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How do I remove a Free Floating Rail?


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Old October 2nd, 2010, 17:43   #1
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How do I remove a Free Floating Rail?

I'll just start off by saying that not only have I googled this, with many many different terms, but I've also searched all of ASC to the best of my extent (spent several hours on here alone, plus the time on google). Examples of terms used "Free float" "rail" "disassembly" "ris" "uninstall" "sr-25" etc, etc.

Anyways, what I'm trying to do is figure out how to remove (what I assume is) a free floating rail from my SR25.

I have the rifle in pieces, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the rail off, and I want to learn how to do it should I ever decide to swap front ends. From what I can tell, it means removing the gas block and then, probably, just sliding the rail off, but I'm not sure, as I've never done it. This rifle has a gas tube going through the RIS as well.

Anyways, pics up close just to show where I'm at.

(In the last picture, there appears to be a small circular mark, which appears on all 4 sides of at the rear of the rail. Could they be hex screws that have been completely covered in paint? [I bought the gun this way] Could they be important here?).

So, to any help I get with this, many thanks.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 17:53   #2
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Do you see that "ring" on the bottom near the receiver?

It should be spring loaded so keep holding it back and you should be able to detach the rails (at least that's how it worked with my M4).

EDIT: Here's a pic of what should happen (or something similar to this):
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Last edited by L473ncy; October 2nd, 2010 at 17:57..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:15   #3
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Do you see that "ring" on the bottom near the receiver?

It should be spring loaded so keep holding it back and you should be able to detach the rails (at least that's how it worked with my M4).

EDIT: Here's a pic of what should happen (or something similar to this):
nop, the SR-25 rails dont have a delta ring = free float ris....

There's a barrel nut inside the RIS, fixing barrel and RIS together.... I think you'll need a special tool to open it.... from the front.....

something like this....

But I might be wrong...

Last edited by Gunny_McSmith; October 2nd, 2010 at 18:32..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:26   #4
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Sorry, crap I feel embarrassed now. Should have seen the SR25 in your post (mentioned a few times....) as well as noticing the upper as being "off" (it totally didn't click in my mind that it was an SR25 upper I just thought it was some special M4 upper). Not to mention now that I look at it closer there's no clearance for you to pull the Delta ring back anyways...
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:41   #5
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
nop, the SR-25 rails dont have a delta ring = free float ris....

There's a barrel nut inside the RIS, fixing barrel and RIS together.... I think you'll need a special tool to open it.... from the front.....

something like this....

But I might be wrong...

Well damn...I took the rail guards back off as well as the suppressor, and after finagling my taclight and eyeballs into position, I can make out the two screws holding the Rail down, attaching it to that rear block (where the Delta Ring would be on an M4). I looks like it might need that special tool, but it's a little hard to see. It would have to have a really long handle though, since it's a 12" Rail (only has to reach 11" though). Any idea how long the tool is, or what that little G&P Logo bearing rail thing is?

As for your posts L473ncy, yes, you should feel very bad and be very embarrassed for what you've done! Now I expect you to put on the pdunce cap and go sit on the stool in the corner until you promise not to post without fully understanding the original post

Just kidding haha. Yea, I've owned M4's before, I know how they work, and this is actually compatible with them (I can swap the front end of my SR25 for any CA/A&K/G&P compatible M4 apparently), but this rail is unlike any I've ever owned lol. Thanks anyways for your help, I was expecting several "lol noob" posts, but I'm glad to see it's just help I've gotten.

Thanks for both your quick replies.

Last edited by THEnub; October 2nd, 2010 at 18:44..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:46   #6
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nvm... that tool is for the URX rails.... not for the standard KAC rail... :S....

I tried googling... but found nothing so far... :S

EDIT: Asked my friend Ujiro, and here's what he told me...

*take out the gas block
*then unscrew the collar
*gas block must come out first before anything else.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:56   #7
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Well this is the KAC SR25 manual.... I don't know if it's in there or not but it should be if that's the full manual.

