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BBs supplied by the field



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Old October 27th, 2010, 17:02   #16
Short Round
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I don't know how many players including myself that have come to a game bb-less hoping for a supplier to be there. This will atleast ensure that BB's will "hopefully" always be avaliable at the game.

Its your field's so your rules, if you can't deal with them beat it. Atleast that is my opinion.

And even if we have extras at the end of the day, I am sure we could all use the extras for plinking around at home or at other games.

As long as they are Bastards I will not complain.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 17:43   #17
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Adrenaline currently has a field bb only policy as well. They provide bastards and biovals in differing weights and amounts.
I understand the desire to use bio bb's outdoors, the reclamation fees for removing 'unwanted' plastic from land is incredibly expensive. The insurance policy carried by paintball fields demands that bio-degradable product must be used, I can imagine that the same will hold true for insurance for an airsoft field.
Continuing with paintball as an analogy, almost every paintball field has a 'byop' (bring your own paint) policy; you can bring your own paint, BUT is has to be a certain fill colour and the field has paint available to purchase if needed. This is pretty much exactly what you seem to be setting up; bring your own, buy it from you, doesn't matter as long as the bb's are bio-bastards.
A suggestion for bb's purchased off-site; have them arrive at the field with the bag still sealed. That ensures that the bb's are in fact bastards and of the weight described on the packaging.
I know that some will complain; they want to pre-load their bb's, the have a massive personal stock of non-bio bb's... at the end of the day, you have to do what makes sense for your business.
I fully endorse the idea and look forward to getting to Toronto to shoot.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 17:47   #18
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I have no issues with the policy of Field Supplied BB's as you have outlined. Here are some of my additional thoughts:

I exclusively use BB Bastard BB's for my gaming and I shoot enough BB's such that I am in constant need to refresh my inventory. I also play at enough non-TTAC3 / FTF venues so that any unused Field Supplied BB's could be put to use anyways. Therefore this policy would have no significant change in my case and would actually help in my BB purchases.

Like Maddog, I arrive at the field fully loaded and ready to go. Having said that I see enough players aren't necessarily in the same state of preparation so generally I have to wait for them anyways. To prevent this situation from imposing a huge delay to the start of a game I would arrive a bit earlier to schedule in the BB loading I would have to do at the field or TTAC3. If we all followed that approach we would be ok.

In my opinion Brian puts on some of the best airsoft events in our city and I am lucky enough to be able to participate in them. Therefore I am very supportive of any policies that will continue to encourage and help Brian continue to do his hosting.

Last edited by deltaop1; October 27th, 2010 at 17:50..
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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:26   #19
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I'm not interested in storing people's bbs , and don't have the room to anyway.

If you walk out with half a bag at the end of the night .. big deal.. we are talking $5 here
You know what I realize I was being retarded. We're not talking about a bottle of single malt scotch or a case of $60 paint here it's $5 and no big deal. What's that? Like a Large coffee and a bagel from Timmies? You can always plink at home and use those BB's at other venues since other places have bring your own BB policies anyways.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:34   #20
Short Round
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
You can always plink at home and use those BB's at other venues since other places have bring your own BB policies anyways.
hey that's what I said, however great minds do think alike so

If no one wants to keep the remains of their left over bbs after games, I know a lot of people who will take free bastards.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:37   #21
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plus why wouldnt you want to use good quality BB's? now you wont have to go to retailers everytime you run out. Just purchase on field and your good to go, if you run out on the field buy more or borrow from a friend that day. heck you could always have people come as a pair and make them pay 5$ and share a bag to if they had a buddy they were running with.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:49   #22
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Just thinking out loud, but maybe you could have custom made .2 bioBBs from BBB?

As if you're ordering a bunch for all games in the year, have the BBs colored, like it was said on the first page. If it's light blue, and you're the only field owner requiring light blue BBs, people can walk away with your BBs and as you know only .2 bioBBs are light blue, you don't have to worry. Do a mag check at the chrono, and if you see a white BB, you know who's cheating.


