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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...


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Old October 5th, 2010, 15:05   #241
m102404's Avatar
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Well...I'm a bit biased now to answer this....but here goes

A year/season later and I think they're here to stay.

WA/G&P/Ino/others style rifles make for beautiful builds with piece for piece accuracy. When they work...oh, baby....they're great. But damn, the parts add up to some serious $$$$

WE's are good shooters.

KJW are good shooters. Personally...I can't get past the thermo-mags and rubberband inside....otherwise I'd own one.

It's all the in mags. Got a good mag design = WIN. Wonky mag design = death.

After that it's all in the maintenance. Good in the sense that if you can put some lube here and there you're good to go....bad in the sense that if you're used to the "plug in battery, fill hicap with BBs" simplicity of a working AEG you need to spend more time on keeping your GBBR running than you're used to.

Action/feel/ contest. The game changes entirely with gas rifles in play. When the majority of guys (i.e. 90%) are shooting gas rifles it's a sight/sound/challenge to behold.

The biggest challenge is temperature....cold is not the GBBRs friend. Specifically the if you could get it to hold Nitrogen/HPA/whatever isn't as affected by cold then maybe we'd be ok.

I'd say...durability on a sub-all steel WA-platform is so-so. Great while it lasts....I wouldn't game it. Had two builds...spent plenty of money/time/effort...don't have them any longer.
....cannot comment on the durability of the KJW's...but good reports from most.
....WE's need a couple of parts replaced to be game-able. After that it's down to the lube. I can say that 1000's of rounds later that WE have a very usable system going for them.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 15:10   #242
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Who else wants some Ww2 battle rifles?
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Y'know, i've noticed that WE is very, very responsive to the community,
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Old October 5th, 2010, 15:12   #243
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Rumor says that they have a Sten gun in production, that'll be a curious little thing. Definately something to save up for.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 15:25   #244
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I fuuucking want an SR25/M110 platform... I know that due to shot-to-shot consistency gaz isn't the best for a precision platform, but since SR25 mags are (AFAIK) 20rnds and quite larger than M4 mags, you could put more gaz per BB, so better consistency. And more gaz going to the recoil system And I can't believe it'd be hard, due to the similarities with the M4.

Also, I know that there's already the GHK, but it would definitely be nice to have one of the big names come out with an AK. I'm dreaming of a milsim where most people have GBBRs (and my favorite themes are NATO vs commies or vs talibs so ARs, M14s for DMs and AKs for talibs would do it for most players).

@Tys: so from your personal experience, you'd go with WE for gaming? (I'm looking at building a GBBR for next summer)
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Old October 5th, 2010, 15:57   #245
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post

@Tys: so from your personal experience, you'd go with WE for gaming? (I'm looking at building a GBBR for next summer)
Well I'm not Tyson, but I am an early adopter of the WE system.. I have been using my WE M4 as my primary for over a year at this point , I also own a SCAR and a PDW which I have gamed in all weather conditions except freezing cold

these guns have revolutionized my game experience. I can't go back.. I had invested thousands in AEGs .. a rarely pick them up any more ( and are selling quite a number of them)

I like the system.. it is simple with few parts.. and robust

The only issues I have had have been piston guide tube spacer slippage on my M4 bolt.. and freezing on my PDW both fixed in the field.

That and typical gas mag leaks that have all been fixable

I swear by the WE and will likely buy more
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Old October 5th, 2010, 16:15   #246
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Yes. I game a WE M4. I don't like the looks of the SCAR and I (personally) believe that there's a design flaw in the stock plate part (I think it can be fixed...but as is it's not as robust as it could be).

I'm forever waiting to buy a PDW...just for a shorty indoors for the winter months....but everytime I think of doing that I pickup my WE CQBR length rifle and it's not such a big deal to get another.

The SR25 mag would be the same size (roughly) as the WE M14 mag. That mag holds a metric butt-load of gas.

