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What range will I be able to achieve


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Old June 17th, 2010, 20:17   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Montréal, Qc
Red face What range will I be able to achieve

Alright, another total noob question.

i just wanted to know what range i would be able to achieve with this:
I will be using it with propane.

Its my first GBB pistol and concerning performance of these, I dont really know what to expect.

i bought this model because I wanted a compact pistol. On some websites I saw it listed at 300 fps, on others 230. I also know that fps doesnt mean everything when it comes out to range, but on a non-upgraded gun its still an important factor.

Ok, thats it for my question, please be kind to my noobness and my english, which I realized is not that bad.


Ah yeah and if you know a good way which is not too costy to upgrade its range or power, it would be nice to tell me more about it.
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Old June 17th, 2010, 20:22   #2
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with good .3 bbs, propane and properly adjusted hopup, should give you 50-100 feet. Though I'm not to knowledgeful on KJW guns as I've never worked on one.
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Old June 17th, 2010, 20:27   #3
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welcome, try to get age verified, it's quite easy here in montreal

ok, so I have a glock 26, which is quite close -
I would advise you not to upgrade anything on this pistol unless it has a problem.
The barrel is really short and you wont achieve great velocity nor great accuracy, even after upgrade, BUT it's sufficient for close quarters, provided you tune the hop-up properly.

some crazy guy by the name of Mike McNair will try to get you to do things to this pistol that are against God's will and Nature.Do not listen to him

Last edited by Jimski; June 17th, 2010 at 20:34..
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Old June 17th, 2010, 22:15   #4
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You can also go with a KJW G32C. It's a compact version, not sub-compact. And the velocity with propane and 0.20 BBs is around 265-270 FPS (so it will be abit lower thant that with the G27) and I do not suggest using 0.20 accuracy wise it's horrible and BB's will just go left and right so with 0.25 you get around 235 FPS which is really low...but decent accuracy (chest size up to 35 feet, which is not bad but not great with the stock 6.08 barrel, so for CQB it's cool but don't expect to snipe someone at 75 feet with this pistol)

The difference in inner barrel lenght between both model:

G27: 73mm G32C: 84 mm

So what I did is that I purchased high flow valve for the magazine, they are really not expensive ($10 US each on ehobby) that should give me at least a 20 FPS gain (I hope, I did not received them yet)

The only thing that I changed is I a metal magazine catch to replace the plastic one and a tightbore inner barrel. The stock is 6.08 which is a pretty wide bore and since it is short too...the accuracy is not amazing...So with a 6.03 Pdi barrel it cannot be worst, it will certainly help a bit. I was even willing to go with a shorter barrel (unfortunately no company does a tightbore inner barrel for G23 or 32C) but tightbore than the stock barrel which is 1.1 cm long will see if the gambled paid off in a week!

For the rest I agree with Jimski do not touch anything else. As a matter of fact for the KJW G32C there is some parts already upgraded from the start when you get it, like the enhanced loading nuzzle and the upgraded piston cup I am not sure that those parts are upgraded for the G27 since it's an older model, but anyway don't touch the internals until something break.

So the 2 small changes that you can do to boost FPS and accuracy:

- Get some highflow valve to replace the stock one on the magazines:

- A tightbore Pdi 6.03, it will help especially with a short barrel like that:

P.S: The KJW G27 is compatible with the TM G26, so if you need upgrade parts, look for G26.

Last edited by Jagd; June 17th, 2010 at 22:20..
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Old June 17th, 2010, 22:56   #5
Trayne wr3ck
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Ive got a stock Glock 27 and my max effective range is somewhere between 75-100 feet but I need to really aim those shots. ~50 feet seems to be the best range for my particular pistol and since my main use for it is in cqb it does a fine job.
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Old June 18th, 2010, 00:54   #6
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Originally Posted by Trayne wr3ck View Post
Ive got a stock Glock 27 and my max effective range is somewhere between 75-100 feet but I need to really aim those shots. ~50 feet seems to be the best range for my particular pistol and since my main use for it is in cqb it does a fine job.
Did you really measure? Cause I highly doubt that you can accurately hit consistently a target 12'' x 12'' at more than 40 feet.
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Old June 18th, 2010, 01:04   #7
Trayne wr3ck
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
Did you really measure? Cause I highly doubt that you can accurately hit consistently a target 12'' x 12'' at more than 40 feet.
My target is the broadside of a wheel barrow in my backyard at 60 feet. I'd say I make ~80% of the shots I take but I do have to compensate quite a bit for gravity. I'm aiming 1-2 feet above point of impact. All this with my hopup properly tuned and using .25 ecobastards. Hitting a stationary man-sized target is perfectly do-able up to 75 feet.
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Old June 18th, 2010, 01:10   #8
Assault Pioneer
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Originally Posted by Trayne wr3ck View Post
My target is the broadside of a wheel barrow in my backyard at 60 feet. I'd say I make ~80% of the shots I take but I do have to compensate quite a bit for gravity. I'm aiming 1-2 feet above point of impact. All this with my hopup properly tuned and using .25 ecobastards. Hitting a stationary man-sized target is perfectly do-able up to 75 feet.
well in that case you could kill someone from a mile with a .22 rifle if you compensated enough
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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Old June 18th, 2010, 01:26   #9
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Exactly, so in that case I can hit a man size target at 300 feet with my MP5K if I compensate enough... When I said accurately at 40 feet I meant accurately shooting in a flat trajectory and expecting to hit someone under stress in-game. Not taking your time and having to compensate and lob the BB like crazy.
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Old June 18th, 2010, 08:00   #10
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Ok thanks a lot guys, fast and clear answers as always.
And Jagdalex, I will test it first and if it doesnt reach my expectations I will look at the links you provided. Thanks again.

Merci Ă* tous.
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