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Beware of Big Shark



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Old September 20th, 2010, 20:34   #1
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Exclamation Beware of Big Shark

Well it's my first post even thought I've been a member for a while now. Mainly since I've been waiting to turn 18 which happened back in June but heres my story.

I began my airsoft adventures with a little shop I found that goes by the name "Big Shark". I bought an TSD L86 to plink around in the back yard which went fine, I received the item was taught how to use and maintain it properly and safely. Some time later I went back and found another person that I hadn't dealt with before, the shop owner, he seemed nice and we got along well so after buying a glock to start up my collection for future play I went ahead and ordered a VFC SCAR-H through him for a pretty penny which I also received without issues. At the same time I ordered the SCAR I had given him a list of items I'd like (vests, boots, magpuls, etc). He told me in two week's I'd have it, two weeks comes and goes. I received no tracking number or receipt or anything to that effect. He claims he ordered it from airsoft club and that he bunched the order with others to save on shipping. A month passes, nothing at all, another month and so on until now. It has been 6 months since I ordered with him and have yet to see a single trace that the order had even existed. He now claims that the order was shipped back to china due to an issue at customs with duties...

Beware of this shady shop and it's owner Peter Ho. I'm still trying to get a hold of him to get my money back for what was seemingly never ordered, I hope it's resolved soon and without issue. I believe the store moved recently from Splendid China Tower to Pacific Mall. I'll update the thread as things unfold.

I suppose this is also my intro thread but it's the wrong seciton so I'll keep it brief, the names Paul. Turned 18 in June this year, still own the L86 and SCAR-h and Glock but with no other gear games are very difficult to get through, I look forward to meeting you in games!
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Old September 20th, 2010, 21:29   #2
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Quick update, I finally got through to him via phone and he claims not to be dicking me around however we spoke frankly and by Friday he'll see what he can do to return those items to airsoft club and the week after I'll hopefully be refunded but shipping costs are non refundable so I'll take a hit there but thats it, regardless of the situation I simply wish to remove my funds from the large order he placed. Even if he refunds me out of his pocket he'll get the items eventually if he's not BSing and resell them for profit no doubt. Will post again this Friday...
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Old September 20th, 2010, 22:04   #3
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Big Shark is not an ASC retailer.

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Old September 20th, 2010, 22:53   #4
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Big Shark is not an ASC retailer.
I realize this, it's simply a warning as it's an up and coming retailer that according to the owner plans to exams and may in the future become one, all this is is a warning to any potential customers.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 23:17   #5
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This is... a review, at best? The retailer resolution center, as the name implies, is to resolve issues with ASC retailers. (and only ASC retailers. ASC does not have any leverage on non ASC retailers)

Moving to the Retailer Review section
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Old September 21st, 2010, 00:22   #6
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I'm going to pitch in for my buddy against Big Shark as well, as you guys can see in an old thread posted here. Something fishy is going on with Big Shark, and I seriously recommend people staying away.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 01:21   #7
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Used to work with Peter, don't anymore, wish I could help.

I really don't understand why people will pay someone to order things that they could just order for themselves and pay less for it too which is what 90% of their sales are, just retail price orders made with a Big Shark markup on it.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 02:46   #8
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Demand your money back, if it's been 6 months like you said you should ask for a refund of some sort. He closed his shop in Splendid and Moved over to Pacific Mall, he's dealing with those Anime DVD stores there that have the guns in the windows so try and find him there.

Also hearing stories of guys giving Peter their guns to fix and they get it back broken, fixing someones glock right now who got it broken by him. Just had to put the nozzle spring back in takes 20 seconds to do, and Peter or whoever fixes guns there ends up breaking the whole trigger assembly.

Also another guy dropped off his WA Beretta there to fix, mind you I was still working for him then. Didn't pay much attention to it, I quit and now work somewhere else still dealing airsoft. The same guy walks in and says that he wants his gun back and cant find Peter via his cell, email and store and says that he's had it for 9 months... And he just wants it back fixed or broken.

Also I dont know what he's doing is legal, his store in splendid is closed everyday never open for sometime now (now it's gone completely) but he's taking the stock he's getting from Mach1 and taking them to Pacific Mall to be placed at the DVD Stores. I dont know if this is true or not but wasn't it Mach1's policy that in one location there can only be one exclusive retailer for their line of products? Which of course is Ken from MyToys who moved upstairs recently.

So my theory is that he only kept his store open in Splendid to get the exclusive dealership on the products and just sending them over to Pacific Mall to be sold to the larger crowd. Which is unfair in every sense, I know monies, money but could he do with Integrity instead of backstabbing other dealers and customers who trust him with $300+ items?
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Old September 21st, 2010, 03:21   #9
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Hehehe so u moved on too sushi, good for you

I do miss eating at Lai Doh tho, them was good times, I still know how to say "beef fried noodle" too!
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Old September 24th, 2010, 18:41   #10
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The Story Unfolds

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Used to work with Peter, don't anymore, wish I could help.