Most all WE GBBR mags are real for a gas reserve that large (M14)...loaded to real cap (20)....gas capacity/consistency is not so much an issue. In fact, you're probably worst off with your first shot of a topped up mag than you are for the 2nd-20th. I think (going on memory) that on one M14 mag fill of gas you can get 3 loads of BBs (i.e. 90 shots). Take it with a grain of salt...but that's plenty for gaming in most scenarios where you're reloading at spawn points/bases/etc...

For a WE...once you replace part #66 and install an adjustable valve (closed bolt system)....all of your "build" is cosmetic. Add RIS, Stock, Grip, Bling and you're done. There's some minor hopup tuning...but not much else to "build". Or do a realsteel body/upper....that's sick.

If you want to build a GBBR piece after precisely painstakingly selected piece...and are building for the sake of a WA/G&P/Ino build. WAY more variety available. Buy steel and compensate the balance of the system accordingly for the mass of weight cycling back and forth (it'll pound itself to death otherwise).

Brian has a WE GBBR sickness....saw that spike in Coleman's stock? That's because of him....
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Old October 5th, 2010, 16:19   #247
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
I know that due to shot-to-shot consistency gaz isn't the best for a precision platform, but since SR25 mags are (AFAIK) 20rnds and quite larger than M4 mags, you could put more gaz per BB, so better consistency. And more gaz going to the recoil system And I can't believe it'd be hard, due to the similarities with the M4.
More gas used per BB would accelerate any freezing issues as more liquid gas would be required to vaporize. That could be a problem or it might not.

What you want is a large mag as a reservoir for propane so that it is possible to reload more bb's. Gas efficiency is what I would want in a mag. To use as little gas as necessary to put that BB down range for every single shot.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 16:53   #248
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Who else wants some Ww2 battle rifles?
How about a BAR (Browning automatic rifle). The VFC aeg shoots about as hard as a stock TM thompson, and if you want anything to feel good when shooting it, its a support weapon. Of course anyone making an Enfield would not be able to keep them in stock.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 17:06   #249
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by backspasm View Post
How about a BAR (Browning automatic rifle). The VFC aeg shoots about as hard as a stock TM thompson, and if you want anything to feel good when shooting it, its a support weapon. Of course anyone making an Enfield would not be able to keep them in stock.
Support weapons need to be external gas ( bottle fed ) and i'd say daytona gun has that market sewed up with their drop in kits.

I'm with you on the Enfield.. how can it be that one of the most Iconic rifles of the western world has never been replicated in an airsoft model..

Even a solid spring Version would be fine.. but a Gas version would rock
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Old October 5th, 2010, 17:52   #250
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Have you folks seen the SRC coming soon list? Some variety there for sure. No obscure WWII stuff but more choice of current hardware.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 18:06   #251
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waiting for MP5....then I can finally have a MP5...

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Old October 5th, 2010, 18:27   #252
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Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
waiting for MP5....then I can finally have a MP5...
Get Escort MP5 otherwise be prepaed that it wont live up to your standards for high recoil and high gas capacity. MP7 got good efficiency due to the light weight bolt carrier.

I hate to say it but from my experience, KSC MP7 has the best durability, reliabilty, and gameability despite short inner barrel (VFC release the H&K silencer for 4.6X30mm MP7 so you can increase the length to approx 14.5" in the end)

WA in my opinion, is a money hoard, having said that the variation is also the best one especially almost every manufacture release are either clone or variant of that including but not only...
King Arms, G&P, Classic Army, and VFC

Last edited by kullwarrior; October 5th, 2010 at 18:30..
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Old October 5th, 2010, 18:39   #253
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Agreed, I could live with low recoil with MP5 though. MP7 was a good system, kept stock without hard kick and what not, as long as you are not running Japan nozzle it should be almost maintenance free. For what it is designed for(CQB), its laser beam accurate....

WAs are all money pit. And they are much more fun to build and shoot, but for me its a constant work of looking for what might break next...and mag is still no real easy winner....

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Old October 5th, 2010, 19:39   #254
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I am fully converted WE-Tard
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Old October 5th, 2010, 19:54   #255
Perroz Designs
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+1 to that. I sold my G&P WOC build for a WE.

I realized I had bought a Ferrari, when all I needed was a Lexus.
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