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WE too hot out of the box?


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Old August 6th, 2010, 06:40   #1
MartyK2500's Avatar
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WE too hot out of the box?

Hey guys, me and my 2 buddies just bought a chrony for the 3 of us. After work we will get the brand because the readings seem a bit off. Maybe they are normal that's why i am posting this.

The 3 of us shot with .25g bbbastards. With my stock G&P M4, and also with my friends upgraded ICS M4 we shot 312/320 fps. Witch seemed quite low. Then my other buddy gets his WE Scar out for testing (still never gamed it) and the chrony starts making readings of 450fps! That's with .25s

So in your experience, do WEs come out of the box that hot or did we get a lemon chrony?
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Old August 6th, 2010, 06:53   #2
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yup. Because I bet he used co2 right? If you read up a bit on how legall importation of these items works you would understand that it is required to shoot above and below a certain fps to be deamed a airgun and not a replica "this is the readers digest version".
basically your going to need a $40kit called an npas. The can lower fps down to around 200 or up to 550. All with a tool.

green gas will also lower the fps.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 07:35   #3
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we were using propane, that WE is new from a certain AV retailer on this board. I did not know that the AV retailers also imported using that ''safesoft?'' method like mach1 did.

Would you recommend any npas kit in specefic?

Last edited by MartyK2500; August 6th, 2010 at 07:39..
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Old August 6th, 2010, 07:42   #4
aka coachster
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WE too hot out of the box?

Get the RA-tech NPAS for WE SCAR. A few places are carrying it now.

Caveat: Do not buy from evike unless you want to wait for a long long time.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 08:07   #5
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Out of the box the WE is NOT regulated. You will need the NPAS as Coachster indicated to reduce the FPS.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 08:17   #6
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Thanks guys this thread has been very usefull to me.
By the way is this the part in specific i should buy?

Last edited by MartyK2500; August 6th, 2010 at 08:25..
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Old August 6th, 2010, 09:03   #7
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That's the part. That is the complete kit that will do it....although all you really need is the little floating valve inside of the nozzle (but then you have to disassemble the nozzle and put it back together).

450 in hot weather isn't out of the question. The difference between 350 and 400 is about 1mm in the floating valve adjustment.

Also...the odd thing that you'll notice with some of the gas guns is that the BB weight sometimes doesn't affect the FPS. A heavier BB gives a slight bit more resistance to the expanding gas, allow the gas to build up more before the BB's out the you might find that a 0.20 chronies the same FPS as a 0.25 as a 0.28/0.30.

If you're adjusting your stuff to meet field rules...chrony with 0.20's to be certain of your readings. Leave some safety room for variances between your chrony and the fields chrony (5-10%) and with a gas gun be prepared to adjust the FPS at the field to compensate for the temperature of the day.

When you get that adjustable'll get an allen key "socket wrench" with it. Do not loose that key. Rig it up on a lanyard or something or else you'll be fubar'd later. Also...a very small bit of blue loctite on the adjustment part of the floatvalve will help ensure that the setting won't wander as the gun shoots.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 09:30   #8
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
That's the part. That is the complete kit that will do it....although all you really need is the little floating valve inside of the nozzle (but then you have to disassemble the nozzle and put it back together).

450 in hot weather isn't out of the question. The difference between 350 and 400 is about 1mm in the floating valve adjustment.

Also...the odd thing that you'll notice with some of the gas guns is that the BB weight sometimes doesn't affect the FPS. A heavier BB gives a slight bit more resistance to the expanding gas, allow the gas to build up more before the BB's out the you might find that a 0.20 chronies the same FPS as a 0.25 as a 0.28/0.30.

If you're adjusting your stuff to meet field rules...chrony with 0.20's to be certain of your readings. Leave some safety room for variances between your chrony and the fields chrony (5-10%) and with a gas gun be prepared to adjust the FPS at the field to compensate for the temperature of the day.

When you get that adjustable'll get an allen key "socket wrench" with it. Do not loose that key. Rig it up on a lanyard or something or else you'll be fubar'd later. Also...a very small bit of blue loctite on the adjustment part of the floatvalve will help ensure that the setting won't wander as the gun shoots.
Thats really good to know, my scars in the mail right now, kind of regretting ordering co2 mags with it. My bad for not researching first. Hopefully the new hinge plates can take it for a while.

BTW I think its just velocity arms importing with this method. Don't quote me on that though.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 10:05   #9
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Thanks man, i will make sure to follow what you have just said.

While i'm on subject, the buddy bought 5 co2 mags and 5 propane mags. The co2 mag was for quick reloading on field.Why do you regret getting co2 mags Dart?
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Old August 6th, 2010, 10:08   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
Thats really good to know, my scars in the mail right now, kind of regretting ordering co2 mags with it. My bad for not researching first. Hopefully the new hinge plates can take it for a while.

BTW I think its just velocity arms importing with this method. Don't quote me on that though.
Don't fire the gun with the stock folded and you should not have an issue .. but you should likely get a replacement plate anyway.. just to have so if you blow the plate.. you're gun is not toast .
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Old August 6th, 2010, 20:05   #11
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I got sasha "tm ak47" for my backup. The odd thing is I just got the tgun today and the hing plate aopears to be plastic???? Maybe its tougher than the pot metal ones.

co2 is def pricier... 20 bucks for 25 capsuls. Sorry for the thread jack.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 21:18   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Friend of mine asked me to fix his WE M16A3, I chrono'd it after and it was shooting 570fps on propane with .20s and around 490fps with the CO2 mags lol

As for you AEG's, sounds like you need some tune ups! lol
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Old August 6th, 2010, 21:23   #13
Suburban Gun Runner
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WE GBBRs are fps rates are wonky as hell. Every one I seld that I was asked to test I chrono too. I have as much as a 120 fps differance between guns. As others have said when you chrony use .20s and double check the velocity. You don't want to end up shooting your friends with a burts at 500+ fps.
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Old August 6th, 2010, 21:49   #14
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WE SCAR is being known to shoot insanely high

Like 650fps w/ 0.40g on RA-Tech NPAS fully closed.
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