I really don't understand why people will pay someone to order things that they could just order for themselves and pay less for it too which is what 90% of their sales are, just retail price orders made with a Big Shark markup on it.
He claimed the shipping would be less as he was making a large order at bulk pricing, figured I'd give it a try since I got the gun no problems and it still shoots fine despite what I've heard about him and "new" guns.

Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
Demand your money back, if it's been 6 months like you said you should ask for a refund of some sort. He closed his shop in Splendid and Moved over to Pacific Mall, he's dealing with those Anime DVD stores there that have the guns in the windows so try and find him there.

Also hearing stories of guys giving Peter their guns to fix and they get it back broken, fixing someones glock right now who got it broken by him. Just had to put the nozzle spring back in takes 20 seconds to do, and Peter or whoever fixes guns there ends up breaking the whole trigger assembly.

Also another guy dropped off his WA Beretta there to fix, mind you I was still working for him then. Didn't pay much attention to it, I quit and now work somewhere else still dealing airsoft. The same guy walks in and says that he wants his gun back and cant find Peter via his cell, email and store and says that he's had it for 9 months... And he just wants it back fixed or broken.

Also I dont know what he's doing is legal, his store in splendid is closed everyday never open for sometime now (now it's gone completely) but he's taking the stock he's getting from Mach1 and taking them to Pacific Mall to be placed at the DVD Stores. I dont know if this is true or not but wasn't it Mach1's policy that in one location there can only be one exclusive retailer for their line of products? Which of course is Ken from MyToys who moved upstairs recently.

So my theory is that he only kept his store open in Splendid to get the exclusive dealership on the products and just sending them over to Pacific Mall to be sold to the larger crowd. Which is unfair in every sense, I know monies, money but could he do with Integrity instead of backstabbing other dealers and customers who trust him with $300+ items?
I'm just putting together my own order now, he says I'll have my money back the first week of October, we'll see I suppose but I'll be getting it back regardless, there no way he'll get away.

Seems I'm not that only one that knows Peter, thanks everyone for contributing to the thread.
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Old October 9th, 2010, 12:56   #11
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so what happend? :O
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Old October 9th, 2010, 22:25   #12
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post
so what happend? :O
Well, we spoke and he said he'd give me a 100$ in store credit even though his store no longer exists and a 100 bucks cash which is bullshit but nonetheless said we'd meet up, when I asked when and where (this was via email) he never replied, I'll be calling him until he picks up on tuesday to get this straight. I don't even care if it's part store credit and cash any more I just want to be done with his shit and move on to bigger better suppliers. I'll update the thread until he basically ceases to contact me or reply/pickup at which point I'll assume he skipped town. Thanks for staying interested.
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Old October 9th, 2010, 23:15   #13
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Ive fixed over 4 guns that came from this guy now.

Each time, the client who came to me was getting shafted. Most who gave stuff to him required SEVERE repairs, and 3/4 guns ive worked on, were "repaired" by big shark.
Used guns being sold as new, botched repairs where guns were given broken to the client being told it was "fixed", severe damage (such as broken metal bodies) and horrid wire jobs.

I was the one who fixed up Tarobear's and several others on this board's guns and have a personal relatonship with those who do mach1's guns. I have seen evidence that "new" guns have been opened by big shark and tampered with, and those who do up Amelio's guns are fully aware of this guy's tampering.

The dude is just reselling Mach1 guns with higher markup. Highly Advise you stay the fuck away.
To play devils advocate tho, what the hell do you expect when you buy from pacific mall?

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Last edited by DarkAngel; October 9th, 2010 at 23:18..
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Old October 9th, 2010, 23:19   #14
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Ive fixed over 4 guns that came from this guy now.

Each time, the client who came to me was getting shafted. Most who gave stuff to him required SEVERE repairs, and 3/4 guns ive worked on, were "repaired" by big shark.
Used guns being sold as new, botched repairs where guns were given broken to the client being told it was "fixed", severe damage (such as broken metal bodies) and horrid wire jobs.

I was the one who fixed up Tarobear's and several others on this board's guns.

The dude is just reselling Mach1 guns with higher markup. Highly Advise you stay the fuck away.
To play devils advocate tho, what the hell do you expect when you buy from pacific mall?
Althought I bought my crap when he was in china tower it's all the same shit. I forgot to mention that my VFC-SCAR-H recently crapped out. Trigger issue, pull the trigger nothing, pull it HARD and the motor fizzles and finally coughs out a cycle. Maybe you can be the one to fix it? Please PM me so we can work something out, and I noticed you're an age verified, I'm looking to be verified as well. In fact I'll send you a PM now so we can get in contact.
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Old October 9th, 2010, 23:26   #15
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Im officially retired for almost a year now.

I only accepted the work because i felt bad for the guys who got shafted by him. Its shit like this that CAUSED my retirement. Im sick of seeing people shafted by amature docs and scamming merchants which is why im so vocal about BS like this.

I will however recommend you to a guy who isnt retired. Hit up DBSpotter. I will personally vouch for him, I trust him enough that ill give u my personal garuntee that if he cant fix it, ill take the repair in myself.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns
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