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Old December 12th, 2009, 13:53   #1
Colossal Impact
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Im am about to buy my first airsoft gun. But im stuck on 2 choices.



If anyone could give me some comparisons and what you would choose and why that would be awesome.

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Old December 12th, 2009, 14:04   #2
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Originally Posted by Colossal Impact View Post
Im am about to buy my first airsoft gun. But im stuck on 2 choices.



If anyone could give me some comparisons and what you would choose and why that would be awesome.

I would go with the M4, simply because it's incredibly easy to find gear/parts etc. for Armalites. Also heard some good things about the newest SRC guns.

If you're willing to drop $460 on an AEG though, I'd keep cruising the classifieds. You'll find some package deals for only slightly more than that, might take a little longer to pop up but it could save you cash in the end.
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Old December 12th, 2009, 14:09   #3
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well depends indoor or outdoor? are you gonna be using highcaps or low caps for a while and how much your looking to spend

i would go with the m4 as u can add so many things to the gun and mags are readily available as well as the pouches for them. UMP( or UMG in this case) mags are long and skinny(much like p90 mags) and makes it a pain to get mag pouches for them. some places do have them but they will take up alot of room on your vest if your using a molle tac vest or what not.

The SRC m4 is already upgraded to the tits(see review on the mech box) and is ready for outdoor play. all you really have to do for indoor use is get a weaker spring if thats what you plan on doing. hope this helps!
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Old December 12th, 2009, 16:04   #4
Colossal Impact
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Ya this is great info, my budget is anywhere i guess from 500-600 dollars.
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Old December 12th, 2009, 16:08   #5
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You're Age Verified, get something in the classifieds (used from a user or new from a retailer) that ISN'T clear.

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Old December 12th, 2009, 16:23   #6
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If you are okay with something that does not have a metal lower (but the SRC does have a metal upper!), than you won't regret going with an SRC. The lowers are really quite dark, sturdy, and feel great.

007 also offers a 14 day non-DOA guarantee, and Ken tests every gun before it goes out the door. There are great benefits to buying new from a tried and true business like 007.

The new SRCs are selling like hotcakes, and there is a definate reason for that! Don't miss out!

As for the UMG, they are a really cool gun, but hard to find magazines that are a reasonable price, and like everyone else mentioned, hard to keep in a vest.

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Old December 12th, 2009, 17:49   #7
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also UMG wouldnt be good for outdoor skirmishes.... inner barrel isnt as long as a m4 inner barrel = reduced accuracy and range....

I know cuz I used to own both.... and decided to sell the UMG, and keep my HK416.... :P

also it doesnt look like it, but a UMP is really big! by big I mean big... not as long and heavy as a m4, but it felt big in my hands...maybe because of the huge mags.

but the finish is really nice on the UMG, and the field strip is a really nice feature....
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Old December 12th, 2009, 17:58   #8
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First off, in my personal opinion you should buy something that will be cross compatible with the vast majority of parts out there (look at guns like the m4 and its cousins, the ak47, and the g36). Parts will be easy to find if anything breaks down or wears out. The issue with the UMP is its lack or replacement parts and lack of choices for magazines and accessories. The M4 is one of the most used guns out there and you will have no problem finding parts or accessories. G&G vs SRC is really a battle over cost vs quality G&G will usually have a cheaper initial cost however SRC gen 3 guns are upgraded to the max and the higher quality parts should save you a SIGNIFICANT amount of money down the road in terms of repairs and upgrades. The SRC guns are built like tanks and in my opinion will outlast a G&G any day.

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Old December 12th, 2009, 18:04   #9
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look at guns like the m4 and its cousins, the ak47, and the g36). Parts will be easy to find if anything breaks down or wears out. The issue with the UMP is its lack or replacement parts and lack of choices for magazines and accessories. The M4 is one of the most used guns out there and you will have no problem finding parts or accessories.
what??? the ump uses the same mechbox as the ak47 and the g36 (v3).... whereas the m4 uses a v2. want to explain what you mean?
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old December 12th, 2009, 18:44   #10
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Originally Posted by skalnok View Post
what??? the ump uses the same mechbox as the ak47 and the g36 (v3).... whereas the m4 uses a v2. want to explain what you mean?
External parts. Such as major body components which may become victims of a trip and fall or other accident or just normal wear and tear (they are ABS after all). Also the availability of accessories and such.

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Old December 12th, 2009, 19:30   #11
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Yes they are ABS but, at least for the full black UMPs, they are extremely sturdy. Ive put mine through the shit and its still rocking hard. The weakest point would the the stock, but I have yet to see any deformation or damage in mine. My UMP is my standard workhorse, Ive used it mainly outdoor and I have been able to hold my old against others with longer range. You just gotta learn your hopup, and choose the right BB.

I will also echo Styraks sentiment on getting something out of the classifieds, you have the option, why not use it? You will get more bang for your buck.
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This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old December 12th, 2009, 19:54   #12
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Gun not getting the range you would like?
Can't exactly hit your target?

Move up 5-10 steps.
Always worked for me.

But yes, I'd vote the M4 out of the 2.
If your UMP body happens to break, a replacement isn't overly available.
Where as the M4, there's a few bodies kicking around every now and then.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 00:10   #13
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The UMG is super sturdy.

Unless you have a habit of smashing your AEGs on rocks, you'll be fine.

The SRCs are rock solid as well, and heavier then they look, in a reassuring way.

I think that in general, the ''Why buy Cansoft when you can get all black'' argument is right, but with these Gen 3 SRCs, if you can tolerate the super smoked lower, they're on par with the quality you would find in the classifieds for the same price.
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Old December 13th, 2009, 11:10   #14
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Kwa m4

I'm sort of in the same boat as you... I've narrowed it down to the M4. So far it is seems to be the most diverse. It seems not to many people in Canada shoot KWA. Right now I'm deciding between a KWA and SRC M4.

KWA is really big in the U.S. and has more of a track record that way. Their history for good quality products is also better then SRC. They have a very high quality 2GX gearbox (no shimming required due to better quality control). Don't believe the false information that the plastic 2 piece hop-up is crap because it was specially designed with that material for better air seal. The new 2009 model has a bunch of improvements as well. It has 9mm bearings and hardened very thick gears. Another improvement is it's new one piece barrel. It truly is lipo ready due to it's unique heavy duty gearbox design. The externals are also top notch. Don't get scared away that KWA doesn't have much in the way of upgrading. It's so good out of the box that most people just get the Edgi TT barrel and are happy with it. What you are getting is a well built M4 with some of the best engineering (yes they do make improvements based on feedback) and quality control on the market (what other gearbox have you seen that doesn't need shimming out of the box).

That's just my 2C worth. I tend to research a month or two before I buy something so I'm happy with my purchase. This is what I have found so far. There are also not many reviews for SRC products.... making it hard to get info on reliability.
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Old December 15th, 2009, 11:59   #15
Colossal Impact
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Found a STAR M4A1 R.I.S for around $600, what are your impressions on star guns?
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