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How do I remove a Free Floating Rail?


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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:33   #16
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The ring and barrel nut are indeed different parts, Acid_Snake is correct. Take of the bottom two pins and the middle pin on the side of the gas block (larger pins than the little one on the top, that little one just keeps the gas tube in place). Not sure what that other pin is. How does it move?

Once you take the gas block off then undo the collar (the part you pictured before that you can see), and then the rail will come off. Then you can take the barrel nut off with either the proper tool (an armorer's wrench), or some channel locks, or some pliers. However you want to/ are able to.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:33   #17
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+1 to that, the ring on the outside is not connected to that barrel nut, but it'll require some application of force to get it moving. I suggest a leather strap wrench and a vice with padded jaws!
If it's a CA, it shouldnt be too bad, but if it's a G&P it could be on there balls tight. My M4 barrel nut was loctited, I was 5-10 ft-lbs short of breaking my receiver to get the damn thing off ...
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:35   #18
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
+1 to that, the ring on the outside is not connected to that barrel nut, but it'll require some application of force to get it moving. I suggest a leather strap wrench and a vice with padded jaws!
If it's a CA, it shouldnt be too bad, but if it's a G&P it could be on there balls tight. My M4 barrel nut was loctited, I was 5-10 ft-lbs short of breaking my receiver to get the damn thing off ...
or wrap rubber bands around it... that will add more grip... :P
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:39   #19
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just like in the video, you need a table vice to clamp down the receiver, then use the strap clamp to twist off the ring. That ring must be tight because it's what holds the rail to the barrel nut.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 20:39   #20
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Originally Posted by HKGhost View Post
just like in the video, you need a table vice to clamp down the receiver, then use the strap clamp to twist off the ring. That ring must be tight because it's what holds the rail to the barrel nut.
Huh. Well, I'm out of luck. Lol, thank god I'm only doing this for the future possibility that I might have to, and not because I need to now.

Edit: Well, when I posted this message, I had just gotten back from grocery shopping, and I gave it another shot. Was finally able to unscrew that damned ring, with ma bear (because they're too epic to be bare) hands I might add! ....when it gave my hand came spinning around into the corner of the rails. Not a pleasant feeling haha.

Last edited by THEnub; October 2nd, 2010 at 21:00..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 21:01   #21
a.k.a. Palucol
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reversed nail... and hammer.......

or punch pins? :P
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 21:02   #22
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Ok, so I've removed the 3 pins from the gas block, and the rail is unscrewed. But the gas block isn't coming off. Would the gas tube connected to anything within the receiver (it appears not to be), or could that pin that I don't know what on the bottom of the block be preventing it from moving still? The only way i can see one could remove it would be via pliers, and I'm a little edgy about clamping down and bending it.

This is what I used to punch the pins out:
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 21:48   #23
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Ok, well, the mystery of the Pin has been solved. That little pin on the bottom of the barrel I was worried about doesn't come off. Stupid me, it's the pin used to guide the Suppressor into the correct alignment when you put it on.

Now, by looking closer, I also noticed a small hex screw, hidden away beneath the Pin (when the barrel is vertical).

That hex screw can be removed with a 1/16th Hex Key/Allen Key/Allen Wrench, pick your name. I figured that removing it would be the last step, like any stock flashhider. But no, it seems to me like the last thing that could be holding it on is the Gas Tube. My only option to remove seems to be to punch out the tiny pin holding it it...but I don't have a bit small enough to do it... :\
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