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Sniper role - is it for me ?



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Old November 2nd, 2009, 16:39   #76
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...soooo...back to the sniper talk, how does an AEG sniper rifle (such as an RS SVD) compare to a BA sniper rifle? What are the major differences in using the two rifles?

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 16:43   #77
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Yes my PTW can reach 300 feet. Can it be accurate? Heck no, they just 'fly out there'. I never claimed to be accurate at those ranges like SOME people do.

Hence why i want some proof that a BA can be accurate at those ranges.

Keep talking people, all i want is 1 little video/proof that someone in Canada has a BA that can be accurate at 300 feet, like some are claiming.

Amos was pretty straight in saying that its not realistic and maybe 1/10 shots will hit there. From reading on the forums and owning a modified VSR, that sounds a LOT more realistic.

I guess i'm asking to much for someone to prove his BA can hit man size targets in the 300 feet...

My bad people, i'll take your 'word' for it. It's the internet so i shouldn't be surprised...
Who in this thread has claimed to be accurate out to 300ft? I sure as hell didn't, I was the one to say I got maybe 15-20ft groups out there at the one point my gun was set up as it was and I had the distance and conditions to do so. Fox_111 only said he got ONE confirmed kill at around 300ft once, he didn't say he does it regularly.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 16:49   #78
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Who in this thread has claimed to be accurate out to 300ft? I sure as hell didn't, I was the one to say I got maybe 15-20ft groups out there at the one point my gun was set up as it was and I had the distance and conditions to do so. Fox_111 only said he got ONE confirmed kill at around 300ft once, he didn't say he does it regularly.
I actually never refereed to you because what you states was 100% true like always. Amos corrected what someone stated with a 1/10 shots should hit in the 300 feet but then a couple jumped the gun with their claims. I wanted to see if it was truly possible to be accurate in the 4/5 shots hitting someone in the 300 feet range all the time.

Originally Posted by aznpos531 View Post
...soooo...back to the sniper talk, how does an AEG sniper rifle (such as an RS SVD) compare to a BA sniper rifle? What are the major differences in using the two rifles?
They are AEG with longer tightbores, thats it.

Edit: Spelling.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.

Last edited by Ronan; November 2nd, 2009 at 16:56..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 17:22   #79
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I've witnessed a +70yd PTW kill with one round (tacklebury mod), I have faith in 80-90yd shots taken with bolt-guns. Where we play is pretty sheltered so wind plays much less of a role. Being able to squeeze BBs in between lots of small trees is among the main benefits of the BA role around here.

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 17:28   #80
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Okay guys, i think the contest of who is pissing the farther can be finish now..

I have witness few shot from fox at 250-275 feet with confirmed kill at the pit in rawdon in the past.. i had a m14 shooting 445 on semi, upgraded to the top, and i could not even reach the target while lobbing..

My maximum effective ranges was about 175 feet, and max about 225. while Fox M24 was 40-50' longer.. So Yes BA have farther range than AEG, the cylinder is not designed in the same manner.

The 300' shot are realy nice shot with wind correction, range correction and a bit of luck.

I have own BA and Semi AEG and i have liked both, but they are different.

The feeling that sniper are looking for are attain with BA.

People that want to be more a marksman use M14, SPR, and the like. BA are for the people who are looking for the whole deal.

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 17:31   #81
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Thanks for that Red. As stated earlier, I really am looking for the real deal, the full adrenaline rush of having next to no assets but your skills and mind. I'm probably not ready for it yet, I still have lots of skills to gain. But I know what I will be doing when I have those skills

Thanks for clearing that up Red.

Last edited by Huge; November 2nd, 2009 at 17:45..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 17:42   #82
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Okay, Ronan, quit it. This thread isn't about you.

Nobody here (nobody anywhere, really) takes you seriously as a player, much less as a sniper. Your contribution here has exceeded its limits and honestly, arguing with recognized veteran snipers, you're close to trolling.

End of that argument and back on topic.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 17:44   #83
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Thanks for putting everybody in their position Drake.

Now to get back on topic, I'll quote myself

Originally Posted by Huge94 View Post
Thanks for that Red. As stated earlier, I really am looking for the real deal, the full adrenaline rush of having next to no assets but your skills and mind. I'm probably not ready for it yet, I still have lots of skills to gain. But I know what I will be doing when I have those skills
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 18:37   #84
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
I actually never refereed to you because what you states was 100% true like always. Amos corrected what someone stated with a 1/10 shots should hit in the 300 feet but then a couple jumped the gun with their claims. I wanted to see if it was truly possible to be accurate in the 4/5 shots hitting someone in the 300 feet range all the time.
Ok, the backpeddle finally came, but at least it did. Should have just been more clear about that earlier. You know those snipers that are at the top of the sniper game (myself, Amos, Fox_111, ShaDo, etc.) don't bullshit (much ) and what we say is usually as close to fact as possible, but we also don't need to brag about insane ranges we've gotten kills at (newer unproven players trying to create a reputation while being unsure of themselves do though).

Myself, I can honestly say the farthest confirmed kill I've made is around 250ft, and happened while I was sending rounds into a large base, shooting at and near people for maximum pyschological effect while my team was getting into position to assault it. Never have I gotten anything past that (that I can confirm that is), but I've never been one to really WANT to shoot that far, I prefer closer up precision shots so I can actually see the round hit the guy. I have more bragging stories about kills gotten by slipping a BB into a small space in cover out to 150ft or so than I do long range kill rights. Personally accurate shooting into tiny spaces is more important to me than anything longer range than 200ft, that becomes more skill than luck.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; November 2nd, 2009 at 18:46..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 18:46   #85
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Yea... In the current field we're playing on.... The normal engagement range for me... is lucky if it's around 150 feet... most of it is really thick brush too... so most of my shots are lining up several small holes in trees and firing through them..

I havn't used my VSR in a couple of weeks though... I've been playing with my new toy (RS SVD) ... but if my team doesn't have a photo-shoot next weekend... I think I may bring the VSR out...
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 18:47   #86
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I've been playing with my new toy (RS SVD)
How is it?

Ive been eyeing them for a while.

Im no sniper and they are far out of my price range, but damn they're pretty.
God is a /b/tard.

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Old November 2nd, 2009, 18:57   #87
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Originally Posted by MoreToasties View Post
How is it?

Ive been eyeing them for a while.

Im no sniper and they are far out of my price range, but damn they're pretty.
It's on the same level as my VSR... but doesn't shoot anywhere near as consistent.... I guess that's the trade off for having a motor load your gun for you instead of gently placing a BB in the hop-up chamber with a bolt.
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