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Gameface Verdict Marker BB's


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Old August 1st, 2010, 10:02   #1
uMadd, Padd?
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Gameface Verdict Marker BB's

Has anyone tried them? Apparently they're coated in a dry silicone lubricant, which causes small white marks when they hit something, which means no more not calling hits. They also supposedly boost your FPS, most likely because they're slightly larger than regular .20 bb's, therefore they have a tighter seal.

Here's a video, and a link from Arnies:
YouTube- Gameface Marker BBs review
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old August 1st, 2010, 11:18   #2
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I saw these in a hunting shop out here the other day. Was curious about them but I don't know if they were these marking ones or not.

the Bio BB's leave dust in your hop up and barrel that messes your shots up, I imagine these would do something similar.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 11:20   #3
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
the Bio BB's leave dust in your hop up and barrel that messes your shots up, I imagine these would do something similar.
Old formula Bio BBs leave dust, my newer ECO BB formula does not.

I've read several reviews of this product and they all complain of the same problem - the residue left in your gun. You need to be anal about cleaning your gun after using these. You also need to make sure fields and players are cool with their use before taking them to a game.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 11:43   #4
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Seems to me that this product caters to the paintball crowd who are unwilling/hesitant to try airsoft because, unlike paintball, airsoft projectiles do not leave a mark and therefore would allow people to "cheat" easier.

Having played both airsoft and paintball for many years, I think they have a valid concern - from their point of view (and mine) paintball players seem very willing to cheat, particularly at the tournament level where money is at stake. Add the lack of referees into the mix, and I'm sure a lot of paintballers would be concerned that EVERYONE was cheating, particularly in venues/game situations where there are dozens if not hundreds of participants.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 11:46   #5
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I remembered there was some threads on these, there you go:
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Old August 1st, 2010, 11:55   #6
uMadd, Padd?
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I found out that these are actually manufactured by Crosman, it seems that they're trying to get right into the airsoft scene. GameFace apparently rebrands Classic Army Sportlines, I guess they're trying to follow in Cybergun's footsteps.

And apparently the dust that comes off of these is a dry silicone lubricant compound, as the guy said "it's like feeding vitamins to your gun. Perhaps that's what would also explain the FPS boost?
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old December 16th, 2012, 16:04   #7
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Reviving an old post, somewhat:

I just saw these in the hunting/airsoft area of a nearby SAIL store, and figured "what the hell". My KWA M9 PTP doesn't accept the [walmart] bio-bbs i currently use in my AEG (they jam up within the magazines and its spring doesnt push them up into the gun 75% of the time), and figured these are worth a shot for 3 reasons:

1) marketed as high precision. It might be stupid marketing slang but it led me to assume they are better spec'd then the bulk brand i used before

2) 0.25g. The pistol fires quite hard, and these heavy bbs slow it down and really pack a punch (need to spec it properly for matches, but for target plinking its satisfactory)

3) Marking powder that doubles as a dry lube. Cant say i am knowledged in the science of different types of gun lube, but this seemed like a worthwhile premise.

The exact product was a 2,200 pack of orange .25g bbs for $9.99.


- Powder is well adhered. it does not automatically transfer to hands/mag loaders/mag, barrel, container, etc. That said, after firing about 30 from a single magazine, areas where the pellet is forcibly pushed on/against (really only in the transfer between magazine and chamber) a small amount of "dust" is left behind. Not very much, but id imagine after ~300 rounds it would become noticable.

- Marking on target is alright, but not extraordinary. Firing at a brick wall left small light orange circles where the bb hit, barely visible at 10 feet but enough that you can see it distictly from 4-5feet (if you wanted to investigate a "cheater" it would do its job)

- accuracy was good, shots were fired from a short distance so not much can be said here.


general use : C+
specialized use A-

These would be great if you want your target marked, and the high weight is desired by some players. However, for a friendly game where you dont "need" to mark your hits, these will likely lead to more gun cleaning then regular bbs, as there is a very small amount of dust (presumably dry lube) left within the gun.
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Old December 16th, 2012, 19:40   #8
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Originally Posted by klondike_bar View Post
3) Marking powder that doubles as a dry lube. Cant say i am knowledged in the science of different types of gun lube, but this seemed like a worthwhile premise.
Lubricating the interior of your hopup and barrel is not really a desirable trait of BBs. You don't want your bucking to be bone dry, but you do not actually want any part of the contact surface or seal to be lubricated. In addition, the interior of your barrel should be absolutely clean and polished for consistent performance.

There is a good reason that so many people choose Prometheus barrels for their bore quality and chant over and over again that quality of spin applied from the hopup is more important than any other factor when looking to get distance and accuracy. Grip matters -- lubricant will completely get rid of that. Bore quality matters -- deposits of residue will upset the laminar flow necessary for a good shot.

