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JG SVD for Assault/Support?


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Old May 15th, 2010, 12:23   #1
formerly MSDFS
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JG SVD for Assault/Support?

Hello ASC.
I was browsing Red Dragon Airsoft's website (I know they are American, and I cannot get guns from there). I love that website because they have in-depth reviews, chrono and accuracy tests of pretty much every gun they sell.
I came across the SVD dragunov by JG. I said, "Not for me, that's a sniper rifle" until I saw the 800rpm advertized, which means it shoots full auto. The guy doing the review says that it's compatible with all AK type magazines which got me thinking. I am an accuracy freak. The long barrel and the great accuracy would be great.
I would use it with an AK magazine, possibly a drum and no optics. It has pretty good iron sights (AK style) so I would not be sniping with it. I have no interest in it and 350-60 FPS won't do for sniping anyway. I would use it as an assault weapon or a light support weapon depending on the mag used. The bipod would be useful for the latter.

Would anyone recommend doing this at all, or would I get chewed out for being another "noob sniper" at games?

NB: Before I get bombarded with the usual "Get Av'd" demands, I am 17 turning 18 in a few months. I am doing research to make the best first purchase possible.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 12:28   #2
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Just because it has a long barrel and fast RPM doesnt make it instantly a 'support' weapon. That, and JG is pretty trashy, and that gun happens to be one of their trashier guns available from the crap i've heard about them.

If you want to make your best first purchase, aim to get something of worth like Realsword, classic army or TM or whatever. Usually china clone guns are prone to problems at some point.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 12:29   #3
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If you want a russian gun for assault/support, get a PKM or RPK... using an SVD for that would be weird.

Well, the JG SVD isn't really an SVD anyways, it's pretty much an AK with different stock.

Ah, BTW I'd recommend basing your information on anywhere BUT Red Dragon... let's just say that this guy is notorious for misinformation.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 12:55   #4
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Sounds like you want an RPK instead. Those JG "SVD"s are not the greatest quality in the world. You can get RPK conversion kits for an AK, so you can base it off a good quality gun. Or, you can just buy an RPK

You don't want to cheap out on a support gun, as lots of shooting means lots of wear on the internals.

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Old May 15th, 2010, 13:21   #5
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post

Well, the JG SVD isn't really an SVD anyways, it's pretty much an AK with different stock..
Like wise with most of the RPK's out there, in accurate bits here and there.
Not as bad as the JG "SVD" but an inaccurate gun is inaccurate.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 14:01   #6
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Well, after getting a PM from an owner of this gun, I don't think this is a good idea anymore. He does say that the only durability issue with it is the wiring. He also owns a CA dragunov, and another (I forget which) so he knows what he's talking about.
However, it's just too big. I mean, NO way you can use this for CQB, even if you brought down the FPS to an allowed level.
I'm going to do some more research, but I definitely want something AK like.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 14:58   #7
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Originally Posted by MSDFS View Post
However, it's just too big. I mean, NO way you can use this for CQB
Can't say you can't till you've tried it
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 16:30   #8
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It has a long outer barrel but ak regular length inner barrel, so it won't be any more accurate than a kraken or other clone brand ak
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Old May 15th, 2010, 23:01   #9
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Originally Posted by MSDFS View Post
I definitely want something AK like.
Could always just get a regular ol' ak?
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 23:19   #10
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If you like AK type of gun that is good for CQB and longer range, I would suggest going for an AK with a folding stock. Personally I have an AK 105 with folding stock, with a tightbore 455 mm barrel and with the stock folded it is great for CQB, but pretty damn accurate at long range too! So for long range shots when you need to be more stable you just unfold the stock!

Last edited by Jagd; May 15th, 2010 at 23:26..
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Old May 15th, 2010, 23:31   #11
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... First mistake is taking Red Dragon's reviews seriously.

IMO they're OK. I'll admit they are better than 12 year olds with their "leet" airsoft gunz doing a "review" but not by much. Really if you want good reviews Arnies Airsoft review section, and are pretty good. They might not be video reviews but searching youtube can yield much better quality reviews including more stringent and scientific based testing as well as a more structured review (albeit sometimes these guys only make one or two videos but there are other people who review other guns well out there too).

