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I have read here and there that paople have medic pouchs on the vest


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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:25   #16
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
just don't go overboard w/ portable defibrillators etc
This reminds me of sha do's run in with a team killing medic on Bad Company 2.

He was PISSSED, Maverick and I were CRACKING UP lol.

"DUDE! You just got owned by a defibrilator lol."

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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:40   #17
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Here's what I have...
medic pouch - bbs, loader, snacks, zip ties, misc stuff
backpack - old basic cheapo first aid kit (bandaids and 5 yr old dried out antiseptic towellettes).

DO Better than's ass backwards and probably not helpful at all.

Plan for:
- headaches, allergies
- stop bleeding from cuts/gashes
- clean cuts/scrapes
- sprained ankles/wrists

(Respectfully, I disagree with Kokanee that it's not worth it for individual players to have that stuff...I think each/every person should and should know how to address basic first aid.)

Unless you're qualified and practiced don't bother bringing other stuff...ensure that the field has first aid kits and a way to contact emergency services. Ensure that there are persons designated as first responders and that game control has those aspects covered (no duff, comms, etc...). If those things are missing bitch, whine and gripe until it's taken care of....give the organizers hell if they're not covering that stuff.

Mental scarring's probably better to have Darkangel perform CPR on you vs. dying...maybe. Play'd never want to be in that situation
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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:48   #18
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I don't carry a medic pouch, but I do have a first aid kit on me at all times playing airsoft.

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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:52   #19
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Mental scarring's probably better to have Darkangel perform CPR on you vs. dying...maybe. Play'd never want to be in that situation
Lol. Your just saying that cause your scared you'll enjoy it Tyson *winks*

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Old July 28th, 2010, 12:10   #20
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I keep a first aid pouch in my pack at all times. Lots of bandages of different types, compression pads, antiseptic, painkillers, anti-histamines, sutures, tape, emt scissors, penlight, slings etc. And yes I did take first responder courses.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old July 28th, 2010, 12:34   #21
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What I'm taking from this is basically anything short of a major medical emergency players should be able to deal with. Minor cuts and scrapes you have bandages and maybe some polysporin to deal with it.

For things like rolled ankles and such splints are nice if someone has the training and gear readily available in their pack but it's not necessary outside of a milsim game.

To sum it up:

Superficial injuries and things that require a precursory look and maybe 1 minute of first aid players should be able to deal with.

Major injuries and emergencies the field will have the equipment to deal with it but it's always nice to have on a player if they have Wilderness First Aid or First Responders or something like that and can respond faster than say the main base of operations who might be on the other side of the field.

PS: Funnily enough, Wilderness first aid also covers gunshot wounds but I think it's moreso for hunters and such who have a danger of being shot by another hunter. Also when I did my Standard First Aid course, we dealt with gunshot wounds and biochemical attacks which I thought was a bit weird.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 12:53   #22
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
and biochemical attacks which I thought was a bit weird.
Have you EVER been airsofting with Havoc after Chili Cheese Burrito Night?

That shit should be taught to kids in elementry school

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Old July 28th, 2010, 13:03   #23
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But seriously, in airsoft, you're looking at dehydration, temperature-related maladies and minor cuts that you should attempt to deal with and not get straight to the hospital.

do a First-Aid course, and remember that if you're unsure then it's best to stop playing and do as above (hospital) you only get one life.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 22:31   #24
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Dooode, I have seen teh ree-sults of a blast frum a ikren empier plasma mine and I shit you knot I am preepaired for anuther......

Seriously tho, anyone who would take the time to identify a pouch as a first aid kit will most likely have it stocked with the basics. Mine has slightly more then that and I always have a full bag in my car at all games and it has been used multiple times.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 22:50   #25
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I carry a full TCCC pouch with minor injury additions in it. Never hurts to be prepared. Hell I have a full Trauma responce bag in my truck with Airways and IV. Would i use it? If it was an absolute need to do thing yes.
Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.
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Old July 29th, 2010, 00:16   #26
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I keep a Class 1 First aid medic pouch with me, but then again I'm trained and has current certification for First Aid, CPR C etc (I'm actually a lifeguard at a pool). The way I think is I carry it just incase, I know there's probably some people more trained than I am but I'll do what I can.
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Old July 29th, 2010, 09:41   #27
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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I used to carry a full trauma kit in my car when I was a paramedic.. defib and everything.. and it got used more than it should have.. I'll be keeping a stocked kit in my car for airsoft as well, loaded for most thing and minus the defib (my certs are expired) :P
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