PS: It's midnight where I am, I'm going to sleep now, after reading all these journal papers and other stuff my eyes hurt and I can't think straight.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 18:56   #8
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this is not the same rail but I'm sure the process is the same. Just reverse everything in the video.
YouTube - Building an Upper Receiver Part 1

Hope it helps.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:03   #9
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You need an armorer's wrench

This one will do.

Unscrew the Rail, hold the ring then turn counter clock wise. Remove the gas block, gas tube, then unscrew with the tool.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:06   #10
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Originally Posted by Acid_Snake View Post
You need an armorer's wrench

This one will do.

Unscrew the Rail, hold the ring then turn counter clock wise. Remove the gas block, gas tube, then unscrew with the tool.

@Gunny_McSmith: Thanks for the replies, I was going to ask you if your friend mentionned how to remove the gas block, as I assume it involves knocking out the pins I see, but I'm pretty sure HKGhost's vid link should help me figure that out :P

@L473ncy: Thanks for the manual, and as interesting as I actually found it as I briefly leafed through it, it doesn't have any information that pertains to my current dilemma. That's more of a field operators manual for a soldier who would get issued the rifle, so unfortunately, they don't really mention how to mod it and make it your own. Darn.

@HKGhost: Yes, that link should prove very useful. I've googled all manner of "floating rail assembly" as I figured they'd be the same (as I mentionned, the SR25 and M4's have compatible front ends), but I never thought to look for "how to build an upper".

@Acid_Snake: What exactly do you mean by "unscrew the rail"

Thanks for all the replies, I'll let you guys know if/what works.

Edit: After watching some of HKG's link, I know see how the tool works haha.

Last edited by THEnub; October 2nd, 2010 at 19:09..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:09   #11
a.k.a. Palucol
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yeah, removing gas block = know off pins, and it should slide off...

Let us know if that works...
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:18   #12
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I am sorry I didn't know exactly how to word that.

Turn the ring CCW it should start to unscrew then you can take the rail off and then you can use the tool

It might be real hard to take off depending on who screwed it in there but use a little elbow grease everything should turn out well ; )
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:27   #13
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Originally Posted by Acid_Snake View Post
I am sorry I didn't know exactly how to word that.

Turn the ring CCW it should start to unscrew then you can take the rail off and then you can use the tool

It might be real hard to take off depending on who screwed it in there but use a little elbow grease everything should turn out well ; )
If by "Ring" you're speaking about the rear of the rail, what looks like the Delta Ring, then that's a no go.

This part?

Because of the anti rotation pins (which I just discovered thanks to an earlier post)

Either those can pop right out, are formed to stay wedged in the middle, or they require a special tool (or maybe just a regular ol' screw driver) to get them out from the top because of (what appears to be) a screw of some sort. Of course, looking down there, even when not trying to angle a camera just right, it's still pretty hard to see clearly. For all I know, that could just be the top of the pin, and nothing more.

Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
yeah, removing gas block = know off pins, and it should slide off...

Let us know if that works...
Now, before I go hammering away, I'm a little concerned. Could you ask your friend what pins need to go, as well as what the deal with this pin is?

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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:28   #14
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Those pins are there to keep the rail from moving, trust me just try it the ring and the barrel nut are different parts.

I have this exact rail just FIY.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 19:31   #15
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Originally Posted by Acid_Snake View Post
Those pins are there to keep the rail from moving, trust me just try it the ring and the barrel nut are different parts.

I have this exact rail just FIY.
Ok, just double checking. I know what you meant now (again, props to HKGhost for his vid :P). I see what you mean by unscrewing the ring. My only concern is clearance. There's no space for the rail to move, and just a little room for the ring itself. I might be able to get a couple of rotations, but that could be about it.

Also, I apologize if the pictures are annoying anybody, or killing your internet, just trying to help with some visuals of what I can see.

Edit: Ok, that ring is screwed on really tight...I can't get it to budge by hand, and I've even tried vicegrips (with a cloth of course), and it won't budge.
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