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what to do when PPK/S Maruze shoots FULL AUTO!!......SOLUTION


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Old August 18th, 2010, 18:43   #1
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Lightbulb what to do when PPK/S Maruze shoots FULL AUTO!!......SOLUTION

hi guys!

a quick overview of the symptoms and the solutions when your ppk/s goes full auto (maruzen or chinese clone of maruzen)

Symptom 1: goes full auto, no matter the way you handle the trigger.
Solution: look at your magazine, and especially at the spring in the first hole, this should sit HORIZONTALLY in the hole, not vertical!
if you see this:

Than that is the cause of the full auto going on!
You can see clearly the spring is vertical and almost poping out!

On maruzen ppk's and also on maruzen mp5's the flute valve is not located within the guns loading nozzle, its the small brass cylinder and spring in the magazine.
The nozzle has two sections, and the magazine regulates the gas output for both the shot of the bb and the blowback, if the spring becomes misplaced the flute vlave cannot do its job properly, causing the gas output to be directed to the blowback chamber only, hence the full auto problem.

Solution: try to put the spring in HORZONTAL

Solution for clone owners (and all others): get a Maruzen magazine! much better!

Symptom 2: only full auto when you squeeze the trigger till the end, but not when you gently squeeze the trigger.
I refer simply to 2 pictures, this is not good:

and this is good:

In all cases: there can be nothing wrong with your mag or your gun, but you simply have to lube the valve release on your magazine!
(the button you can push to release the valve)
Cause if the valve is not lubed properly, it can stick a bit and so it will not return when pushed, thus causing gas to eject for a long time, and causing a full auto...

note, this post was edited after I found the solution to my problem, so all messages below are from before the editing

Last edited by Riko; August 28th, 2010 at 10:52.. Reason: solution posting
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Old August 26th, 2010, 10:16   #2
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Oh god...

The first Youtube link
YouTube- ACM PPK review

Jarek4 | June 02, 2010

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Old August 26th, 2010, 11:46   #3
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Originally Posted by Riko View Post
and how is that gonna help me out?

I have seen it already, and there is no answer to my problem in those links....
He was pointing out the reviewer, who is widely assumed to be a moron by most people around here in the know.

Insofar as helping with your problem, I can't. Sorry.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 12:30   #4
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When you cycle the slide by hand with no magazine does the hammer follow the slide instead of being caught by the sear?

Gas dumping is usually a bad seal in the magazine or a bad O-ring in the BBU. Sometimes a soak in silicon oil will swell the seal and cure the leak.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 13:06   #5
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Could be that it's not getting enough gas to fully cycle, just enough to go full auto and dump the mag.

Finding a local Mr Fixit if you're not familar with gas guns will save you serious headaches. You can also check in at Arnies Airsoft, they've go a large international membership and I've seen other folks from Belgium on there.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 15:14   #6
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It could be possible the slide isn't moving far enough to re-set the hammer since it's starved for gas. It could also be possible the slide or other parts are out of tolerance and they will over-ride the sear and the hammer will chase the slide forward.

The fix for this kind of problem is usually pretty hands on, and if no one here has one of those PPKs then all you'll get is best guesses.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 15:35   #7
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It could be a lot of problems, if the mag is venting gas around the BBU instead of into it you'll get that cloud of gas, and half cycle of the action.

Best bet is to wait till you get the pure silicon oil and see if that helps to swell the seals, and if not either contact who you got it from and return it, or find a gas pistol expert who can go hands on with it.
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Old August 27th, 2010, 15:09   #8
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That would sound like a tolerance issue with one of the working parts inside the lower frame. Now I've never cracked open an airsoft PPK but the real ones were very swiss watch like in the scope of a lot of little parts packed into a small package.

If I were you I would first be in touch with where ever that came from about the problem, I know often though with GGBs and the like there is no support by the seller so my Plan B would be to find someone near to me who could swap parts/ fix it.
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Old August 27th, 2010, 15:32   #9
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Tolerance issue, you mean some small kind of tweaking issue that is a bit off? I would think also since most of the time it shoots good, but not always...

And about fixing the problem, I bought it from ehobbyasia, and I myself am from Europe.
So, dunno if that is interesting.
Of course the most interesting thing is to find or bump against somebody that has a knowledge of this gun inside.

There is a "spring" (dont know the right term) behind the left handgrip that seems to do nothing...

its just there for no reason it seems, its behind the thing that moves when you cock the hammer or pull the trigger...

Can somebody with a ppk look behind the left handgrip for that piece and if it also sits there like it does on mine?

Last edited by Riko; August 28th, 2010 at 05:27..
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Old August 28th, 2010, 10:25   #10
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okay, problem SOLVED!!!!!!!

the problem was actually the gun itself, namely that stupid little "spring" thing on the picture above!
It jumped to the right of that grey piece and it had to be on the left of that grey piece.

This is how it should look:

It seems that gray piece controls the direct contact with the valve release on the mag....
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