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Why Do I "Need" Boots


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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:43   #46
aka coachster
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Re: Why Do I "Need" Boots

Originally Posted by BoGrain
goretex works until the pores in the fabric get clogged by dirt and then you end up sweating like in a sauna.
Goretex needs to be washed regularly. I don't know how one can clog it up with enough dirt in a day.

Starting with clean socks, clean feet and somewhat clean boots and you should be fine. Also, you are suppose to wear a liner between your skin and the gortex socks.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:50   #47
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Originally Posted by TechSeller View Post
I think you guys are too quick to dismiss the role a good pair of tactical sandals can play:

Comfy, stylish and perfect for battle in lush tropical environments
beautiful. I shall add tactical clogs, used for centuries!

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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:54   #48
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Originally Posted by Hades View Post
Nothing to do with that, the sole's freeze and you get almost no traction

Yeah, they become skis.....lotsa fun
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Old March 25th, 2010, 14:27   #49
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In 2006 I bought a pair of Danner boots. Used every airsoft game (indoor/outdoor), winters ( more slush than snow), and yard work/etc. They look "broken in"...nothing more. Still lots of tread and good to go as of yesterday. They are about as comfortable as my running shoes.

$200 over 4 years of use...that's a good deal.

Dry feet + thin socks + thick socks + good boots = Win
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Old March 25th, 2010, 15:52   #50
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
In 2006 I bought a pair of Danner boots. Used every airsoft game (indoor/outdoor), winters ( more slush than snow), and yard work/etc. They look "broken in"...nothing more. Still lots of tread and good to go as of yesterday. They are about as comfortable as my running shoes.

$200 over 4 years of use...that's a good deal.

Dry feet + thin socks + thick socks + good boots = Win
Ditto for me the past two years, Danner Pronghorn. Good quality insoles really help out in footwear too, what I'm using the past four months I bought at the drug store ($18 I recall) are made of that memory foam they make pillows and mattresses from, very spongy with no pressure points.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 16:26   #51
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Right now I've got a pair of Columbia Hiking boots, 8'' ankles, water proof (dunked my feet in the bath tub, and socks came out dry), and rated to keep my feet warm in weather down to -32 degrees. Fucking great boots... wear 'em for work too.

The only downside (and this goes for every pair of footwear, boots/shoes, whatever)... I broke the laces the other day, so now I have to tie my right boot twice... once where the foot meets ankle, the other at the top of the ankle to keep the support.

Still though, comfy effing boots.

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Old March 25th, 2010, 18:38   #52
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
You obviously where not at OPCT2. I saw 3 twisted ankles there, one was pretty bad.

Just because its not required doesnt mean its not a good idea. Im not required to wear a winter jacket outside in a blizzard, but its probably a damn good idea.
I think you misinterpreted my post.

Never said it doesn't happen, it just so happens that every game I've been to where people have rolled an ankle has been at ones where there was no boot requirement.

I for one always where them.. doesn't matter where I'm playing. My boots are the most comfortable piece of footwear I own... I can run around all day in them and feet are fine at the end. No reason I wouldn't wear them to a game.

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Old March 25th, 2010, 23:03   #53
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Boots often have better treads, they provide much better ankle support, they are often waterproof............ one local place here has a 10ft high shale rock cliff to climb up/down in a certain area, sure you could walk around but this area is open and for about 300ft is thick brush with a higher grade to climb............. what would you rather wear, shoes or a good pair of lug soled boots?
ok just going to put it out there, a 10 foot wall is nothing for him to run up if he needs to, he has been doing parkour for like 3 years, and he defiantly gets it after 4 pages of people going at it lol, first 10 peoples opinions were defiantly enough.... just sayin...
I do what I want!!
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Old March 25th, 2010, 23:55   #54
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Originally Posted by Grattoj2 View Post
Sprained ankle=bye bye airsoft season! Come back and try again next year!
I've actually even rolled my ankle wearing a 6" Oakley SI. I was out of action for weeks.

Originally Posted by JayDriscoll77 View Post
ok just going to put it out there, a 10 foot wall is nothing for him to run up if he needs to, he has been doing parkour for like 3 years, and he defiantly gets it after 4 pages of people going at it lol, first 10 peoples opinions were defiantly enough.... just sayin...
Yeah, sure. Go perform some parkour wearing your gear and your $600 airsoft gun on a sling.

