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Most accuracy for the $$


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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:21   #1
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Most accuracy for the $$

I haven't purchased my first AEG yet but generally educate myself thoroughly so as to spend my money wisely. Currently I'm looking at the SCR M4 RIS. It seems to be a good bang for the $. I'm trying to get a better understanding on what improvements can be made to improve accuracy. What factors do you feel are most relevant for accuracy: Barrel length, BB size or barrel size? I'm trying to decide between the SCR M4 models (maybe even the M16) and trying to take into account barrel length in regards to accuracy.

One factor for me is that I'm only 5'6" so a M4 would be the best bet for metastability of the stock. My next issue is that I'm not sure I'd want an AEG with a long barrel because it would really hamper maneuverability. Can I get away with a mid length tight bore and get reasonable accuracy? I understand I could also opt for 25grams bbs but that also adds up in price. I'd primarily like to play outdoors in the woods.

Thanks for helping me make this all clear in my head before I spend the money.

Last edited by chadlh; November 21st, 2009 at 21:50..
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:24   #2
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Go get age verified and buy a bullpup style rifle .

Aug,l85a2, tavor, ect they have fullsized rifle barrels e.g m16 length and are the size of a carbine .

so you get the bost of both worlds

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:28   #3
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1. (Personal opinion) Stick with the M4...I'm the same height and find longer rifles a chore to get through tight spots. Longer gun might have some advantages but they're pretty much negated by just rushing up 10yrds and getting into the fight.

2. A nice 6.04mm (inner diameter) tightbore is a great bang for buck purchase. Buy a name brand quality barrel...don't cheap out there. Get a good hopup rubber at the same time.

3. For more consistent accuracy (and an increase effective range) shoot BBs 0.25 grams or heavier. 0.28g and 0.30g BBs are very nice.

4. The price of the BBs will be the least of your worries with airsoft $$$.....
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:30   #4
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All BB's are pretty much the same size, the difference however is the quality.

Take crappy BB's for example, they have seams and will chew up your hop up and barrel. So it's a given to use high quality BB brands such as BBBastard, Mad Bull, Airsoft Elite/Metal Tech, etc.

What will give you the best bang for buck is probably a good hop up unit/rubber. You could have an extremely short barrel (eg. pistol) and still get accuracy comparable to a gun with a longer barrel and a mediocre hop up.

Tightbores (smaller bore on the inside of the barrel) do help however I was told not to go tighter than 6.04 or 6.03mm. Stock most rifles come with 6.08mm barrels. NOTE: What matters here is the consistency of the construction of the barrel. You could have a 6.04 TBB (Tight Bore Barrel) that has crappy inside lining and end up with worse accuracy than stock.

Note that when someone says 6mm BB it's rounded up. Most BB's will have a diameter of between 5.94-5.97mm with a tolerance of +/- .02mm
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:34   #5
Geoffrey B.
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Sorry to go off topic a bit , but what is the word on the street about TSD tactical bb's?
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:37   #6
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Going with quality BBs with the weight of 0.28g minimum is the best and cheapest upgrade you can do with a gun. Seriously, with almost any airsoft gun. I recently bought a Crosman Stinger shotgun (yes, a Canadian Tire clearsoft gun!), and ran various weights of BBs through it, not only did the accuracy increase with the weight, but the range did as well. I stopped testing with 0.30g BBs and was getting my spread past 130ft. Am going to have a couple shells loaded with 0.36g sniper ammo in the future for increased brush penetration.
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:37   #7
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
Go get age verified and buy a bullpup style rifle .

Aug,l85a2, tavor, ect they have fullsized rifle barrels e.g m16 length and are the size of a carbine .

so you get the bost of both worlds
Hmm, you know, there is debate whether or not a longer barrel actually adds accuracy. A higher quality barrel does for sure, no I am not convinced about longer.

TunaBreath had a thread about this subject somewhere, Ill see if I can dig it up.
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:49   #8
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between an smg barrel and the m16 lenght barrel there is a massive diffrence .

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old November 21st, 2009, 21:59   #9
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In summary I'll just start off with 25-30 gram good quality bbs and make sure I properly tune my hop up. That would probably be a good start until I get into things. M102404 what length barrel are you finding good for your hieght? Also do you play indoor or out? The different SRC M4 models are 310mm or 370mm barrels.
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Old November 21st, 2009, 22:02   #10
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i was thinking of upgrading to madbull 510mm barrel for my ics m4 (from 370mm), but i also see people mentioning the guarder clear hopup rubber. are these two items easy to upgrade? worth the $?
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Old November 21st, 2009, 22:04   #11
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
i was thinking of upgrading to madbull 510mm barrel for my ics m4 (from 370mm), but i also see people mentioning the guarder clear hopup rubber. are these two items easy to upgrade? worth the $?
Gaurder clear hop-up rubbers are very good IMO, they are all I use in my guns.

Mad-bull barrels are okay, but your money is better spent on a higher quality barrel, not a longer one. Ideally, buy a Prometheus barrel, second IMO would be systema.
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Old November 21st, 2009, 22:27   #12
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M4A1's usually use a 363mm long inner barrel.

I usually run a CQBR length M4 indoors and a full length M4 for outdoors.

Don't sweat 5-10mm here or there.

Personally...I'm a big fan boy of the Guarder clear hopup rubbers...they've just worked so well in so many rifles for me. I've seen, used, and bought a number of MadBull Black Python V2 tightbores. IMHO, they're a good value. Prometheus are super sweet but the price tag on them is horrifying.


Last edited by m102404; November 21st, 2009 at 22:31..
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Old November 21st, 2009, 22:30   #13
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Hop-up is the main one. Barrel quality second, I think.

I don't see many aeg's that are more accurate than my MP5K PDW. It has a 141mm stock TM barrel, and stock TM hop-up. Shoots like a laser.

And, it is a great gun for someone that is 5' 6" tall. Nice and compact, best for cqb but because it's TM good to go anytime.

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