Those videos are also much better reviews quality wise than Jarek/RDA.

/end rant...

As for the accuracy thing, long barrel =/= accuracy, sure it probably slightly helps but hop up and tight tolerances in construction (ie. Tokyo Mauri guns that only shoot at 1J) as well as a good compression system for consistency will be much more "accurate" than a super long barrelled AEG.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 23:39   #12
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Thanks for all the imput guys.
The person who I exchanged PMs with recommended a Cybergun AK74 with a folding triangle stock.
Good news for me is, Army Navy Store has it for 200$
I love Galils tho, and the SAR is only 320. That place has great prices.
I think folding stocks are the way to go. I just need to downgrade it to 350fps and I'm good for CQB and field play.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.
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Old May 16th, 2010, 00:27   #13
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Best use a 1J spring to be safe for places where it's 330 or less. Really the 20 FPS difference doesn't make too much difference in such short areas like that and I calculated it once and there was only a hundreth of a second difference in striking time between a gun shooting 349 FPS and one shooting just under 1J (330 on .20's) hell I did it for 290 FPS as well and found it was still a negligible difference which makes sense if you think about it.

Basically to do this yourself consider Gr 11 physics and use the v=dt formula and isolate what you want to solve for and you'll see that a 1J spring (if not less as to decrease the stress and increase the longevity of the gun) is the way to go for CQB. You have v (your velocity), and d is assumed to be like 30 feet hallways or w/e (you can use any number you want) and then just solve for t.

That's just a suggestion though. If you want 350 FPS for indoor and outdoor play then that's probably a good way to go as well since it seems like you realize that the "magical" number of 400 FPS for outdoor play is not needed and that just being smarter and more crafty will yield better results than having the "best" gun on the field.
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Old May 16th, 2010, 07:45   #14
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Originally Posted by MSDFS View Post
Thanks for all the imput guys.
The person who I exchanged PMs with recommended a Cybergun AK74 with a folding triangle stock.
Good news for me is, Army Navy Store has it for 200$
I love Galils tho, and the SAR is only 320. That place has great prices.
I think folding stocks are the way to go. I just need to downgrade it to 350fps and I'm good for CQB and field play.
Forget anything by Cybergun. Complete and utter shit. Every single one I have seen (not that I am an expert or have seen hundreds) but at least 30, each and every one have been beyond deplorable in their quality. Read around this site and see why its worth paying just a bit more for your base gun and getting a decent quality non-clone gun. First step you will have to do is getting Age Verified, which you already said you know about, so when you turn 18 get that done and browse our classifieds and deal with our retailers in the AV section.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 16th, 2010, 10:21   #15
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Rock "N" Roll: I plan on getting AV'd as soon as possible.
I have heard that SOME cyberguns are shit. The Galil is a french rebrand of the CYMA Galil, which I have found several very positive reviews on Youtube (NOT red dragon). Same goes for their AKS74U which is a rebrand of the CYMA 035, which I have also read is quite good for a clone.

I have a budget of about 350$ maximum for my first AEG, including battery and charger. I now it's recommended to pay more, but I am a 17 year old heading off to university in a couple years (taking a 5th year of high school to save more $).
I only have a nice pair of boots and a paintball mask. I need EVERYTHING else.
I would buy a RealSword type 56-1 with the folding stock if I had 600$+ to shell out, but I just don't. I have done some research on gearboxes, and I feel confident enough to reshim, aswell as install aftermarket parts to make the gearbox more durable. I think a clone may be my only option here.
I will check out the classifieds, but from what I hear, most of it is out of my price range.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If something is to good to be true, it usually it.
If its last call and you've struck out with every girl all night and suddenly a cute one is making eyes at you? She has a wiener. You have been warned.
Enjoy your sneaky man trany tricked you butt secks.

Last edited by Crunk_Ain't_Dead; May 16th, 2010 at 10:38..
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