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Who got you into airsoft, Who put you onto ASC



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Old February 19th, 2010, 23:14   #91
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Wow. 3 guys from 2001 in a row.

I was still an underage noob when I joined and although I know about people like Greylocks, PK, 604DA9, HoJo, Tru/TruMart, the Wescan games and the scandals I never actually started to actively play until a little while ago so I've only heard stories but they seemed like a crazy time.
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Old February 20th, 2010, 01:21   #92
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Originally Posted by Primus View Post
Ahh Lynch, I will never forget that fucker complaining about all us pussies not stepping in a certain puddle at Flagraiders and when his turn came that little fucker slipped in up to his elbows but if I remember correctly he managed to save his smoke from getting ruined. Or Cooper licking up the grease from a Wendy's burger wrapper for about 2 bucks and some change, that's some desperate shit right there!
It's actually more in the line like this

Lynch - Major flank on the left, we'll split up N' meet you on the otherside.....
Chapel - Yo I don't know man it looks pretty deep sarg....
Jezuz - yeah that look deep Lynch...
Evildoer - The otherside looks like a good ambush point, I think wildcard is in those bushes...
Lynch - Naaah, COME ON YOU PUSSIES IT'S NOT THAT DEEP......SEE< OOH SHITTTTT!!!, Help you fuckers!
wildcard - Hahahahahahahahahahah Good one Lynch!
Major - BANG You're dead
wildcard - OK Luis did you see Lynch went into the stream
Major - yeah.......hahahahahahaha
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Old February 24th, 2010, 03:04   #93
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
I invented airsoft...
Fooking liar! We all know Al Gore invented airsoft. Sheesh.

I found on the net way back on '03. Went to a Wasaga game, watched Wolfpack just pwn the field, got an invite up to Wolfpack Primary, joined the team and was hooked. I sorta got myself into it but Claymore and Jax got me into really organized milsim airsoft.

I'll always remember first meeting Morbius - "Nice truck. Hope you brought beer, we're down to our last 2-4" I knew I found a home at that point.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 07:15   #94
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Really? I thought CDN_Stalker invented airsoft?

At any rate, I got myself on ASC back in the day through a google search and I helped start the sport here in St. John's by taking a leap of faith and buying some gear, in the hopes others would follow. It worked
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Old February 24th, 2010, 13:58   #95
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I bought my first TM P228 springer back in '93 from a little store in Richmond. The salesperson told me hop-up was a harder spring (lol) and shot at a plastic case inside the store, cracking it in half. I loved it and brought it home to be kept in storage. I saw the AEGs back then and they were pricey at the time (a TM G3A4 and an A3 each for $700) That's a lot to ask for from a teen. My cousin came to my house one day in 2000 and asked if I still had my srpinger. He told me he found a guy (Peter Kang) who sold AEGs at a more reasonable price than that Richmond shop. He took me to Peter's shop and I couldn't have seen a better "candy shop" with wall to wall guns. At the time you could choose which guns you wanted but soon after the well dried up and you had to take whatever you could get. I really wanted an MP5SD5 but they sold out really fast. I decided to do a little research and found a local club VAC (Vancouver Airsoft club) which would later be called BCAC. I also found ASZ and later moved to the first incarnation of ASC. I later bought my first TM M4 or rather my wife (gf at the time) bought it for me. I wasn't a fan of armalites until that day and I've been hooked ever since (I've got a few of them now). Since then, I helped form the local club (Op-for in BC) with 3 other buddies and the rest is history.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 14:14   #96
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first i heard of air soft was a web search for info on uzi's in like 1999 that brought up an airsoft uzi.
a while later a friend picked up a crosman p99 springer from canadian tire. on a whim later i was looking for info on more, and found something that said that airsoft was illegal so i sighed and gave up until a random search roughly a year ago about info on the scar came up with a link to 007 airsoft got me re interested in it. i found out about asc from a dumb ass at work who was upset that the mean people here had told him to get age verified and that he couldn't import, so he was buying 5 aks from red-dragon airsoft for $100 each. they sat at customs for a month and then got destroyed .
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Old February 24th, 2010, 15:11   #97
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Originally Posted by ratnest View Post
... who was upset that the mean people here had told him to get age verified and that he couldn't import... .
Tsk tsk tsk.... Awww those mean people that website. They want us to pay a > 9000x markup just to play airsoft and want to prevent us from "ba1ing ch33p gunz frum Amarika".
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Old February 24th, 2010, 16:34   #98
Diabolic Tyrant
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I remember walking through Canadian Tire and always seeing paintball guns and then the "Soft Air" guns and finally the pellet guns. Looked up soft air guns on google and then found some asian website calling it airsoft. So i searched up Airsoft in Canada, found this site registered and looked around, then I found out you had to be 18 to buy guns. I was 13 at the time, now i just have 2 more years to knock down before I start buying guns and playing on the regular. But I must say I have had a good time looking through here and reading more about the sport, the local drama and the possibilities to come. Talked to and met a couple members already and im dying to see that shiney white "AGE VERIFIED" logo under me
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Old February 24th, 2010, 17:07   #99
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I remember getting pissed at paintball after my gun broke, and felt at aloss with games costing me over 200$ with equipment and paintballs. I then took on the web to find a replacement.