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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:51   #23
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by LastSpartan View Post
Just thinking out loud, but maybe you could have custom made .2 bioBBs from BBB?

As if you're ordering a bunch for all games in the year, have the BBs colored, like it was said on the first page. If it's light blue, and you're the only field owner requiring light blue BBs, people can walk away with your BBs and as you know only .2 bioBBs are light blue, you don't have to worry. Do a mag check at the chrono, and if you see a white BB, you know who's cheating.
I'm looking into the feasibility of this.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 18:52   #24
aka coachster
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most of Brian's games are ammo capped anyway, so it's not like it takes forever to load 300 odd rounds depending on the scenario. even 500 rounds doesn't take all that long.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 19:35   #25
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
hey that's what I said, however great minds do think alike so

If no one wants to keep the remains of their left over bbs after games, I know a lot of people who will take free bastards.

No one uses .20's for anything but chronying these days tho, not disagreeing with the concept just pointing that out.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 20:30   #26
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Bios are available up to .28 weight.. so only those that prefer .3 ( like I do) would be SOL

Snipers shoot so few rounds that they are insignificant.

I'm not interested in storing people's bbs , and don't have the room to anyway.
glad to see more interest in the bios. im not pushing bb's on to anyone im just putting information out there, but bio val bb's come in .30 i am just letting it be known i buy eco basters and bio val, personally i can't tell a difference. yes i do represent a business they sponsor the team i am on but that business sells both products basters and bio val , and i like them both. as i said just putting it out there. although i have talked to other people who like the eco basters better then bio val, comes down to what you like best.

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Old October 27th, 2010, 20:32   #27
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I've heard (and don't know if it's true or not as I personally have never used them) that bio bb's tend to break apart inside guns and jam things up and that's why alot of people tend not to use them if they're bastards or other brands! Apparently very brittle due to materials used in manufacturing!
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Old October 27th, 2010, 20:41   #28
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Originally Posted by PugsleyAdams View Post
I've heard (and don't know if it's true or not as I personally have never used them) that bio bb's tend to break apart inside guns and jam things up and that's why alot of people tend not to use them if they're bastards or other brands! Apparently very brittle due to materials used in manufacturing!
Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post

Any bio/ECO product has a hard time matching the performance of styrene or silica. We're getting there though, the ECO product available today is lightyears better than the original formulas.
I cannot talk to them jamming guns (it has never happened to me) but they do not fly as straight and true as regular BB's due to the manufacturing process and material used. That is why I prefer the regular Bastard .30's. Except for the Glasstards (Silica) which have there own controversies hence the reason I switched to .30's

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Last edited by MADDOG; October 27th, 2010 at 23:32..
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Old October 27th, 2010, 20:43   #29
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Pugsley, I can vouch for the quality of today's bio bb's. I've shot bastards and biovals against a concrete wall with little breakage, which you'd better expect when shooting 60 feet into a concrete wall :P
10 years ago (heck maybe even 5 years ago) bios did suck donkey nuts... but look at it this way, with the quality bb's that bb basterd provides, and the popularity of those bb's with players, why would he offer a bio bb if it wasn't up to the standard of the rest of his line?
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Old October 27th, 2010, 20:45   #30
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Originally Posted by PugsleyAdams View Post
I've heard (and don't know if it's true or not as I personally have never used them) that bio bb's tend to break apart inside guns and jam things up and that's why alot of people tend not to use them if they're bastards or other brands! Apparently very brittle due to materials used in manufacturing!
well from what i have read and been told when bios first came out that was the case, i know from shooting both products i mentioned in my previous post this does not happen. I shoot a vfc scar H tight bore done up all pretty and not one jam or break in the hop up or before leaving the gun. yes they do break if shot close at a hard surface this is true for both brands cuz i have done it, BBB have done there home work and make a great product.
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