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noobie German playable kit?


WW1, WW2

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Old March 5th, 2010, 14:55   #1
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noobie German playable kit?

So for about a year and a half I have been very interested in The 2 divison German kit, but my problem is I can seem to find a guide on how to start a kit that is playable and a good start. I understand there is a high price to the German but I would like to start.
So I was wondering if anyone has a sort of guide line to a used uniform.
I am not really sure where to start.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 15:02   #2
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this will help you out big time. should answer all your questions.
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Old March 10th, 2010, 19:47   #3
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I am honestly surprised that no replies to theis threat. There is some very great stuff on that website.
But I sure don't have 1250$ for a kit. I was hoping to start a kit for about 200$ and no else has started a kit I guess.

Well thanks for looking at least.
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Old March 10th, 2010, 21:20   #4
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Originally Posted by Saint_blackhand View Post
I am honestly surprised that no replies to theis threat. There is some very great stuff on that website.
But I sure don't have 1250$ for a kit. I was hoping to start a kit for about 200$ and no else has started a kit I guess.

Well thanks for looking at least.
First of all you are never going to be able to put a German impression together for $200 (not even for used stuff). The best that you can do with $200 is to buy things that look close and try to make it look the part. East German uniforms or Swiss uniforms can look the part with some work.

Ebay is your best bet. There are Hong Kong vendors that sell cheap, but again $200 will only scratch the surface. Just search for WWII German uniform... and be prepared to spend a few hours going through everything.

The American impressions are the cheaper impressions to put together and you would be hard pressed to put one together for $200.
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Old March 10th, 2010, 22:32   #5
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Also keep an eye out on the gear sale threads on here. I grabbed a good German Officer's tunic with the appropriate insignia for $100
-Though I'm raging inside because a few days later someone put up more, and better German stuff for a lot cheeper.. so keep a good eye out-

Also check out
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Old March 11th, 2010, 02:00   #6
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Check out some of the info on here:

They have some alternative stuff that is cheap and accessible to pull off ww2 era gear... more or less.
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Old March 11th, 2010, 11:46   #7
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well for 200$, you can buy yourself a uniform; the fieldgear is a bit more expensive.
I personally recommend spearhead militaria
The price/quality ratio is probably one of the best (sure you will have to sew on the insigna yourself but you just can't beat the price). By the second division, I assume you mean the Waffen SS 2nd division 'das Reich'. Of course, you should also choose the period of war; you are actually trying to impress(for instance, I chose late war; thus, my uniform is in HBT and is a dot44 camo pattern). For the insignas, I recommend military tour ( . Again, you should also choose your rank accordingly, I chose SS-Scharfuhrer since I field an mp-40. Since you are not buying everything at once, you should plan your kit ahead.
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Old March 11th, 2010, 13:41   #8
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See now we are cooking with gasoline, I am not looking for a full kit to start I am looking for some that looks the part and the collection will grow from there.

And Andres that is a great page you posted, I have read it before, thank you for the reminder.

What I was thinking, was that I could do a Camo smock and camo patrol cap in Oak leaf and wear Dickies black work pants. Canadian forces boots with canvas Gators. That would be about as basic as I think you can do for 200$.

What year did german Flecktarn come out and is it based on Pea Dot 44?

As for weapons I guess I will use my Rk-beta and MkII luger. I have a large interest in both the Stg.44 and the Broomhandle. Now to use both of those is not period but I can live with that for now.
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Old March 11th, 2010, 14:29   #9
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well to answer your question
Flecktarn was introduced in 1990 and and yes it looks a bit like dot 44 (I have both sets, flectarn has much more green components than dot44). It was partially inspired by it. I fully understand that you re looking at starting an impression. The canadian force boots with canvas gaiters are a great substitute for the german low boots or gemaschen (I personally prefer Jack boots; unfortunately, they are fairly expensive (125$ a pair) so I use east-german jack-boots that are pratically similar with the exception of having no hobnails). For the uniforms, smocks are cheaper than tunics (you can get a M42 oakleaf A for about 60$ with shipping) and I believe the matching trousers are about 80$ with shipping. The fieldcap is roughly 35$ with shipping. A complete sets of flecktarn BDU is fairly cheap; I got mine for 43$ (with cap, trousers and tunic). Depending on what you want to buy first, you should consider the enlisted man's belt of the respective division with the belt buckle combined with a flecktarn set(they are about 35$ and they will greatly enhance your impression) combined with canadian boots with gaiter canvas. That would give a somewhat respectable results for under 200$. Or if you want something that we will be slightly more authentic within your budget and you are decent a sewing, you should consider the swiss tunic add peddle buttons and the insigna. For about 80$, you have a nice tunic that is period correct for mid-war.

When it comes to the stg44; it has some drawbacks like high cap only and you will have to downgrade the spring to a m120 since it fired about 430fps with 0.2g BB stock. I believe you can order one from the retailers for about 425$.
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Old March 12th, 2010, 00:41   #10
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Just look around on ebay.

Spearhead Militaria is a good start.

Pants, tunic/smock, cap, em belt and east german jackboots can be had for <$300 Canadian.

Once you have those 5 items you'll have a decent impression.

Suspenders, gas mask bag, bread bag (works as an airsoft dump pouch), mag pouches etc can be purchased later.

If you're a size 9 there's a couple of east german jackboots for sale on ebay dirt cheep!
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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Old March 13th, 2010, 13:58   #11
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For 300$, you can have a pretty decent impression (5 items above pretty much sums up what you need to start with a decent impression); if you still have money left of the 300$ you should invest in the set of insignia of your unit. For 30$, you can have the collar tab, the sleeve or breast pocket eagle( depending on if you are impressing heer or waffen SS) and the corresponding cuff titles. Just remember to choose, the type of fabrics associated with the period of the war, you are impressing; the RZM was early to mid war while the BEVO was late war. Also, try to pick the eagle to match the cuff titles fabrics. Depending on the rank, you are impressing you will either have a rank sleeve chevron for enlisted man or a silver tressing around the collar for a NCO. The shoulder board will also vary depending on the rank. If you are not decided on what impression; you are trying to impress then just invest in the uniforms. Eventually if you are putting a complete impression, you should plan your rank and division (helmet decals and insignia depend on division, rank etc.)
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Old March 31st, 2010, 14:09   #12
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so I have been looking around, and actually for a playable kit you can get pea dot for 99$, gators for 23$ and patrol cap for 21$. But I have having a hard time finding affordable y harness. Does anyone have any suggestions?

also in my search I found another site

I was also wondering what was worn in the European theater during the war?
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Old March 31st, 2010, 18:50   #13
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a good leather y-strap is about 35$
the austrian one are cheaper and look fairly similar (
they are 32.95 including shipping)
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Old March 31st, 2010, 18:50   #14
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to answer, your question ,leather y-strap were mostly used
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Old April 9th, 2010, 23:03   #15
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Location: kitchener ,ON dont know if your still looking but im looking for the same thing and stumbled apon this site hope it helps
just getting into airsofting to young to get av'd bear with me guys
Originally Posted by Dart View Post
this attitude towards clear soft needs to change. asc has been screaming for years for the solution to the airsoft question... and now that we have it we turn our noses up at it. cant have your cake and eat it too.
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