The gas goes into the bottom of the handle. The gas reservoir is located inside the grip, and can be accessed easily by just taking out the screw in the pistols grip. So you take the can, and stick it under the handle, with the gun upside down of course, to help load it easier. This gun in particular is a little tricky to load, you have to make sure to line it up perfectly, and even then you leak a lot of gas while loading. Overtime however, you will get better and better at it, until you lose barely any gas. Or you could use the methods that some people recommend, regarding modifying your gun so that gas will not leak out. Once it is full of gas you are ready to shoot.
Taken from http://pointblaink.tripod.com/mafreviewsection/id6.html
Does that sound like your problem? If so, it's just excess gas, as far as I know.
EDIT: My bad, noticed you need a re-assembly guide. Hold a few, I'll search.
EDIT2: Looking on google, and pretty much everywhere I know of, and I just can't find a link that still leads to the KWC .357. Sorry mate.
EDIT3: This should also be posted in Doctors Corner.