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Field Rules and Disciplinary action



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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:03   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Field Rules and Disciplinary action

The following is a memo we have recently sent out to our local players regarding a recent series of unfortunate behaviour at one of our events. We tried to handle it in a quiet manner but it has continued on and at this point we have decided to post our take on it as a airsoft field. I am not sure if this is the part of the forum for it but we wanted the rest of the community to be aware of the issue we had, and how we view it. I am posting it here to see how the community at large felt and if anyone had any advice with similar issues:

As many of you know one of our recent game days had a series of unfortunate events. After talking to both parties and consulting a wide variety of witnesses we have decided on a course of action. From the reports we got this incident didnt ruin the day but many people made it clear to us they would not care to see this garbage happen again EVER. Normally this matter would have been left with the individuals involved but from what we hear this is now an ongoing issue and as far as we are concerned our part in it is DONE. We have decided to post what happened and why we will never tolerate its like again so that everyone is clear:

One player had a dispute with another player over a mercy call. Though the dispute was reported to admin the two players in question 'found' each other on the field and the dispute escalated.

Both players broke the rule about respecting all other players, with a variety of name calling. In future this sort of disrespect will result in immediate expulsion from the field WITHOUT REFUND.

Then one player shot the other player in the back out of anger with 2-4 rounds at point blank. This was done when safetys were to be on and magazines to be out- most witnesses complained that they were not wearing eye protection at that time. In future this sort of behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from the field, life long banning and we will report the infraction to the local ASC rep who has assured us that he will have their status pulled and they will be black listed by the community in general. This action pretty much sums up what all responsible airsofters despise- the misuse of the tools of our sport.

The player who was shot in the back then physically assaulted the other player and both players engaged in what can only be described as a wrestling match. In future this sort of behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from the field, life long banning and we will report the infraction to the local ASC rep who has assured us that he will have their status pulled and they will be black listed by the community in general. We will also write up an incident report to be provided should legal action be pursued and assault charges be in question.

Then while the staff were trying to sort this issues out the first player found the second player again and another dispute started. Both players broke the rule about respecting all other players, yet again.

The first player in question has been asked not to come back until the 2010 season and will be on probation, the second was removed from the field that day and is now on probation as well. Though we had respect for these two players and know that anger is a problem every one experiences, at this point we are rapidly becoming tired of policing adults who cant act in a mature and reasonable fashion and will come down hard and without remorse if any of this crap happens again with ANYONE.

To be clear this business was set up to run a safe, fun, and enjoyable game for reasonably mature people. We have no interest in violent crisis intervention or making adults act their age- its not a bar or a night club and we dont care to run it as such.

thank you,
Hardcorps Combat Simulations Staff
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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:29   #2
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I think it is good, but "the player" should be replaced with their callsigns.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:35   #3
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Why not mention the names now? It is well known that this behaviour is far from acceptable on any airsoft field, anywhere.

If two players want to slug it out on the field, fine, whatever.. it's immature and not appropriate.. but in that case I could see the course of action you took.


Deliberately firing an airsoft gun at someone, point blank, in a safe zone, is an extreme hazard to everyone else. At that point that player intentionally physically endangered other people. In my books that should be grounds right there for a ban. There's no excuse whatsoever for behaviour like that.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:37   #4
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
I think it is good, but "the player" should be replaced with their callsigns.
A little shame goes a long way...

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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:41   #5
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
I think it is good, but "the player" should be replaced with their callsigns.

Arguments is one thing, But shooting airsoft guns at someone in anger seems not only shockingly dangerous, but.... almost childish.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 19:09   #6
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Well we thought the issue was over... but now we hear that one of the fellows is now claiming that the other player is a racist because he was dressed as an insurgent and using an accent when he was role playing.

With the chance that this could still result in a legal mess we wont be releasing names or callsigns but have decided that we wanted to be sure all of our players are clear that we wont stand for it. Since we now have people from as far as west as Vancouver and as far east as Calgary we figured this was also something that needed to be said on ASC.

It is good to see that the community in general agrees- we feel that crap like this ruins the sport plain and simple.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 19:40   #7
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Shame to hear about it happen. It doesn't make it any more right or acceptable, but sometimes we all have bad days. I should try explaining that to the guy who let his dog poop on my lawn without picking it up, though.

Edit: Oh, now the race card is being pulled. Generally, I dislike the use of the race card due to society's double standards. I'm a minority group and I've seen others of my ethnic group place the race card and win just because the other guy was Caucasian.

Last edited by knightoice; October 20th, 2009 at 19:42.. Reason: Race card
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Old October 20th, 2009, 23:17   #8
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You guys went easy on this.

If it was on my field:

Using an airsoft gun with the intention to cause injury = lifelong ban
Assaulting another player = lifelong ban

Never forget that our toys can easely become weapons, and it should be treated as such outside of normal play.

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Old October 21st, 2009, 00:14   #9
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
You guys went easy on this.

If it was on my field:

Using an airsoft gun with the intention to cause injury = lifelong ban
Assaulting another player = lifelong ban

Never forget that our toys can easely become weapons, and it should be treated as such outside of normal play.
downright soft IMO
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Old October 21st, 2009, 00:45   #10
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
You guys went easy on this.

If it was on my field:

Using an airsoft gun with the intention to cause injury = lifelong ban
Assaulting another player = lifelong ban

Never forget that our toys can easely become weapons, and it should be treated as such outside of normal play.

Too true Fox. Any action agianst another player short of only and up to self defense should be grounds for immediate removal from the field and community. We preach about safety and respect for fellow players and it seems both of these people have chosen to break those ideals.

After all this is said and done I think we all agree that the call signs should be published so that those that choose to can make a choice on whether to have them continue to play with groups.

I myself would never allow them on a field with me or any one else who's safety I value.

On a lighter note I think we should all pitch in to make a "Darwin" themed field. We let all the willfully ignorant and dangerous people play there. Its like taking the safety labels off of every thing, only this way we can make it a spectator sport as well
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Old October 21st, 2009, 16:15   #11
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Actually we have been told that ASC wont pull AV for any of these reasons.... that it is just to see if someone is over 18 and that ASC will have no part in discipline from other fields (which we can understand as they dont have the info on what went on and would have to suspect bias)- not sure who to confirm this with on ASC but it is what we were told by someone who knows of a similar case.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 16:56   #12
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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No they won't revoke av status but if u join the game hosts team bunker you can propose that that their names be put on the blacklist so that they may not be allowed to attend games ever again
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:05   #13
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ahh gotcha- thanks for that, it sure wouldnt hurt to get a heads up from other fields about problem cases.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 19:06   #14
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Out of curiosity since I see the word "blacklisted" all the time. