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Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

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Old July 20th, 2010, 22:16   #76
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Over at the indoor arena in Calgary, there are a lot of CoD kids who rent guns with a bunch of friends and try to play airsoft like they would MW2. I find that the noobs that actually follow you into a firefight are the ones that will follow your orders. The ones that stay at spawn having a circle jerk with their buddies are the ones that will let you down when you need someone to flank or grab the attention while you move.

What also works best as far as I can tell is to seperate them from their group. If they don't know the arena, they won't be looking for their friends to run with. That makes them keep their head up and eyes open.

P.S. Noobs getting pinned by ricochets is hilarious. They don't know what's going on.
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Old July 21st, 2010, 16:07   #77
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COD, MW2, Bad Company 2, CS, whatever the game they prefer staying where they are and wait for the foes to come to them... and they do it too in airsoft sadly.

That was usually where I came with a snipe.

And sometime the noob yells at me "Fuck ! Ninja move on !" or "Stop camping !", no buddy a guy with a bolt action and ghillie does not go head on against full auto gun... That's your job.

Also true on games actually XD
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 00:30   #78
Cobalt Caliber
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Speak for your self, in a video game I'll no scope or go close up with a sniper rifle. I will do this because in a video game, you can do things that are impossible in real life. Now good luck doing this in real life. I mean Airsoft owns video games, and comparing them is kinda stupid.

Last edited by Curo; July 22nd, 2010 at 11:19.. Reason: Asked to use complete words
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 02:06   #79
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Errr... I did not understand half of the phrase.

As for airsoft sure that's not the real deal but skill are transferable for some... and being a good RS shooter helps a little on snipe. Most starters will try to adjust without exactly what they are doing (I went through that to) bu afterwards you learn to do most of the stuff on instinct.

PS : please use complete words.
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old September 18th, 2010, 19:27   #80
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Another term is Bush Wookie
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Old September 27th, 2010, 04:28   #81
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Errr... I did not understand half of the phrase.

As for airsoft sure that's not the real deal but skill are transferable for some... and being a good RS shooter helps a little on snipe. Most starters will try to adjust without exactly what they are doing (I went through that to) bu afterwards you learn to do most of the stuff on instinct.

PS : please use complete words.
I know this is a bit late but 'no scope' means to use a sniper without scoping. Most games don't have a reticle for a sniper rifle aside from the scope, so being able to use it without the scope takes some skill.

I would have thought those who grew up on FPS games would be the ones to run in like an idiot and die pointlessly. I haven't played my first game yet (looking forward to it ) but its good to know what I should do to not look like a tool, lol.
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Old October 13th, 2010, 05:33   #82
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Im new to airsoft, but an old dinosaur in the paintball world (which is a sad little planet these days), so I have had my experiences with these "campers." I find that explaining simple things to these confused people can get you some positive results. I have also noted, however, that the results are far from what you desire. The idea of geting shot at is intimidating, and I try to show some empathy for that intimidation. I would advise that experienced players try to resist the temptation to scream at these guys; if they don't want to participate, you don't need to waste your time trying to make them participate.
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Old October 13th, 2010, 06:46   #83
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i have to say I don't really notice these guys anymore. At games if i see guys who appear not to be doing anything I tend to get them to follow me and help me. I always take point though so that's probably why they follow me, thinking I'll get shot instead of them..... I also always end up alone after a firefight >.>
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Old October 14th, 2010, 22:24   #84
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Well you could always accidentally give away their position or give em a little kiss on their ass with some friendly fire or a frag. That wold light a fire under their asses.
Originally Posted by rc_p120 View Post
Reality has a well known liberal bias.

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Old October 15th, 2010, 00:35   #85
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The first "official" game I played a few years back, a couple of funny things happened: I was wearing a padded vest and couldn't feel the bb's hitting my back. I shot some1 at close range by mistake - when he was already dead. Never knew who it was. Finally I got shot at 3ft distance by some dude with a G36 that jerked: nice bruise with the 3 bb spots for like 2 weeks.

Desite the few fuckups, I followed the group and shut up. Loved it. That's what being a noob should be all about: follow the leader, cooperate, learn tactics, and learn from your mistakes.

Last edited by Leeloo; October 15th, 2010 at 00:37.. Reason: Adding some words
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Old October 15th, 2010, 07:47   #86
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Speak for your self, in a video game I'll no scope or go close up with a sniper rifle. I will do this because in a video game, you can do things that are impossible in real life. Now good luck doing this in real life. I mean Airsoft owns video games, and comparing them is kinda stupid.
Isn't saying "Airsoft owns video games" a comparison? Uh oh!

How is shooting someone with a sniper rifle from close range impossible in real life?
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Old October 15th, 2010, 09:24   #87
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I'll speak as a reforming "camper". I was lucky enough to have a couple guys help me learn some team tactics. Frequently excluded players are not so sure what to do and shy of jumping into the face of some existing cliques to include themselves they are left to their own. I know I was. On several occasions I tried to form some form of strategy with other players and when the buzzer sounded and the other players realized that their conversation about their "recently post-pubescent" endeavors was about to be interrupted by bb's ringing off their heads they took off in their default cliques to do what they do, leaving that guy who was trying to drum up some form of team effort standing...still without any kind of plan. I'm no military strategy wizard and just a little too old to be a video game junkie, but I try and I can follow good instructions and sound wisdom, and above all, value a TEAM effort. If we play as a team, we lose as a team and there is no glory in being the last man eliminated...still eliminated, so what success is that? As I say, a couple payers at a recent game were kind enough and generous enough to spend some time tutoring me on some basics of how to be an efficient team contributor. It helped me, very much and I hope their instructions and generosity continue because I know I have a lot to learn. One guy said to me at one point that the instinct to recoil at the presence of fire is the natural instinct of "fight or flight" and that you need to combat that in order to get out of your hole...cave...bunker...because who WANTS to get shot? I think it should be partially the responsibility of the experienced player to offer meeker players (like the cave dweller) some advice on how to contribute.

My name is Guy and I am a cave dweller by nature...but I'm trying and I try to take instruction well, and when I am THAT experienced player and still a recovering cave dweller, I will try to support and nurture those of common weakness to seek help...

*Everyone together now..................Hi Guy!*
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Old October 15th, 2010, 09:42   #88
deep in the bush
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Guy don't be so hard on yourself buddy, you are doing great.

You no longer flight but fight.

...BTW Look forward to seeing that M249 out next tuesday
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Old October 26th, 2010, 20:48   #89
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soon Scars will be for rent at the local indoor arena....oh the COD nerds will jump with glee. ive actuly herd noobs talking about how its just like cod no worries buddie...*face palm*
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Old October 27th, 2010, 22:47   #90
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from my experience as a paintballer playing with renters, most renters turn into campers when in groups and dont know any better. Renters that come in ones or twos are usually the best cuz they had no choice but to follow you around and do what you ask. Most of the time, the reason why renters camp are b/c of the fear of the getting lit up and a lack of experience.
But occasionally, you get your muscly manly renters who got something to prove to their buddies and will actually make a few good moves.
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