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Propane V.S. Winter



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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:39   #1
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Propane V.S. Winter

I Know it's not cold this winter but i was wondering if i can use heat packs (the ones you put in your gloves to warm your hands) to keep my mags warm in the mag pouches or i wouldn't see a big difference in power?

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:42   #2
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It'll help, but you'll still see a drop in power (if any power at all). Rather useless though because your gun will still be cold, and your mags will cool off fast when in the gun. Worse, unless you plan to load your gun when you see someone to shoot................
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:44   #3
a.k.a. Palucol
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wouldnt that be a expensive way to heat a mag?...
I heard that holding a mag in your hand before using it is a really effective way to heat it.......
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:45   #4
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GBB's are generally all-around bad for cold weather. If it's only cool, and you have a good efficient gun like a plastic TM it might work fine. But anything full metal or with a metal slide is going to be sluggish or not work at all.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:53   #5
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Originally Posted by Palucol View Post
wouldnt that be a expensive way to heat a mag?...
Not really, they sells reusable ones, pack of 10 i think for like 10-20$. Anyway from your answers, i don't think it's a good idea.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:05   #6
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Actually.... There was some 16 year old kid or something (He might have been like 20, 21 at most) on youtube who did a somewhat scientific test on heating GBB mags in winter. It's a lot better than what most idiots on youtube have with their "reviews" of airsoft guns. I forget what happened in the video but I'm pretty sure that he at least had a control mag (ie. a mag kept inside to "room temperature") a mag that had a heating pack tied to it using an elastic, and a mag that was just kept out in the open. If he was underage I would actually like that kid to be included into the community because he wasn't a dickwad who made a crappy review video (like 99% of the "airsoft gun reviews" on youtube) and the testing rigidity implied maturity (in my eyes) and good knowledge of scientific testing.

The test was somewhat rigid and it was concluded that if you put your mags in your pockets or in the waistband of your pants that it would keep it sufficiently warm to be OK, not great but decent enough performance.

Anyone know what video I'm talking about? If anyone can find it that would be great, I'm pretty sure the person who made the video was Canadian since he had a KJW clear framed pistol doing the test. I'll try to look for it now myself.

EDIT: Patcou I think I know what you're talking about. I've seen them at MEC and I have one myself. They sell under the name brand "Toasterz" at MEC, I think the solution inside is saturated sodium something or other and by popping a metal button it activates it and the liquid starts to turn hard? They're actually awesome for winter camping, I can attest to that.
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Last edited by L473ncy; February 23rd, 2010 at 13:08..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:19   #7
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you can play in -5 by warming them with your hands but you do run into the issue that if its left in the gun while your running and such for too long you need to take it out nd warm with your hand. from my usage I usually had about 2 mag fills if I kept it warm and during summer I can get 4. Not very scientific but for what its worth. Also I have teied in -10 to -15 weather and even after warming it cools so quickly in the gun that sometimes when you go to shoot it just comes out sluggish and 2 shots later your out. I'd say stick to spring, summer and fall.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:23   #8
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Originally Posted by Palucol View Post
I heard that holding a mag in your hand before using it is a really effective way to heat it.......
Try holding a metal GBB mag in cold weather. You will be as cold as your mags and your day will suck.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:42   #9
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Huang should make a jock strap/mag pouch for days like that.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:43   #10
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
EDIT: Patcou I think I know what you're talking about. I've seen them at MEC and I have one myself. They sell under the name brand "Toasterz" at MEC, I think the solution inside is saturated sodium something or other and by popping a metal button it activates it and the liquid starts to turn hard? They're actually awesome for winter camping, I can attest to that.
Yes those are the ones i found with the metal button.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:51   #11
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I've never had any luck with my GBBs in the cold except last weekend. It was rather nice out at about 2º C. I took my TM 5-7 to a game, and was absolutely amazed to see I could fire off 2 full mags at full power from 1 gas fill. I even lost one of my mags and found it about an hour later in the snow. Popped it into the gun, and fired all BBs off without issue. I was thoroughly impressed. However, this is my only plastic slide gun, so this may have something to do with it. I've tried pretty much all my other pistols in the cold, and had little luck with any of them.

I also tried my Inokatsu M4. No luck at all there. There wasn't enough pressure to cycle the bolt more than 5-6 times on a fill.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; February 23rd, 2010 at 13:56..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 18:49   #12
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REALLY depends on the gun. Like 90% on the gun.
My old stock HFC beretta, when it was new, in 5 degree weather, would fire off 6-10 really good shots at a slow rate of fire before it ran too low on gas or cooled down to much to function.
My buddies stock TM 1911, under the same conditions, would immediately lock it's slide back and vent all the gas out lol
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