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compatibility with receivers


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Old October 21st, 2010, 21:48   #1
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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Location: Southern Manitoba
compatibility with receivers

I'm a noobie with a question for the elite die hard airsofters here. I possess 4 M4 tinted lower receivers (1 Kwa, 1 Src, 2 G&G), and I was wondering if there are any M4s out there besides ICS and Systema that these receivers wouldn't be compatible with?

I apologize if there is something in this post that is against "house rules", as I did not mean to offend anyone.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 22:14   #2
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Lol, trying to slap them on guns you baught in the states to bring them back over?
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Old October 21st, 2010, 22:32   #3
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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haha, man I feel stupid....I thought I was the only one who had thought of it. Well, let's just say I love eBay.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 22:37   #4
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mmm illegal much
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Old October 21st, 2010, 22:56   #5
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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I may be a noob, but I've done my research. This is not illegal, though it does add a $55 price tag to the gun. Tell me exactly what part is illegal?
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:11   #6
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We should probably just remain quite and let the CBSA tell you that when you try to bring them back, enjoy.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:23   #7
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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Location: Southern Manitoba
Or maybe, I've already done it with the full knowledge of CBSA? The guy stopped me, and told me I couldn't. But I was determined to prove him wrong, so I obtained his email address, and with the help of Ken (007 airsoft) proved him wrong. so I proceed to buy a JG G36c off eBay for $61 + $18 shipping + $55 for a tinted receiver, and you've got yourself a perfectly LEGAL Canadian airsoft gun . You can say it won't work, but I can say it did
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:31   #8
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The things kids do to have their way.

Have fun.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:32   #9
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
Or maybe, I've already done it with the full knowledge of CBSA? The guy stopped me, and told me I couldn't. But I was determined to prove him wrong, so I obtained his email address, and with the help of Ken (007 airsoft) proved him wrong. so I proceed to buy a JG G36c off eBay for $61 + $18 shipping + $55 for a tinted receiver, and you've got yourself a perfectly LEGAL Canadian airsoft gun . You can say it won't work, but I can say it did

So.... congratulations?
In the grand scheme of things you're still just a kid trying to circumvent a system thats been put in place to protect those of us willing to support Canadian retailers and working towards making airsoft more recognized and accepted in the mainstream.

Also, you realize you go lucky right?

I should probably stop, 99% of the people on here whom aren't age verified hold degrees in Law, Political Science, Theoretical Physics and Witch Craft. They are all knowing in the ways of airsoft and we who've been playing by the rules are just blind to their ways of superiority.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:35   #10
Assault Pioneer
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer View Post
I should probably stop, 99% of the people on here whom aren't age verified hold degrees in Law, Political Science, Theoretical Physics and Witch Craft. They are all knowing in the ways of airsoft and we who've been playing by the rules are just blind to their ways of superiority.
buhahahahahahahhahahahaha! ya I think you should, they're also 1337 sN1purs and will track you down and "no scope" you from 8 miles if you continue to tell them what they don't want to hear
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:37   #11
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only kididiot and criminals will do anything to get what they want. and this just proves that.

Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
Or maybe, I've already done it with the full knowledge of CBSA? The guy stopped me, and told me I couldn't. But I was determined to prove him wrong, so I obtained his email address, and with the help of Ken (007 airsoft) proved him wrong. so I proceed to buy a JG G36c off eBay for $61 + $18 shipping + $55 for a tinted receiver, and you've got yourself a perfectly LEGAL Canadian airsoft gun . You can say it won't work, but I can say it did
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:48   #12
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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whoops, did I just hear a little bit of respect there? Anyway, if you want to invest hundreds of hours of research on how you get your guns across (like I did), that's up to you. Chances are you don't have as much time as I do, so you're best off going through the classifieds.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:52   #13
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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Excuse me, but how is it a criminal offence when you tell CBSA everything? ...back to the original tread, anyone know of any M4 models that aren't compatible with the 3 brands I listed?
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Old October 21st, 2010, 23:52   #14
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
whoops, did I just hear a little bit of respect there? Anyway, if you want to invest hundreds of hours of research on how you get your guns across (like I did), that's up to you. Chances are you don't have as much time as I do, so you're best off going through the classifieds.
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Old October 22nd, 2010, 00:17   #15
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Hundreds of hours wasted on researching when I met up with a guy, had a coffee with him and chatted for a few hours to get age verified.

Day later I got access to the classifieds and got a couple guns. Easy shit, nothin' clear here and I have a massive selection available to me.

I'm also saving from paying duties and multiple other things. Hell, i'm even supporting a very successful system and the awesome people that bring guns in for us.

Oh! Also, I'm not limited to whatever 'clear receiver' is out there for you to fuck around with. I can get anything I want, whenever I want. Go ahead and try that. I'd love to see your results, i'm sure your hundreds of hours of research makes you capable of doing that, too.

Gee I sure wish I wasted hundreds of hours researching on how to smuggle guns in.

Last edited by Strelok; October 22nd, 2010 at 00:20..
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