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Which scope is sexiest on a SCAR


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Old June 5th, 2010, 18:05   #16
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To clairify I would just be putting the doctor sight on by itself. Im not a fan of the Acog RDS replica's and I don't want a 4X replica.

And thank you Headless Chicken, I had heard that some of the 55X series Eotech replica's have a problem with the QD and the Battery Holders rattling open on GBB's but I was not sure it actually was a problem. That is however what motivated me to suggest the XPS replica as it uses the side mounted battery port.

Thanks for the Opinions/Comments.

If Im forgetting an awesome sight feel free to suggest one.

It seems the EOTECH and Doctor are getting the most love. I guess the NCStar POS I mean RDS is too "civilian" for this thing eh.

Last edited by Rugger_can; June 5th, 2010 at 18:07..
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Old June 5th, 2010, 18:10   #17
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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553 looks way better than Docter or anything else. 553 is issued too, And if you got the tan SCAR it would look so much nicer with a real 553. Muahahha

Once you get into GBBR, nothing wrong moving onto RS stuff.

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Old June 5th, 2010, 18:35   #18
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I'd avoid the XPS till you have more choices in the replicas, or the civi ones start to pop up for re-sale.

And one other option I haven't tried but looks pretty nice. Shot by SMGLee if you can't see the watermark
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Old June 5th, 2010, 19:12   #19
a.k.a. Egria
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I like EOtechs and Aimpoint CompM2s on Scars. They look damn sexy.


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Old June 5th, 2010, 19:12   #20
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I know the replica stuff isnt as nice as the RS stuff, but frankly I find a 400-600 dollar sight a little prohibitive in terms of cost for me at this point. I know that buying qualitiy is important but not THAT important. I could buy and replace my replica 7-10 times before it would have been better to buy a real one. However I can understand the logic. The only sights I would consider purchasing the real steel version is either the Doctor sight or the Box style Reflex ones as they are both "reasonable" in pricing for me to justify the cost.

Im confused however, your stating the the ACM XPS3-2 Replica's are garbage? from what Ive read they are actually quiet well built considering the cost and have very little ghosting and are bright enough to be used in full light sitations. Can you elaborate further?

I do like the Tan 553 replica but again Ive heard of problems with the battery clip wriggling free.

Last edited by Rugger_can; June 5th, 2010 at 19:17..
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Old June 5th, 2010, 20:36   #21
a.k.a. greenpunk_182
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love the 553 look on the Scars as well as the Acog with the doc sight. The beefier 553 looks nice taking up some space on the continuous top rail.

And to the comment about the king arms 553 replica, a friend of mine owns one and it had to be shimmed so the quick detach mount would hold the rail firmly. I could see this potentially being an issue on a GBBR but this is speculation because I haven’t had the opportunity to mount it on mine.
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Old June 5th, 2010, 23:22   #22
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For the EOTech copies the only one I've seen with a decent reticle is the Hurricane, and even that pales compared to an actual one. The clone red dots have a much easier time pulling off a decent impression. So right now in XP race you'd only be getting one for the external appearance vs. reasonable function.

Of course if that's what you're aiming for then it's OK.
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Old June 5th, 2010, 23:35   #23
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
For the EOTech copies the only one I've seen with a decent reticle is the Hurricane, and even that pales compared to an actual one. The clone red dots have a much easier time pulling off a decent impression. So right now in XP race you'd only be getting one for the external appearance vs. reasonable function.

Of course if that's what you're aiming for then it's OK.

I don't need a RDS I just would like to get one to add to the appearance and give me a neato keen thing to look through whilest I pew pew. Im aware of the quality disparity between real ones and copies. If you belive that the 553 replica is a superior product then thats cool? Sorry Im just alittle confused here.

In all honesty Ive never personally owned an RDS (I have used them but they where not mine) and as such Im going with reviews and information gleened from others so Im always welcome to new information.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 00:46   #24
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None of the optics I have are there for the "cool" factor. The best clone EOTech is the Hurricane, right now they don't make the little one yet.

If your goal is to actually use the optic on the field vs. setting up an impression then a holosight seems to be the worst choice, the big glass vs. the weak LED reticle (instead of a laser like the real deal) means it's harder to line up the sight. The smaller tube of a red dot will mean things won't wash out as much.

I went with the 553 for the ARMS mount, but like I said it's just not as good as it could be. It wound up on a SAW most of the time.
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Old June 28th, 2010, 16:50   #25
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Plain and simple, the 551. I didnt even know you were allowed to put anything else on scars.. I thought that was a crime against it's beauty?
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Old June 28th, 2010, 17:16   #26
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Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old June 28th, 2010, 19:05   #27
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Eotech or a Tasco
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Old June 28th, 2010, 19:08   #28
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I'm currently using a 1x Acog, marketed, I believe, by King Arms. It does a decent job, and, with full trades, it looks appropriate. Being a 1x, it gets mounted slightly further forward than an Acog with magnification. The red dot lines up perfectly with the front sight post of a SCAR, and I leave that front post up all the time to provide nice single shot accuracy.

My only complaint concerning my Acog is it requires a very unique single cell battery type. I get around that by stacking three button cells (303 type), then sealing them in shrink tubing. It's a PIA assembling these DIY batteries, and the cost is about $18 for each finished unit. They don't mention any of that when you're browsing retailers web sites.

Aimpoint clones use much cheaper cells, and just two at a time. Just choose the right height mount, and an Aimpoint clone will work just fine.

I like the looks of EOTech clones, and I love that some of them use common AA cells. I've heard EOTechs have their faults, but I'll put up with quite a bit, in exchange for being able to buy batteries at any convenience store!

To sum up my feelings on the matter: Screw how it looks! Get whichever sight uses the cheapest batteries.
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Last edited by Basic-Wedge; June 28th, 2010 at 21:25..
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Old June 28th, 2010, 22:11   #29
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spectre DR
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Old June 28th, 2010, 23:01   #30
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Huge EOTech Fan, only time I don't like EOtech is on a NICE sunny day

But the Field Of Vision is ideal with an EOTech
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