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Old December 3rd, 2010, 17:37   #16
a.k.a. Palucol
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Meh, save yourself the headache with this:
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 17:53   #17
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Last edited by r3npogi; December 4th, 2010 at 17:01..
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 17:54   #18
a.k.a. Palucol
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I dont really care, I got a G&P gbbr...
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 21:41   #19
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Illusion has mentioned the phase change issue which is the main problem of filling a mag with HPa - lack of shot capacity. The 12g CO2 cartridges used with CO2 GBBR mags do hold liquid CO2. Liquid CO2 has a density of 0.77g/mL at a pressure of about 800psi (~56atm). At this density, 12g relates to about 15.6mL of liquid phase CO2 which I find consistent with the small size of 12g cartridges which have an external volume somewhere around 20mL (cross section area x length). If your curious:

The other issue is being able to swap mags. GBBRs typically get their gas from their removable mags so you find yourself either modding mags with hicap mechanisms and running gas into the mag body a la and having a rifle which is pretty much married to it's single mag. Alternatively you could swap mags and deal with having to moving around a QD fitting with each mag change to conduct gas through each mag which also is rather stinky.

Perhaps a neater solution would be to modify a mag by cutting off some of the top portion, including the fire valve and upper features which relate to mating the top of the mag with the nozzle pneumatics. Permanently mount that stub mag into the receiver and modify a pile of mags to be received which do not have the pneumatics stub that you permanently mounted in the rec'r. It'd take a pile of work, but you'd have a rifle that you could swap mags and run HPa without moving connectors around.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old December 8th, 2010, 16:27   #20
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A bit late, but here's the polarstar hpa gun shooting

YouTube - PolarStar Gen 1 - In action
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Old December 11th, 2010, 14:58   #21
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
HPA tanks hold about.... 4,500psi. Hope you're wearing body armor when you try to fill that bad boy up. LOL
HPA are being used to rig the magazine and not being use as air charger numbnuts besides you will never find a regulator that can output that pressure.

Secondly, these 12g powerlets are NOT in a liquid state as you might be so inclined to believe.
you really are in illusion state aren't you?

It is still in a gaseous state. In order for CO2 to form in to its liquid state, you would need immense atmospheric pressure to cause the phase change. It is not just temperature that would cause it to change phases, like liquid>gas propane. Specifically, it must be at 5.2 atmospheres or higher. That kind of pressure would crush you like a tiny ant.
if powerlets are in pure vapor state that just means they already run out of its liquid form, you will only get about a shot or two max it will not cycle the bolt and it will release the remaining air inside the capsule. this is the hissing sound you'll hear when you run out of gas.

co2 in powerlets are partly liquid until you puncture the capsule and some of its liquid expands into vapor and goes to expansion chamber, then the pressure will equalize between the mags and the powerlet (850psi in 20 degrees C) most of the liquids are still in the powerlet but there are already co2 gas in it as well; most of its gas co2 is in the chamber.

For example, first shot would expel at 4,500 psi. Second shot, would have maybe 500psi left. And the final shot might have 10psi. If even that. More likely, all pressure would be expelled by 1 or 2 shots.
i guess you're kidding right? as this is just plain stupid, not even air rifle can achieve this output pressure, they are regulated air meaning there is a regulator that controls the air output on each shot. 600-850 psi. this are paintball tanks

ive been using co2 mags and iv got plenty of them, a single capsule will give you about 120 single shots in summer where gas mags with propane only gives you 90 shots max. they are both allergic to low temperature.

im using HPA rig as well with modified co2 magazine that im running at 650-700 psi, im not wearing any body armour. will post video soon.
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Old December 11th, 2010, 15:31   #22
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PolarStar Airsoft ... man I've been waiting for the guy to complete that for the past two years
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Old December 11th, 2010, 15:32   #23
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
PolarStar Airsoft ... man I've been waiting for the guy to complete that for the past two years
:P there's finally a working prototype
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Old December 12th, 2010, 08:55   #24
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
HPA are being used to rig the magazine and not being use as air charger numbnuts besides you will never find a regulator that can output that pressure.
He specifically asked "could you theoretically fill up GBBR mags with HPA", numbnuts. Get your reading comprehension skills updated.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
you really are in illusion state aren't you?
Yes, I am. I stand corrected. The powerlets carry liquid, as proven by MadMax. I'd incorrectly assumed there was no liquid, as you can't hear swishing as you would with a propane tank.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
i guess you're kidding right? as this is just plain stupid, not even air rifle can achieve this output pressure, they are regulated air meaning there is a regulator that controls the air output on each shot. 600-850 psi. this are paintball tanks
No, I'm not kidding. But I'm not serious, either. It was theoretical regarding the original question, of "IF" you could get pure HPA in to the small confines of a GBBR magazine. I KNOW there isn't a regulator that controls the air output in a GBBR magazine, and that there are in-line regulars assembled with external rigs. I also know that guns can't handle that kind of output pressure - I clearly stated all this in the rest of my response, if you'd cared at all to read it in whole, rather than picking out specific parts taken out of context.

Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
im using HPA rig as well with modified co2 magazine that im running at 650-700 psi, im not wearing any body armour. will post video soon.
Good for you. I never said you needed body armour to use HPA with a CO2 mag. My response was to the ORIGINAL question that I quoted, which was asking if HPA could be put in to GBBR magazines. I had assumed that the poster was referring to regular propane magazines.

Last edited by ILLusion; December 12th, 2010 at 09:05..
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Old December 12th, 2010, 09:32   #25
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Man... All they need to do is make a V3 HPA kit (and maybe add some sort of blow back mechanism), then I'm sold. Otherwise I'm probably going to see if I can get my hands on a DaytonaGun. Man.... too many options and I'm still making my ACAD dwg assembly and details for the thing that i have to custom fab.....
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old December 16th, 2010, 13:02   #26
Shell Shock
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Do want a V3! man, that would be nice.. or a v6 XP meh only time will see if it expands

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Old December 17th, 2010, 17:26   #27
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that dude really has done it.

this is friggin awesome!!

YouTube - WE M4 HPA System GBBR CQBR

i really want one!
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Old December 17th, 2010, 19:06   #28
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
that dude really has done it.

this is friggin awesome!!

YouTube - WE M4 HPA System GBBR CQBR

i really want one!
thing is the bolt does not lock back....
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Old December 18th, 2010, 06:58   #29
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
thing is the bolt does not lock back....
why the hell would you want the bolt to lock up? you don't need this during skirmish. he got 850rounds capacity more than 28x worth of magazines.

just use the normal gas mags or co2 mags if you want bolt lock but Iv seen his rig in the field, sure im one of those people that duck my head everytime he fires it up.

the sound is just amazing, pure thunder.
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Old December 18th, 2010, 14:41   #30
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
why the hell would you want the bolt to lock up? you don't need this during skirmish. he got 850rounds capacity more than 28x worth of magazines.

just use the normal gas mags or co2 mags if you want bolt lock but Iv seen his rig in the field, sure im one of those people that duck my head everytime he fires it up.

the sound is just amazing, pure thunder.
That thing is a mixture of cool and gay.

Running around with 800+ rounds in one clip is dumb. Just like high caps are dumb. They ruin everything cool about airsoft. Yeah, yeah, it's cool that he now has a consistent(?) gun but that kind of ammo capacity takes away from realism of it. Now, if there was something that went directly into the gun and utilized the regular mags, I'd be down. I would get that.

The cost of being legit is high
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