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Old September 24th, 2010, 02:08   #1
CanadianBeast's Avatar
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Friend of mine just bought one of these, and aside from what appears to be a normal problem that the trigger gets stuck, we were also curious as to the noise the motor makes when it turns over.

Our initial interpretation was the motor was to high, so we cranked it a half turn down and it didn't solve anything. Any ideas? Anyone have one of these and maybe that's just how its supposed to sound? Dunno if this is an issue, but the pistol grip was a little warm, and we put under 100 rounds through it.

I watched a video of one running 1600rpm on youtube, it almost sounded like it, but its a modified gun.

Personally I've never had any issues like this with any of the guns I've owned, so I'm clueless if that's how these are supposed to sound.

Thanks in advance.
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Old September 24th, 2010, 16:06   #2
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Is it the VFC Scar L CQC? I had a problem just like that, after about 100 or so rounds of firing, it'd just stop. Turns out that a very tiny piece was spinning around and after 100 some odd rounds of firing, it'd fall into the trigger part. We took it apart, and took the broken piece out. It solved my problem, I'd do a quick check at the internals, sometimes if an AEG is shaken around a lot, pieces come undone, no matter how good the quality
(In my experience, im no expert, but it's worth looking into)
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Old September 24th, 2010, 16:30   #3
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Warm grip with just 100 rounds is a bit odd depending on what you call warm.

Open the GB, remove the trigger and check if something is stuck in the assembly.
If not not check the cut off lever and selector plate, if one of these broke the gun may be stuck in safe.
Once you do that put back together and check if the trigger can be pulled before putting the GB back in.
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Old September 24th, 2010, 16:41   #4
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Well the 100 rounds happened to me, and the grip wasn't warm at all. I'd go with Ninja's advice; he is the gun doc after all
Proud Member of the Strelok society

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Old September 24th, 2010, 17:31   #5
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This is my gun that we are talking about. We checked out some stuff online and it seems the trigger thing is normal. If it is on semi and you don't hold the trigger long enough to complete a full cycle it will stop the gears part way and jam. Switch it to auto and back and it works fine. But if there has been other problems it may be worth crackin it open and checking it out.

I am mainly worried about the warm grip and the horrible noise coming from the motor area. It sounds exactly like the motor height is set to high but I haven't had the time to check it out and do more of an adjustment on it. I might talk to the guys where I bought it or bring it into the other gun tech at our local shop that we know.

,but still keep the info coming if you have any ideas.
VFC SCAR L CQC, ICS M4 S.I.R., KJ Works Glock 27 GBB
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Old September 24th, 2010, 20:39   #6
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Mine's pretty well the quietest AEG I have. Just a zing thump and that's it.
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Old September 24th, 2010, 22:03   #7
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Tried adjusting the motor up and down. A few turns one way and the bolt stops moving. A few the other way and the gun won't turn over at all. It is possible that even with the bolt moved out as far as possible the motor is still too high ?
VFC SCAR L CQC, ICS M4 S.I.R., KJ Works Glock 27 GBB
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Old September 25th, 2010, 21:12   #8
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Took it apart again after reading a similar problem. I pulled the motor right out and moved all the wiring to one corner of the grip. The motor moves freely now inside the grip and the sound does change so I just set it where it sounds the most smooth and figure that's where it should be. lol Next problem. MAGS. Star pmag's fit but don't feed. The Dboys pmags with the fake rounds don't fit the magwell. I have 3 TM M4 mags and 2 who knows what they are and some fit, some don't.
VFC SCAR L CQC, ICS M4 S.I.R., KJ Works Glock 27 GBB
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Old September 25th, 2010, 23:32   #9
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I run King Arms lo-caps with no problems.

For motor height I pull the endplate right off and hold the motor up with my thumb and push it up to the top and then ease it down till the sound is right. Then when I put the plate back on I can adjust till I get that same sound.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 01:22   #10
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Just ordered a box of 5 King Arms low caps today. They were a good price too, so I'll see how they are. Thanks. Also ordered an EoTech 553 replica just for the hell of it. lol
VFC SCAR L CQC, ICS M4 S.I.R., KJ Works Glock 27 GBB
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:49   #11
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I've never had any problems with my SCAR-L CQC and I wnet roughly threw 1000-1500 rounds with it. So it's maybe a manufacturing problem?
__________________ VFC SCAR-L CQC, my baby
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Old September 27th, 2010, 22:56   #12
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I fired about 500 rounds through it yesterday and it seems to be pretty decen't. I also put in a 363mm 6.03mm madbull tight bore with a suppressor. The barrel comes within 1cm of the end. lol Luckly the madbull's are black. I was getting only about a 4" spread at approx 100 feet away so I'm pretty happy with the gun sofar. In the spring I'll probably tear into the mech box and do all the internals.
VFC SCAR L CQC, ICS M4 S.I.R., KJ Works Glock 27 GBB
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