
Stock cylinder head with taper/velocity stack mod *
Polar star barrel spacers *

* = what I've already bought/is on its way/mod'd
Thanks guys!


I guess I'll need a new cylinder/cylinder head for the 170sp

Last edited by krap101; December 25th, 2010 at 22:57..
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Old December 8th, 2010, 19:47   #2
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I don't know about polar star brand, never heard of it.

But you really should stay with a single brand, especially for BA rifles. They are making theirs parts to be compatible with each other. It might be minime, but 0.010" will change everything in terms of precision and accuracy (talking repeatability here).

If you go PDI, stay PDI all the way.
If you go Laylax/Prometheus/Nineball (all the same company), again stay with them.

I had bad experience with PDI but that is not the general opinion. They are known for extreme high performance and endurance.
I am building a VSR-10 this winter for next summer, using exclusively Laylax parts except for the barrels (inner and outer will be PDI 6.04x10mm and lightweight pro lenght outer).

You NEED an new spring guide and piston with a 170% spring. The guide because stock is 7mm and that spring requires a 9mm and the piston because with a 17% you will hit close to 500FPS and the stock one won't even last a single shot.
At that point you really should order a Laylax Zero trigger set (comes with piston and trigger) and install that. The whole set cost the same as just a v-trigger and is way lighter to pull. The v-trigger would be better for 600-700fps setups where the difference in design is needed.
The stock cylinder head is ok as is the stock cylinder, but you should check PDI's new Raven kit. It is a direct drop replacement for stock parts and should be compatible with Laylax upgrades (The normal PDI kit is only compatible with PDI pistons).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 9th, 2010, 13:38   #3
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Well, the polar star piston is better than the laylax high pressure piston, and if I bought the z-trig, I would be out around 210, whereas the v-trig is around 150 or so. Brand of barrel spacers shouldn't affect compatibility, and I just decided to go with the polar star spring guide since I was already getting the piston.

Also, I believe every part except the trigger, that can be, will be polar star except the cylinder head. Spring brand shouldn't matter compatibility-wise as long as the diameters are correct, bucking shouldn't affect compatibility, but I can always switch to firefly... uhh.. barrel should be fine... (btw, I think you might have missed my spring guide :P)

Honestly, the m-trigger is what I'm hoping for, and will probably wait until he produces another batch. I'd prefer the z-trig over the v-trig, but I can't seem to find one without the piston.

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Old December 9th, 2010, 22:12   #4
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I seen your spring guide and searched for PolarStar parts.

They look ok, but you will still need a 9mm spring guide for that spring. The one PolarStar makes is 7mm and replaces stock one.

The variance in cylinder is enough to cause issue. As you said, diameter is what counts. There is a significant enough difference with PDI cylinders to cause issues with Laylax pistons (first hand exp.)

I also think that there is some cross pins on the stock TM cylinder so you would need to replace the cylinder to keep a decent compression. If you have a clone, the metal they use is so cheap that is warps for no reason (I got one and I will order a new cylinder or it before anything else).
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Old December 13th, 2010, 22:16   #5
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Noobies stuff is second to none. I have his TDC and TF hopup stuff... it's first class. I am also switching my v-trigger to noobies m-trigger when he makes some more.

He recommends the Polarstar products and after researching them I would have to agree. The piston design is rather interesting b/c it uses an APS style cup instead of the standard o-ring. The 2x delrin guides, sililar to the Laylax piston, keep the piston centered.

As for your spring and spring guide... Laylax does, or atleast did, make the SP170 for use on both 7mm and 9mm spring guides... just make sure what you have before you order.

There is somethign to be said for keeping brands together... but I think you'll find that the more advanced modders on the scene don't hold that as true as it once may have been.

Basically, the guys on ASR are pretty extreme when it comes to their rifles. I've done just about everything mentioned on that site at one time or another and its a pretty good bank of information. You'll just have to take a leap and try it!

Good luck and if you want to bounce some ideas back and forth.. send me a PM.

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Old December 21st, 2010, 08:08   #6
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Tiny update.

I have received the adapter for the 90 degree for the polarstar piston, the 435mm edgi barrel and a nineball bucking. I also changed my mind and ended up going with the zero trigger. One problem though is it got shipped to my dorm, so hopefully they will be reshipping it back to me, or else I'll have to wait until like jan 15, and I won't be able to do any real testing, since guns on campus=nono
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Old December 21st, 2010, 08:25   #7
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I have been hunting for the polarstar 90deg piston for awhile... you say you got an adapter? I imagine its just the end of the piston that screws off and is replaced buy what you got. Question is, where did you get the 90deg adapter from?
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Old December 21st, 2010, 20:49   #8
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If you have a polar star piston, they'll sell you the adapter for 20$. Currently no other sellers are selling the P* 90 piston or adapter.
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 12:02   #9
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So, I've received my zero trigger and everything else I thought I'd need, but I've hit another hiccup. When I try to fire it with the 170sp, the cylinder head shoots out, so I'm wondering whether this is a cylinder head problem, a cylinder problem, or both?

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Old December 24th, 2010, 16:37   #10
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Could have been one or the other, but now that it shot out, replace both.

PDI Raven kit works with other brands (vs their regular ones which have issues with other brands of pistons)
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Old December 24th, 2010, 20:04   #11
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Well I have another cylinder/cylinderhead with my twist setup, but I don't want to break both... Since I bought zero trigger (which comes with a piston), I think it'd be best to get the laylax teflon cylinder, unless the pdi one is better?
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Old December 25th, 2010, 10:56   #12
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I haven't tried the new Raven one. Apparently it would be "better" but the Teflon one is really good.

The main argument for me is that it does not cost 100$... and it comes with a very decent cylinder head (tapered/funneled with a dampening o-ring that is finally placed properly)
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Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 25th, 2010, 22:56   #13
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Oh, that is definitely a plus for me as well. I was expecting to pay 125$ + 30$ for the cylinder head + shipping, but I guess I'll have to wait for redwolf to get them back in stock
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Old December 26th, 2010, 11:03   #14
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You can order directly on, the official web site.
It is cheaper than any other retailler for PDI parts.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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