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Old February 27th, 2010, 21:22   #1
DawnsLight92's Avatar
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Budget Start

Alright, I am going to start this thread off with a sigh. Sigh. Moving on now.

The reason for my sighing is I happen to be quite disappointed at the moment. I discovered the fine sport of airsoft just over a month ago, and I still haven't picked up a gun. When I first spotted airsoft I decided I would turn to the worlds greatest resource: the internet. I started off by reading everything I could find, and a lot of that information I got off this forum.

The first thing I learned was to get an AEG as your first gun. I thought that would be cool with me, and I started looking at my local store for options. I fell in love with the G&G combat machine M16 they had. The other option I liked was the slightly used M16 with a longer tightbore barrel and a full camo paint job. They both were about $450 after taxes.

I have been told by local players that both are good options and well worth the money. Thats all well and good, but its still $450 for a first gun. I currently don't get much spending money and would like to spread my money, rather than spending it all at once on one item.

So I started to think about what options I had for cheaper starts, and I knew I couldn't compete with the canadian tire clearsoft, so I looked at my options. There was a cheap chinese clone P90, but a friend broke his within 4 hours of buying it. There was a Luger, but then again its got all the downsides of being a pistol and not an AEG, not a good starting gun. They had a shotgun that would have worked fine as a sniper, but I wasn't wanting that as a first gun either. I then checked into what were cheaply priced AEGs, but could still compete. The guns I started to notice were a KSC (?) M4, a G&G combat machine AK47, and a G&G combat machine AK47. The first M4 is slightly smaller, not much smaller though, than the G&G M4s, which made me weary of it.

I want to start airsofting soon, but I don't like the idea of dishing out so much money to start the sport. If I am looking at budget cansoft, what are the options you would suggest?

I like rails and armalites, but I also like the wood furnishings. So almost any good AEG would be worth my considering. I am going into the local store to discuss budget options on monday and I would like the advice of you guys to help me better informed. I know the typical response of get AVed and buy from you guys, but 1: I am only 17 (local field allows at 16 if responsible enough) and 2: I don't like buying online, nothing personal. I would really appreciate it if I didn't get shut down for being 17, I have my parents approval and the field itself will let me play. If it helps, I am a reservist as well. Just saying
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Old February 27th, 2010, 21:47   #2
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Well, I'm not expert like most people, and I am sure some people said airsoft isn't for you if you don't have money. But, guns is most tricky issue here. Why? because it is like buy car. You want to buy best quality car as possible as you can so you don't need to maintain more often than if you buy cheap quality car. For gears, most time cheap stuff work fine, Like knee pad. I bought them from Princess Auto for cheap price. For light, I use $15 good quality hand-held from store that my brother work. You don't need full BDU with fancy vest. Canadian tire, and wal-mart may not sell good quality guns, but they does sell other stuff you maybe need for cheap price.

However, Advice where to buying, I refuse to comment until I know you are Age-verfied
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.

Last edited by Deaf_shooter; February 27th, 2010 at 21:50..
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Old February 27th, 2010, 21:58   #3
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I don't need advice on where to buy, but options like what you said, ways to pinch pennies where I can. If there are good quality guns that are cheaper, for whatever reason, tips like that would help.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 21:58   #4
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Now I haven't been to PoCo Surplus or Warcraft Games but everyone seems to think they're both great. If you want to buy local then it's right there.

TBH There isn't much you can do other than saving your money.

I highly suggest you stick to the original plan and get a regular G&G or wait a few months til you're 18. You can still rent rifles you know. "3quip" does rentals so you can probably pick one up for the day and see what happens, maybe you like it maybe you don't but at least you only rented and if you don't like it then it's not like you dumped $500 into a gun that sees one use and no one wants to buy since it's "inferior" and if you're AV'ed you can get full black metal guns (and in the future black guns from certain sources because of some new developments in RCMP/CBSA policy).

Only other thing would be to buy a "3D instruction manual" (AKA the Kraken) and upgrading parts slowly over time. You'll end up spending more money on it though than if you got a "high quality" gun like that G&G right off the bat.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 22:20   #5
craps0ft expurt
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I would personally wait the few months until the new CSBA/RCMP policy becomes widespread, and the price of airsoft in Canada become more akin to the states, then you will be able to get a CA proline for less than $300.