In all likeliness the lube in these BBs has been added in order to ensure feeding of the oversize BBs in the variety of guns they'll be fed to -- i.e. so that customers don't simply declare these as a defective product en masse.

Side note, the biggest issue I find with a product like this is that it is inherently cynical about the state of our honor-based game. Marker BBs are not going to make bad players any more honest, and if anything, they'll probably end up causing more friction between players, because in the event of a dispute, how do you think the act of calling everybody over to review your "evidence" is going to go over with the host, your fellow players, etc? If you're at the dispute and finger-pointing stage, you've already lost.

My advice to you is to play with a group of players that you trust and try to improve the state of honesty within your player community and stick to quality BBs that won't gunk up your gun and destroy your accuracy.
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Old December 16th, 2012, 20:33   #9
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A friend of mine have witnessed a terrible accident with the "marker BB"...
Someone that is using the marker BB in his AEG had a jam. He then trys to remove the jammed round with the stick, but he accidentally poked through that round. That is a paint based marker round, not powder based, so all the paint went into his gun, messing up the circuit. His gun started to fire uncontrollably. Although he removed the magazine before, his gun still get very bad - the moter was burnt, all the gears were terribly wore.
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Old December 16th, 2012, 21:00   #10
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Klondike, there are MUCH MUCH better options than Walmart or these horrible marker BBs. Get yourself something decent so that you don't damage your nice KWA, if you haven't done so already.

And clean that crap out of your gun too.

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Old December 17th, 2012, 02:40   #11
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Wow, you got age verified, but neglected to figure out why good BBs are important.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 11:46   #12
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^I feel like im getting a lot of hate for trying to post my review and impressions of a unique product.

I want to make it clear: these bbs are not paint, nor are they "dusty", and are not turning the entire internals of my gun orange. there are simply a few specks of orange visible after firing a few full mags of these bbs.

I recognise that there are high quality, high performance bbs available that would work better. I chose these moreso for thier interest factor, and would rather utilise a premium brand like bastards in future.

Its also worth noting that these are handy for target practise or sighting on a hard surface, since you might not leave a hole in your target but can leave a small orange circle on each hit. (once again, real target+foam block is the preffered route, but not as niche)
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Old December 18th, 2012, 15:51   #13
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Crosman is just a marketing company that claims they are a manufacturer.

They fail at their paintball stuff sold through the mass merchandisers. Now they are hoping to cash in on airsoft. I don't think their president or management ever played paintball or airsoft.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 08:19   #14
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I am curious if anyone has had a gun failure, opened it up and found their powder throughout the internals and made a claim against the company. Talk about creating liability - coating BBs with colored powder makes it dead easy to figure out which product caused the damage.

Personally, I think they'd absolutely nuts marketing that product.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 10:03   #15
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
A friend of mine have witnessed a terrible accident with the "marker BB"...
Someone that is using the marker BB in his AEG had a jam. He then trys to remove the jammed round with the stick, but he accidentally poked through that round. That is a paint based marker round, not powder based, so all the paint went into his gun, messing up the circuit. His gun started to fire uncontrollably. Although he removed the magazine before, his gun still get very bad - the moter was burnt, all the gears were terribly wore.
6mm paintballs are not for use in airsoft guns that have hop up they can and will break in your gun and make a horrid mess of things.
As for these dusty bbs i can say from experiance. They are bad for your hop up and inner barrel. Not right off the bat but 500 plus rounds and youll have issues how do i know?
Because the str8. .36's i use in my bolt action are coated in some kind of powder ludlbe (teflon or some crap) to increase the size and weight. They are awesome bbs they fly as good or better then the bastard ones (sry scarecrow and i have returned to useing bastards ) but they leave an oily gunky residue kind of like bios do. After every other game if i dont clean my hop and barrel i have no consistancy or accuracy in my bolt action. Range drops from 300ft plus to 100ft and totally makes sniping unviable.
Any bb that leaves a residue behind isnt good for your gun. Yes they will work but over time your performance will suffer. If folks aint callin hits shoot em someplace thatll make em squeal (neck back of hand tight spot on the pans in the goggles if they are wearing face pro) or just swap to auto and light em up. If it prosists get one of your team mates to witness it and see the host im sure itll get sorted out.
At the OP i see how this could seem like a good idea but you seen some dust after a few mags in a pistol imagine after a dozen or more mags after a skirmish as the day wore on your hop up would become less effective and barrel would become uneaven as well. Not such a big deal in an aeg when you can put a bunch of rounds down range but in a bolt action especially when every shot counts itbwould ruin yer day prety fast (obviously it would likely be after a few games befor the symptoms got bad)
Thanks for the review it was informative and has shown us from you small thest that what we suspected is tru they will leave residue and residue is bad mmmk.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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