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For the price, is it less expensive to buy from US?



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Old May 10th, 2010, 15:48   #16
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Lol Kullwarrior you sound like u have a vendetta against the Canadian retailers lol

while I agree to an extent, people need to understand that this is a hobby where people are expected to do some level of research for their purchases. No one is being scammed, the prices are higher yes but that isn't against any rules.

Think of it like this, you may not buy from them, but the guys you play with might and without them they wouldn't have the guns/gear/etc to make it to games and make your local scene what it is.

The way I see it, I am an informed consumer and I always pay the lowest price I can find and I am happy with that; but if someone want to/doesn't mind paying twice what I paid then that's not my problem, so long as they get their shit sorted out and ready to hit the field.
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Old May 10th, 2010, 15:55   #17
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post

If anything were supporting retailer in Canada it's supporting greed./rant
As both a consumer and retailer I agree price gouging is wrong. I will simply take my business elsewhere if I find this to be occurring and it seems you do as well.

That said, you are making a very broad generalization of Canadian retailers in your statement.

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Old May 10th, 2010, 16:12   #18
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Originally Posted by TechSeller View Post
That said, you are making a very broad generalization of Canadian retailers in your statement.
I have to agree here. There are several Canadian retailers offering parts, accessories and gear at prices quite comparable to foreign retailers. is a prime example. Some stuff may be a little more expensive (I'm talking in single-digit percentages here), but to deal with an ACCOUNTABLE and REPONSIBILE person who's a part of our community more than makes up for it. Order Part X from eHobby or some other Asian or US retailer. If they ship the wrong item, a defective item, etc, how much of a pain in the ass is it to get your refund or exchange? Get a defective / incorrect part from Jugglez, and he will make it right!

Then there are other retailers who really have to sell at MSRP in order to be able to stay in business. Those are generally the ones selling guns and accessories from CAS. In those cases, it's not really the manufacturer's SUGGESTED retail price, but the distributors DICTATED retail price. That's not the retailer's fault. In that case, the real gouging comes from CAS, and not the retailer.

But of course, there are a number of price gougers out there for parts and accessories. If people are stupid enough to pay those prices, then tough luck. Fools and their money are soon parted.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 12:50   #19
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I tend to agree about taking my business elsewhere. BB's especially. I've looked at roughly 10 Canadian retailers and found that you would have to be absolutely insane to buy BB's in Canada if you live remotely close to a border. I'm going to the US soon anyways for an engagement and I'm just going to buy 50,000 polished .2s in quantities of 10,000 for less than half the price here in Canada. Ridiculous I say!!!
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Old May 13th, 2010, 12:52   #20
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Oh, and another bonus - the tax rate is half that of here in Canada! WIN!
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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:52   #21
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Why would you want to use 0.20s?
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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:56   #22
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Why would you not want to use .2s? At any rate, that was extremely off-topic. Whatever weight BB you buy, it's half the price in the US.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:12   #23
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I asked why you'd want twenties since all the other guys who did the same thing as you wound up realizing they wanted heavier BBs and then trying to re-sell bags and bags on here. Usually without the response they were expecting.

Carry on though.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:16   #24
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No one uses .2s in games. They only times I've seen them used in the last 3 years was to chrony guns. You can get .2 and .25 for the same price. .25 fly farther, have a more stable flight path, are less affected by air currents and wind, and better brush penetration.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:21   #25
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You might be right. I don't know, when I shoot .2s they fly perfectly straight until they lose velocity obviously.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:25   #26
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If you just play inside a CQB envoirment sure.

Otherwise they're just like training wheels on a bike, once you take them off they don't go back on.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:31   #27
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
If you just play inside a CQB envoirment sure.

Otherwise they're just like training wheels on a bike, once you take them off they don't go back on.
Correct. I use .25 indoors, and .28 outdoors. I use .30 in my pistols. I'll never put a .2 in my gun again except for chrony purposes. I sell BB Bastards BBs and I don't even carry .2 as no one wants them.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:36   #28
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.20s for chronying when testing upgrades on your gun, or when chronying before a game.

.20s for playing cqb indoors

.25+ for everything else.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 20:03   #29
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Besides, just saying "BB's" is a little vague. What brands? I can go down to canadian tire and get dirt-cheap BB's too, but they're garbage. Did you compare Brand X and retailer A and B to get that cost difference? Or brand x at retailer A and brand y at retailer B?
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