Right now though, I would probably, if you wanted to spend more money over time, I would probably buy the Aftermath Kraken (an AK47 replica). You can get them for around $100 used on craigslist, and over time will probably be replacing 90% of internal parts. Just be aware though, that if you want ametal reciever in the future, it's going to cost you.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 22:27   #6
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Originally Posted by squeenix View Post
I would probably buy the Aftermath Kraken (an AK47 replica). You can get them for around $100 used on craigslist
you can get these new for like 150, why risk it with a used one?

replacing all the parts is fine, but if you are buying a used one off a site like craigslist expect issues with the gun almost right away. the only people who sell there are the ones that know they wouldnt get a buyer here(because we know better) or they got bored of it, which means they put tens of thousands of rounds threw the gun (usualy shitty crossman ammo)
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 22:37   #7
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The guy at Poco Military said he could probably bring in a Kraken if I was looking for something budget, so you guys agree that it is a fine gun for starting? I have no problem spending the larger amounts of money, if it means I can have a gun now, and just improve it over time. I appreciate the help guys, what would you say is that first upgrades to look into? I heard somewhere that the battery and charger are garbage, should I replace those right off?
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Old February 27th, 2010, 22:50   #8
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No I never said it was "good" just that it's a "decent" option. It will end up costing a lot more because you'll pretty much have to replace every part because it's a clone and slightly off spec you'll probably need a tool kit and a dremel. It will likely cause a lot of headaches and lots of swearing.

Protip it helps if you're well versed in mechanical systems or have mechanical aptitude. Really, a newbie going this path may not enjoy it if they have no clue about how mechanical systems work and go way in over their head. If you were a Mech Eng student it wouldn't be that bad but being a kid in high school probably a bad idea to be opening up a mechbox. You'll let out the "AEG fairies" and gremlins will take the place of those fairies.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 23:20   #9
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Thanks for the tips. The guy at Poco Military will do any installs on parts purchased at his store, but I don't think I would even need that. I took an Automotive course and 2 courses where all I did was work with assembling and disassembling small computer parts. I will keep the long term pricing in mind though, I'll talk to the local guys I know and see what they say as well.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 23:31   #10
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I do own Kraken myself, I has to tell you that it perform very well for its price, Not equal to G&G, TM, and other brand. But you does get what you pay for. Just left to professional gun tech if you want to make change. My brother did try to make change on his kraken, and it is broken.

But remember, good quality guns mean you can use guns for more longer and save up more money on repair. Even better if it can use TM parts. I do think Aftermath Kraken can use TM parts.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 23:34   #11
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Honestly imo i would start saving up. it will be worth it to wait and buy a gun that you wont need to upgrade as much as a kraken. and in a year or so when you have enough, you will be wishing you didnt spend all the money you had on the "crappier" stuff. i know from personal experience lol. slowly start working on your gear, try and get a job mabey and keep putting money aside for a gun. good luck with the whole process, i know it does tke a while for your first gun cause you always want to make sure your getting the right deal and also getting what you really want.
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Old February 28th, 2010, 00:45   #12
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I know most people would want to wait, but I have a tour to Afghanistan in September and I'm too impatient to wait. :P Thanks for all the advice though.
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Old February 28th, 2010, 00:48   #13
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airsoft and cheap and pinching pennies isn't going to work.
this is not from an elitist or a rich guy, just a college student.
you basically you get what you pay for, if you pay 200$ for an AEG your gonna get that quality, and quite frankly don't expect it to last very long(some exceptions have been noted) 400$ is the base price for a decent AEG in my opinion.
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Old February 28th, 2010, 00:58   #14
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you know what despite what others say Kracken is good to start.. pay with it for a year DON'T UPGRADE IT.... play with it... Beat the hell out of it and have fun PERIOD...

then save for something later on... I started with the Broxa (MP5) and used that for a while. upgraded that after a season of play with a metal RIS and some other goodies...

got the opportunity to get an M4 from a local Airsofter and have been upgrading it here and there and everywhere.

Now I have a L85, Tavor and a P90 as well. have had an L96 Sniper and sold it. as well as sold the broxa and well it never stops...

good thing I have a really good laser printer.... those 20's come out almost perfect.... (Kidding)

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Old February 28th, 2010, 01:00   #15
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Originally Posted by T-Hell View Post
you know what despite what others say Kracken is good to start.. pay with it for a year DON'T UPGRADE IT.... play with it... Beat the hell out of it and have fun PERIOD...
exactly what I do with my kraken.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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