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Aftermath Kraken AK47 AEG



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Old May 11th, 2010, 23:03   #451
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or be an original and put an M203 on an kraken lol ya listen to pusangani get a GP-30
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Old June 13th, 2010, 23:45   #452
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kraken ak-47 and CYMA ak47-74 folding stalk

i would like to buy a CYMA ak47-74 folding stalk from but i dont see how it would fit even though it is the same company:banghead:
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Old July 5th, 2010, 05:04   #453
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Bought a Kraken for 100 bucks off of Cabela's a week or so ago.

it was a bargain when it was 200, so I figured since its on half price at Cabela's with decent stats and good reviews on here, I'd pick it up.

Havent gotten a chance to use it in a game yet, but did a little testing to get grips on how it handles, set up a few cans against a box stuffed with styrofoam and newspaper (I'm testing this inside like an idiot.)

It's got quite a bit of power and accuracy for something with such a high fire-rate (from my experience) managed to cleanly cut a hole in the box from probably 20 feet away.

Also shred appart one of the old masks we'd use when we were rocking the walmart shotguns in the halls at our res.
..and I mean shred.. I know they were shitty masks but Damn, it did more damage to the masks than my Echo1 ASR did using .43's

Cabela's does have the stats listed wrong, and even the box has the stats listen wrong (claims 1j, but if its firing 370 with .2's it should be 1.27j's, or 430 with .12's)
the instruction manual is also apparently wrong about the battery charge time I read on some other sites, but cabela's doesnt warn of it.

The instructions say 11 hours for first charge but it should only be about 6.

Errr- cancel that bit about the sale, apparently it ended.. its back to 200. :/

on a side note: does anything know if these magazines would fit it? I assume they will since they are AK mags but I just want to make sure they will feed before I order them.

Last edited by NRN_R_Sumo1; July 5th, 2010 at 05:43..
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Old July 5th, 2010, 10:32   #454
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No, they will not. They fit really, really loose in my Kraken when I had it. The only remedy I had was glueing peices of plastic beneath the tabs that the mag catch locks onto. I'm not sure what aftermarket magazines 'do' work with them.
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Old July 5th, 2010, 12:46   #455
a.k.a. flamethis
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I use those same mags with my Kraken, what i did was stick a piece of velcro(fuzzy side) inside the magwell. They fit nice and tight now.. easy cheap fix.
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Old July 5th, 2010, 16:44   #456
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the sale of cabelas krakens is on till july 11th. $99.99
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Old July 6th, 2010, 17:54   #457
Red Engi
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couple of things...
1. wow this thread has survived along time
2. my kraken is due to arrive any day now
3. how bad is the shim job (running low on spare shims and needs to know if i need to restock)
4. any good guides on painting faux wood?
that is all *walks off into the sunset* XP
no but really i have heard nothing but good things from the guys i work with, each owning one, they tell me "just add mags" more when mine arrives.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:24   #458
a.k.a. flamethis
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Red Engi,

The gun doc who did mine said the shimming was absolutely horrible. And the grease was like glue. I only had about 3 or 4 mags through it when it was done and there was already signs that the gears were rubbing each other.

There is a good link in one of the Kraken threads (this one maybe?) for wood grain. I"ve still not gotten to it on mine though.. for the cost of paint and time to do it, it;s almost easier to get a wood kit,
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Old July 20th, 2010, 22:19   #459
Red Engi
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woot i got it!!! took it apart and it was a nightmare, thanks for the advice man ^^ got some shims and a fishbone (forgot actual name.. looks like this |><| and made in canada ) for the hop up and couple other upgrade parts coming in. all in all, great gun! i dont know why people hate on it!
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Old July 21st, 2010, 00:18   #460
a.k.a. flamethis
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Glad to hear you got it apart.

You got either a Shredders concave spacer or an H nub. either one is a great upgrade to the hop up. And yes it is a great gun with just a little work.
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 01:16   #461
Red Engi
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TLC man, TLC, and yah it was a shredders ^^ should be arriving any day now.. any day now...
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Old August 30th, 2010, 00:06   #462
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Finally played a game using the AK's I ordered, and gotta say the Krakens worked wonderfully, the boys from the other team want to get them now.
It's really an all around good gun in a tactical situation, although the full stock does make it a little harder to cover your right side, as with all other stocks.

I ended up doing a lot of creep walking in deer hunting camo I bought the other day last minute, so in my commanding position we did a lot of 1-3 flanks and 1-2 flanks, me being the 1, shooting first and on the left of them of course, drawing fire by making the enemy turn to face me, while my allies peg them easily.
(I was using .25 bbbastards in it for increased accuracy and reliability)

I only had one minor issue where my gun stopped firing, I was in semi and was trying to fire too quickly conserving ammo, and it was easily fixed by switching to auto and back.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 01:03   #463
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Originally Posted by LegioXIII View Post
According to the Cabela's Canada website, as of today the Kraken (with the green furniture) is still on sale for $99.

I picked one up from cabelas last month, but i got the black furniture edition.

All i gotta say is im very impressed, Ive owned 4 TM AK's, 1 G&G 74 and have even scratch built a Romak 3 and Im extremely impressed with the range and accuracy a $100 AEG got me. Even at full MSRP, this things a great deal!
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Old January 27th, 2011, 15:42   #464
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wow, im glad to see so many people that like this gun. i have no idea if this thread is still kicking but well here it goes :P

so i bought my Kraken Ak47 for $99 at cabelas about a week ago and its been great for target shooting so far and i cant wait to game with it.

i have heard people say that the hop up and barrel should be replaced, can anyone tell me if this is true?
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Old April 17th, 2011, 11:28   #465
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I bought the Aftermath Kraken Police from Cabelas, and this is the second time the same problem has happened.

I charged the battery for 4 hours as suggested, and it worked fine. I shot about 100 rounds into it, then the next day, I shot another 50 rounds, then tried shooting it again the same day, and it just stopped working.

I already exchanged it once at Cabela's because of the same problem, and I need to wait at least another week to go to Cabela's. Does anyone know why this is happening or what I should get from Cabela's store in Winnipeg instead?

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