I then stumbled on a thread at Foxden airsoft back in the day, which was just a paintball vs airsoft argument. I was a minor at the time and got shot down bad by Greyfox and Testtube when I asked where I could get my own piece of airsoft. I admired the respect they attributed to the sport and on how fun it is to play with people who respect it as much.

Then got flamed to hell when I showed my interest in making my own airsoft RPG...

Then came the stalking of ASC until I turned 18, met up with Bruce, got AVed and used up 2.5k until I realised I prefered Bullups to armalites and vests to plate carriers... yet I still won't get rid of any of them :P
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Old February 24th, 2010, 17:11   #100
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when i was like 10 I was looking for cool toy guns, and I found the site and most of you probably know its as so as i looked in amazement at their awesome toy guns i noticed these things called airsoft. that's where it started for me
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Old March 19th, 2010, 06:00   #101
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Originally Posted by Arnisador View Post
IIRC, I first lurked on ASZ and Sgt. Lynchs cross ring something or other site, which eventually led me to one of the first incarnations of ASC.

Learned that it was best to just lurk for the two years before even posting anything. Today's flamers are Bic lighters compared to the old school vets
Pretty much the same story for me, save for the fact that I was a bit younger and frankly I figured it was a little out of my price range. Till I just couldn't take it anymore and I scored a ride with Poncho to a game in Ottawa. I just really wanted to watch and see what was going on, but Poncho being the frigging saint he is loaned me a AK47S and I had a blast. I was hooked for a few years, helped host an event or two. Played a few dozen games and bought and sold dozen guns.. Including 3 or 4 gbb 1911 frame pistols of different make.

I was young and stupid and full of fail, so I eventually decided that ASC was like a really good book (compounded with a very bad knee injury) and I should spend more time reading and less time typing. However now that Im back in school again and Im getting the surgery Ive waited 2 years for to fix my knee, Im heavily considering getting back into the sport that I love so much and thus you might see me poking around asking questions or spouting nonsense.

One thing though, I have to say this. About Poncho. Wayne is probably the most stand up guy I have ever had the pleasure of calling my friend. I can honestly without any kind of doubt or overstatement say the man saved my life. And hearing all the great stories of the Stat guys and the other old schoolies really reminds me how much I owe that guy.
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Old March 20th, 2010, 23:27   #102
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Pretty much the same story for me, save for the fact that I was a bit younger and frankly I figured it was a little out of my price range. Till I just couldn't take it anymore and I scored a ride with Poncho to a game in Ottawa. I just really wanted to watch and see what was going on, but Poncho being the frigging saint he is loaned me a AK47S and I had a blast. I was hooked for a few years, helped host an event or two. Played a few dozen games and bought and sold dozen guns.. Including 3 or 4 gbb 1911 frame pistols of different make.

I was young and stupid and full of fail, so I eventually decided that ASC was like a really good book (compounded with a very bad knee injury) and I should spend more time reading and less time typing. However now that Im back in school again and Im getting the surgery Ive waited 2 years for to fix my knee, Im heavily considering getting back into the sport that I love so much and thus you might see me poking around asking questions or spouting nonsense.

One thing though, I have to say this. About Poncho. Wayne is probably the most stand up guy I have ever had the pleasure of calling my friend. I can honestly without any kind of doubt or overstatement say the man saved my life. And hearing all the great stories of the Stat guys and the other old schoolies really reminds me how much I owe that guy.
Holy shit Dustin you're alive!!
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Old March 25th, 2010, 06:52   #103
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[QUOTE=jtf2-phalanx;1172036]I bought my first TM P228 springer back in '93 from a little store in Richmond. The salesperson told me hop-up was a harder spring (lol) QUOTE]

LOL!! That was my first gun too! Bought mine in '98 from King Soles on King St. in Toronto (RIP) along with a Ruger 85 p series, Colt Commander and a USP... which was metal, but not TM.
Mostly just ran around the farm plinking at my friends and stuff back then, but never thought much of them as they were springers. Got into Paint ball in a big way 3-4 years ago and kept seeing "airsoft" in my searches for Gun upgrades to my BT assault, which lead me to Ebaybanned.... which lead me to Redwolf... ect. I was about to sell off my painball kit when I got posted to Rome... then found a HUGE airsoft scene over here! Now I play almost every week...and my Italians never been better

As for ASC... thank google for that one. Needed some down home Airsoft advice and voila!
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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:28   #104
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Korn. I knew about it for a long time but i never knew how it had evolved into something more..

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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:57   #105
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I discovered airsoft when my friend thought it would be funny to shoot me point blank with his modified m-14 springer. I was impressed by the realism of his crapsoft (at least, he painted it black ) and set out to buy my first airsoft gun - a TF-11. While looking for mag pouches for my TF11 mags, I discovered ASC and got age-verified when talking to R3CON1 at the pont-rouge army supply store in quebec city. Went to my first milsim 3 weeks later with my first aeg (a g&G ak-47)and I was instantly hooked.
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