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Sniper role - is it for me ?



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Old November 2nd, 2009, 09:57   #46
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Originally Posted by Bissa View Post
ahh, ok, I also read stevens post as being accurate to the point where the BB went where you aimed the scope the first time.
Nope, won't happen unless your scope is zero'd for that distance, which isn't likely to happen. I have my hop up set full, and because I use 0.36g BBs, I get droppage at around 150ft (I also wash my ammo, that way I get a bit more friction on the hop up). Is always better to under adjust your hop up than to try to set it for maximum range, than way you get consisant shots no matter what the air conditions are like. Is easier to aim higher and drop your round on the target than it is to suddenly see your BBs overhopping due to wind, and having to 'hook' the rounds up. So the way my gun is set now (397fps w/0.20g, equals roughly 300fps using 0.36g), to get my rounds on target 200ft away, I have to aim about two feet over the target. But this is better than when my rifle was shooting ~500fps, the BBs were too unstable to get consistant shots (many flyers).
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:05   #47
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ya that is what I thought, with my JG HK416 shooting 396 on .2s I was hitting the side of a tree that was 150-170 feet (I was standing on the tree line by the tower and shooting at someone behind the bushes on the rock outcropping at upper postal if anyone can confirm this distance) away using .25s I was trying to ricochet a shot in behind some cover in case you were wondering. my 416 has un natural range and accuracy for what it is, especially since I don't have a tightbore or any kind of accuracy improving upgrades.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:26   #48
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Originally Posted by Huge94 View Post
ah man these stories really just want to make me take the sniper role right now. This is so the kind of rush I'm looking for.
to answer your original question. when I started playing airsoft, I wanted to be a sniper. had access to a Maruzen APS2, that ran a bit hot for standard play. I understood the mental game that goes on, the waste of time setting up a shot but to not have a shot, potentially being spotted and not being able to engage when the enemy close the MED etc... So I let the thought go and took up a using regular AEG's and GBB's and shot people lots and got hit lots. Had loads of fun.

the opportunity to came to take the level 2 course and I jumped on it. thoughts of playing the sniper role came back until taking the course and realizing it's not for me. sure I can crawl around in the bush trying to track the oppontent. sure I can sit silent for a long time without moving but again, it wasn't me. not the way I want to play.

although I am a Level 2 BA operator, will I ever play a game as a sniper? not likely. Will I ever sling the APS2 on my back as a DMR? probably

My suggestion to you, go take Fox_111's clinic when it comes up. You can get your level 2 and see if your really suited for the role.

Edit: yes I love the reaction on peoples faces when they hear the thwack of a heavy BB or 2 hitting something near them. hahahaha
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:36   #49
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I totally understand why you want to be a sniper. You want the spec ops like, alone, behind enemy lines, where stealth is your only ally. I love when i end up in that position however, I prefer my semi auto silenced 416 over my vsr for this. The BA rifle is incredibly bad ass to use, very fun to shoot but though it does have it's upsides, I've never been in a situation where i wish i had my vsr over what ever else i'm carrying. My advice. Go with something small (Mp5, M4 cqbr/10 inch barrel, nothing bigger than that), get a ghillie suit set up, and do the sniper/spotter role first before getting the BA. May not like it, may love it. Hell, you may find you prefer it with a small silent (sorbo pad + sound suppressor at minimum) aeg. And then work on the BA as it's useless if you don't know how to move correctly first.

Last edited by AngelusNex; November 2nd, 2009 at 10:38..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:38   #50
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
yes I love the reaction on peoples faces when they hear the thwack of a heavy BB or 2 hitting something near them. hahahaha
It really does make a difference.

I remember back in England, the first outdoor game I went to, I heard these loud THWACK!s and thought someone was throwing rocks at me. Quite intimidating.

I later learned that they were .43s.

EDIT: I tried going all John Woo on his ass and got hit in the balls. Serves me right.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:41   #51
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
to answer your original question. when I started playing airsoft, I wanted to be a sniper. had access to a Maruzen APS2, that ran a bit hot for standard play. I understood the mental game that goes on, the waste of time setting up a shot but to not have a shot, potentially being spotted and not being able to engage when the enemy close the MED etc... So I let the thought go and took up a using regular AEG's and GBB's and shot people lots and got hit lots. Had loads of fun.

the opportunity to came to take the level 2 course and I jumped on it. thoughts of playing the sniper role came back until taking the course and realizing it's not for me. sure I can crawl around in the bush trying to track the oppontent. sure I can sit silent for a long time without moving but again, it wasn't me. not the way I want to play.

although I am a Level 2 BA operator, will I ever play a game as a sniper? not likely. Will I ever sling the APS2 on my back as a DMR? probably

My suggestion to you, go take Fox_111's clinic when it comes up. You can get your level 2 and see if your really suited for the role.

Edit: yes I love the reaction on peoples faces when they hear the thwack of a heavy BB or 2 hitting something near them. hahahaha
Interesting. I will definately wait for Fox's clinic. In the meantime I will use my AEG and develop skills in reconnaissance and stealth a those will be helpful if I do become a sniper in the future.

thanks everybody, you've all been very helpful
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:45   #52
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To the 300+ feet snipers.