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Old March 26th, 2010, 08:26   #55
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Originally Posted by DuffMan View Post
I've actually even rolled my ankle wearing a 6" Oakley SI. I was out of action for weeks.
you're just the oddball!

yes, it's still possible to roll an ankle with good sturdy ankle support, but it's less likely to happen or be a significant or severe injury.

now my ankle roll was more severe but was while running bases in a baseball tournament about 12 years ago. I torn both the anterior and posterior ligaments in my ankle almost clean through. Was a hair away from surgery. Worst part is that I actually could hear both of them go "pop" as they tore. not a pleasant sound or feeling. I was on crutches and out of commission for a few months. to this day it's still limited and extremely loose though better than a few years ago.
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Old March 26th, 2010, 08:41   #56
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
you're just the oddball!

yes, it's still possible to roll an ankle with good sturdy ankle support, but it's less likely to happen or be a significant or severe injury.

now my ankle roll was more severe but was while running bases in a baseball tournament about 12 years ago. I torn both the anterior and posterior ligaments in my ankle almost clean through. Was a hair away from surgery. Worst part is that I actually could hear both of them go "pop" as they tore. not a pleasant sound or feeling. I was on crutches and out of commission for a few months. to this day it's still limited and extremely loose though better than a few years ago.

I've heard that noise once or twice... still gives me goosebumps.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old March 26th, 2010, 08:56   #57
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post

I've heard that noise once or twice... still gives me goosebumps.
dude. I had/have nightmares. first game of the morning on a Saturday at Miliken Mills. the place was pretty quiet as it was just 2 games just starting up. It seriously sounded like a gun shot echoing and I could feel it through my body. First one blew while running past first and stepped on the edge of a divot. Second one let go as I got to the bench and tried to put my foot up. still ended up playing 3 more games but paid for it 12 hours later when it looked like a basketball. I don't recommend it but a bucket of ice and meds got me through it.

what sucked most was, I was teaching phys ed and coaching high school/elementary basketball at the time. made working very difficult.

Last edited by coach; March 26th, 2010 at 08:59..
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Old March 26th, 2010, 09:00   #58
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Originally Posted by JayDriscoll77 View Post
ok just going to put it out there, a 10 foot wall is nothing for him to run up if he needs to, he has been doing parkour for like 3 years, and he defiantly gets it after 4 pages of people going at it lol, first 10 peoples opinions were defiantly enough.... just sayin...
I've met the odd "Parkour artist" playing airsoft. They had some real eye opening experiences when they tried their "skills" when playing airsoft, torn shoulders, sprained wrists and ankles, buggered up knees. Airsoft and Parkour are completely different and should not be compared if you are worried about your own or other players safety.

Originally Posted by coachster View Post
you're just the oddball!

yes, it's still possible to roll an ankle with good sturdy ankle support, but it's less likely to happen or be a significant or severe injury.
You havent seen Duffy play have you ? a tuck and roll while reloading and coming up firing. Very kewl.. he did die, but it was such a kewl way to die

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old March 26th, 2010, 09:01   #59
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you need to consider several things when choosing boots like where you're playing, the type of surface that you're playing on like urban indoor or outdoor or sand or clay or rock or etc etc etc, are there SNAKES....yes, i've heard of guys getting snake bites and sent to hospital because they didnt wear boots that might've prevented it.

if you play on all of the above than you might want to consider multiple pairs. alot of boots are designed for more quasy specific surfaces...soles of desert/tan boots can be alot harder for stability when walking on the beach....magnums, 511's, original swat, oakley can be more catered to the concrete jungle etc etc etc...

so put ALOT of thought into what you're using them for. all boots have respective pro's and cons for your individual usage.

but one thing is to budget what you can manage...note...i didnt say afford....what you can manage. might take a bit longer but good boots will support, protect and a really good pair will help reduce the amount of crying the dogs do at the end of the day.
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Old March 26th, 2010, 09:10   #60
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Long Thread Cut Short.

Sneakers are for PAVED (Clean Sidewalk, road, concrete)surfaces
Boots are for UNPAVED (Mud, Dirt, Sand, Water, etc) Surfaces.


Ankle support is a must one way or another.

I recommend CF Issue or Magnums.
Magnums are expensive, but well worth the cost... And theyre comfy as hell lol

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