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Cybergun 552 Command


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Old June 14th, 2010, 03:08   #1
Williams 552
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Cybergun 552 Command

Hey I am entirely brand new to airsoft and jumped right in and bought a M4 from Valocity Arms and a Sig 552 from Cabelas. The Sig i bought is no where close to as good as my M4. Every few rounds just rolls out of the barrel, and i have no idea what to do about it. I use .20g bbs from walmart. My M4 is perfect in every way and does not do that at all. The sig 552 commando is my second favorite gun and want it to work better.
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Old June 14th, 2010, 03:22   #2
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check your hopup bucking.
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Old June 14th, 2010, 03:26   #3
Williams 552
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What is that hop up bucking and what do i have to do to it?
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Old June 14th, 2010, 03:40   #4
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Don't use bbs from walmart and see if that changes anything.
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Old June 14th, 2010, 10:15   #5
Red Wine & Adderall
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I believe the Sig 552 sold at Cabelas is a rebrand of JG, not entirely garbage but definitely nothing to write home about either.

Pull back the charging handle on the right side of the gun and it will reveal the hopup dial.The dial rotates both clock wise and counter clock wise. This device is designed to give the BB some backspin in order to extend the distance the BB can travel. However due to its design if the dial is completely off your BBs may roll out of the barrel due to the fact that there is no pressure from the hopup holding them in place.

You may wish to check those BBs that you purchase from walmart. Make sure there are no seems or imperfections on the surface as those small seems and imperfections can cause scratches, nicks and tears to both your hopup and inner barrel. There are many online retailers in Canada that you can source great quality BBs from.

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Old June 14th, 2010, 16:57   #6
formerly MSDFS
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I believe he's right, that it is a cybergun.
From what I understand, this is the one sold at Cabelas/Basspro.
It seems kinda meh from what I've read. The guy doing the reviewing says it only shoots about 240fps out of the box. Not that FPS is everything, but it has a clear plastic body, and I have read tons of reviews on this gun (I came VERY close to purchasing one) and it is very prone to cracking. If you REALLY want a sig, I would either invest in a ton of upgrades (metal body etc.) or just buy an ICS one, or even a JG if you are on a budget.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old June 14th, 2010, 22:31   #7
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lol IT IS A JG
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Old June 14th, 2010, 23:55   #8
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The one i have is a JG and shoots 380 out of the box. I think some of you guys are referring to the other package that comes with a pistol. It a great backup, even used as my primary several times. Seven is right, nothing to write home about, but a great gun none the less. I got it when i was pretty new to airsoft and it still shoots great today
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Old June 20th, 2010, 08:15   #9
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I started with a cybergun sig 552(this is my first season, my 6th game is today), and am just making the transition to my first "proper" build, a CA36, today. (wish me luck!)

It does not shoot far (see fps) Its rate of fire, on the other hand, is not bad I find. I think the best aspect of this gun is that it actually forced me to be an very active player, and do a lot of maneuvering, to get close. I think what it taught me I will be using with every gun.

As the others say though, it's still not that great durable wise, and the battery case is small. My handguard pin, even though I knew not to lose it, still broke off on one end, which has been annoying... (sticky tack.. ftw?)

By the way, had I bought guns all at once I would not have chosen it, but it was actually a gift, and I pretty nice one I think at that. But if you have the ability to save up, get something nice and durable.


Last edited by Eldanesh; June 20th, 2010 at 08:21..
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Old June 20th, 2010, 23:14   #10
représentant officiel de
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First of all, you should invest in higher quality BBs, walmart BBs tend to have seam line that can damage your hop-up rubber. Higher quality BBs like BBbastard are less likely to cause jams and will increase your accuracy by a lot.

Personally, I would try to dissemble the hop-up unit and look for sign of damage to the hop-up bucking and sleeves (the rubber thingy at the end of your inner barrel ).
Here is a guide on how to disassemble the SIG 552.

If there is no damage to the hop-up rubber, then I would move on to the gearbox to check for compression issues. I strongly recommend that you do not open the gearbox unless you know what you are getting into (When I opened my mp-40 gearbox for the first time, it took me 3 hours to put it back together and do an ``ok`` shim job). Your SIG 552 is a V3 mechbox, here is a video on how to open the gearbox - ATTEMPT AT YOUR ON RISK - still trying it and succeeding at fixing your own guns can save you a lot of money
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Old June 24th, 2010, 18:24   #11
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Few things to check.

First thing, stop using Wal-Mart BBs. Aside from the seam of the BBs causing jamming, the hop-up unit is a tight fit. You need to use decent BBs or you'll just shred your rubber sleeve.

Because the CyberGun/Swiss Arms SG552 isn't the best quality, the second thing I'd recommend is take off the upper receiver, leave the rest of the gun assembled. Simply dry-fire. Watch your nozzle, if it's moving properly, it's fine. If it's barely moving or not moving at all, you may need to fix it or buy a new nozzle.

If the two previous things have been remedied, then go about checking the actual hop-up itself. Because the quality of these particular brands of SG552s is not the best, the hop-up isn't the best either, particularly the bucking. The bucking in my SG552 when originally purchased was too much of a tight fit. This caused it to push down, but not come back up after re-adjusting the hop-up, and getting a ton of fucking jamming. Simply get a utility knife or disassemble a cheap disposable razorblade and just barely shave a very, very, very small amount off at one end. Put the bucking back in, push down and see if it pops back up. If it still isn't take it back out and shave just a very slight amount again. Do not overshave, otherwise it'll just turn into a piece of shit and you will need to purchase another one.

Also, it's stupid as shit, but check your barrel. I've gotten a few guns to me for repairs due to jamming and the only problem was they had shit stuck in the barrel and all I had to do was poke it out, rifle fired fine.

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