Put up a video hitting a man size target consistently.

Must have field legal fps.
Ghillie gives extra internet points.
5 shots. 4 of them must hit the man size target.

Just because the bb's sometimes fly to 300+ feet doesn't mean it's accurate there. My PTW's could reach there, but it sure wasn't going to hit the same target every time or even most of the time.

If you can really make 'that' shot then show it on video. I'll buy you a beer (or lemonade if Drake makes that shot).
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.

Last edited by Ronan; November 2nd, 2009 at 10:47..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:08   #53
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Must have field legal fps.
Ghillie gives extra internet points.
5 shots. 4 of them must hit the man size target.
define field legal. some fields allow much higher BA fps without a level 2 or 3.

level 2 = 500fps which at some fields trumps the standard BA 450fps max if the field owner allows it.

level 3 = 550fps.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:12   #54
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
To the 300+ feet snipers.

Put up a video hitting a man size target consistently.

Must have field legal fps.
Ghillie gives extra internet points.
5 shots. 4 of them must hit the man size target.

Just because the bb's sometimes fly to 300+ feet doesn't mean it's accurate there. My PTW's could reach there, but it sure wasn't going to hit the same target every time or even most of the time.

If you can really make 'that' shot then show it on video. I'll buy you a beer (or lemonade if Drake makes that shot).
Or, as Drake said, you could actually come out to a game. Why go through the trouble to make a video, set everything up, get others involved............. just to prove a point to Ronan? Makes zero sense.

Remember my point that I get maybe a 10-20ft grouping at 300ft (when I was witnessing it), never said it was past 300ft (obviously they did go a bit past that before dropping), nor did I say consistantly hitting a mansized targets. Fox_111 said he's only done it once, he doesn't do it regularly.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:21   #55
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I'm able to hit a man-sized target at about 300 feet I'd say.. 1 in 10 or so shots. It's not something that happens all the time, nor is it a distance that I would reccomend engaging from... Hell, most of the time I'm just sending BB's around people to scare them from advancing forward too quickly... The actually hitting them is more of a lucky coincidence than a planned shot.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 11:37   #56
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I'm able to hit a man-sized target at about 300 feet I'd say.. 1 in 10 or so shots. It's not something that happens all the time, nor is it a distance that I would reccomend engaging from... Hell, most of the time I'm just sending BB's around people to scare them from advancing forward too quickly... The actually hitting them is more of a lucky coincidence than a planned shot.
Exactly my point. Now I'm wondering if we should ask Ronan to make a video of his hitting a mansized target 300ft away, 4 times out of 5, since he said he can do it with his PTW. Lol, 'Tit for Tat', with hiim being the 'Tit'.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 12:23   #57
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Exactly my point. Now I'm wondering if we should ask Ronan to make a video of his hitting a mansized target 300ft away, 4 times out of 5, since he said he can do it with his PTW. Lol, 'Tit for Tat', with hiim being the 'Tit'.
I got $5 that says his PTW cannot reach 300ft without a lot of lobbing.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 12:26   #58
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
I got $5 that says his PTW cannot reach 300ft without a lot of lobbing.
Especially since I know the maximum BB weight the PTW's hop up can deal with (without mods) is 0.25g. With mods, I think only 0.28g can be dealt with effectively.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 12:28   #59
rogue 46
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sniper role

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
You went to the training day, you got a first taste of what's involved in sneaking around (and you were doing relatively well for your first time, too).

Forget about the bolt action for now. The gun is a tool, nothing more: the sniper role is about a very specific skill set, not about the rifle. Specially not in airsoft were the range advantage is negligible.

You should explore the scouting role for now, master stealth and observation, understand the strengths and weaknesses of your gun, and get use to stalking your targets or laying in ambush so that you can get the kill with the tool you currently have at your disposal.

That will give you a good idea not only whether or not its for you, but what specific tools you need to improve you capabilities if its something you choose to pursue.
yes that is right on "TARGET"?ive done this whatyouve works exactly like that.first i got used to stalking with my m4.someitmes the slow,wait and stalk again can bring your target to your advantage.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 12:29   #60
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Wow Ronan, you really overestimate your importance don't you...

Just to put Stalker's "10-20' groups @ 300 ft" assessment into context, he's grouping at 300 feet what a lot of stock-ish AEGs are grouping at around 100 ft. Which stems from your original [misinformed] statement that "adding 50-100fps and a longer tightbore doesn't double or triple your range." -- it obviously can if you know your tools. I have no doubt the good snipers can hit a point target (man -sized torso) 50% of the time ("effective range" by most definitions) at at least twice the distance experienced shooters can do the same with their AEG, so they at least double their range.

If you're talking about just lobbing BBs out as far as they'll go (basically which gun can piss the furthest) then your statement was absolutely correct, the exta 50-100 fps won't double the range.

And once again, you've perpetuated the noob myth that the sniper role is all about the gun and long range kills, rather than the skill set. Many good snipers (the ones with skills and balls bigger than the projectiles they're shooting) do excellent work from ranges well inside the reach of AEGs -- and a quiet, highly accurate (at that range) tool helps a lot to achieve this.
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