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Inquiry: Small-sized Gear


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Old November 14th, 2010, 15:22   #1
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Inquiry: Small-sized Gear

Alright so, I've spent the good part of two or three months now looking for gear that'll fit.

I'm female, and 5'3". Now, you see. I've read the post about finding gear for someone's girlfriend, and its mass amount of pages, and while that's all fine and dandy; none of it would fit.

I'm 5'3" and roughly 100-105lbs.

You can imagine that my torso and waist are very tiny as are my shoulders.

Currently, as is, I'm sporting my boyfriends vest, which is too wide in the shoulders, and therefore doesn't allow me to shoulder my weapon properly.

Required Qualities:
- Woodland
- Vest has to be plated where possible, and has to cover the chest (QQ no tactical corsets please :P)
- Torso (girth) able to be tightened.
- Shirt and/or vest needs room for name tag (preferably velcro)

I was looking at something more like this:
Although not plated, it seems to have the adjustments required and would seem to fit a smaller size. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 15:27   #2
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Check for asian sizing. They run smaller than American sizes.

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Old November 14th, 2010, 15:33   #3
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Check for asian sizing. They run smaller than American sizes.
I have been, and what happens is usually you end up with huge shipping costs.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:03   #4
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When you say it needs to be plated, do you mean it should be able to take ballistic plate inserts? Because the vest you linked can't do that. Tactical Tailor MAV's and Mini MAV's are adjustable down to 5 year old sizes, but they also can't take a plate.

This is a good compromise, it will adjust down to a very small size and can hold a plate.

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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:11   #5
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
When you say it needs to be plated, do you mean it should be able to take ballistic plate inserts? Because the vest you linked can't do that. Tactical Tailor MAV's and Mini MAV's are adjustable down to 5 year old sizes, but they also can't take a plate.

This is a good compromise, it will adjust down to a very small size and can hold a plate.
Plate inserts would be preferred, but I can also handle them not being plated (Don't need plating if its got enough pouches and shit on it that it won't hit you anyway :P). I know the vest I linked doesn't have the plating (it says so just under the link in my post).

The vest you linked seemed too basic for what I'd like, although if the retailer's MAVs fit like you say they do, I appreciate the link anyway, and I'll definitely take a look.

Has anyone seen any small-fitted pants or shirts? Currently that's my priority over vests.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:30   #6
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Although the TT Mav is adjustable to a fairly small size I dont think its going to fit your frame properly. It has 18 pals channels , with the buckle it will be sinched all the way down its still around 30".
The mini mav would be a better choice as it still gives you 8 channels (4 double mag pouches) and around half the size of a regular mav.
TT's plate carrier adjusted down all the way should be around 22" around , height may be a bigger issue with plate carriers.
Some other options would be some of the mayflower hybrid chestrigs.
Clothing wise , looks like your in the xss (extra small short) category of sizing. Check out some of your local surplus or tac gear stores to see if they have any. If not you could order from some of the tac gear places across canada.

Last edited by lupo; November 14th, 2010 at 16:35..
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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:34   #7
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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:41   #8
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Lol..... There's a saying. There's only 2 sizes in the military too big or too small. In your case I'd try finding something that the military has thats in the "too small" category.

Also why does it have to be plated? Are you planning on putting real plates in there? I've carried a vest with real plates in it and I'll tell you it's not that cool to carry for even 20 feet so I assume it wouldn't be cool to carry it for a few hours. But it's probably a good workout though. Or are you planning on putting "foam plates" into it?

Also +1 for asian sizing and I'm actually surprised you haven't found a place that offers free shipping. I mean at $60 USD for a set of BDU's from China that seems pretty reasonable for me considering shipping, and it also being new (quality on the other hand is a bit meh....).

I'll vouch for AirsoftPark being an awesome place to get stuff (service and support wise, quality wise it's standard china clone stuff (in this case "Singapore clone" stuff)): Obviously from the provided measurements waist size will be a problem (32") but hopefully if you're a 29" waist or so then it's probably fine. In fact when I was "in between" waist sizes when I was younger (I was 29.5" at the time IIRC) I had to buy 32" jeans and just wear a belt.

As for the velcro patch, if you're skilled in sewing at all (or know someone that is) then it's just a matter of getting a nametape locally with the velcro backing. Although you may want to use a "size 16" needle (or possibly a "leather needle") if you're planning on doing this on a vest depending on the material of the vest.

PS: If you're scared of getting hit (which it seems why you want plates and to be as covered as possible) then don't. The BB will lose a lot of velocity from initially hitting the fabric of your BDU's and as such doesn't actually hurt that much. Uncovered areas on the other hand (ie. if you're wearing just a t-shirt or tight fitting polypropylene shirt) will hurt more.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 18:13   #9
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IF you have trouble finding a vest that you like and that will fit, another option is to purchase a PACA Lowvis and a vest instead of a plate carrier...

It will be much lighter on your shoulders, and paca's are made to quite small sizes and will go under your vest offsetting a too largely sized vest while giving you some comfort from hits still!
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Old November 14th, 2010, 19:24   #10
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I hate to say it but your last resort may just be to rely on wallyworld wanna be woodland printed products to fit you properly. I'm 5'7 and wear smalls (US/Canadian) - Try a few surpluss stores, or try kid sections. Another female on our teams (colin_s wife, maggie) is super teeny tiny, I think thats where she ended up finding her bdu's at. Otherwise get smalls, roll or tuck the cuffs, wear a belt or have them altered. It's pretty easy to take the seams in on jackets, I did that to my multicam set - good luck!
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Old November 14th, 2010, 19:26   #11
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Keep in mind that plate carriers and plates cause an issue which is much more painful then getting hit with a BB:
Its a major problem. I wear soft armor with work and even that does damage on the chest area, the women I work with report it as being worse for them. I started using a compression shirt and that helped significantly. Plates are worse then soft armor.

A soft armor carrier with foam inserts and then some sort of Molle rig over that would probably work well. Add a little bulk and protection.

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Old November 14th, 2010, 19:46   #12
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A PACA could be an idea, but you'd need to get the smaller "real" PACA and cut now fake soft armor from a foam mattress... I'm about 5'5'' and my repro PACA (I believe it would be a M) is pretty much the smaller I could make it. I'm ok with it, but anyone shorter than me wouldn't be comfortable with it.

Wearing a PACA with one of the micro rigs on the market could probably do it.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 22:53   #13
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i would say a small chest rig mabey or a battle belt/suspenders.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 23:05   #14
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A shameless plug, but I do have a size small replica CIRAS for sale in the classifieds/

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Old November 15th, 2010, 01:31   #15
Short Round
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I am 5'5 and am skinny I suggest you go with a Condor Chest Panel ( if you are looking at a chest rig.

I myself am looking at getting one as my current vest is getting quite heavy to carry around and I want something light and more maneuverable.

My current vest is a Condor Compact Plate Carrier which had to be modded alittle in order to fit my skinny stature Even then though it is a pain to carry around.

I did however use this following vest ( for my first game and with alittle adjustment to the vest it fit like a charm. If you want a vest over a chest rig I suggest this. This vest I used was actually a friend's of mine who let his GF use. She is pretty much the same build as you, maybe smaller, so I know forsure it will fit you with the propper adjustments.

Might I suggest you get in contact with the user Barbie. She is probably a wiz when it comes to tac gear for women, and could recommend the best option to you.
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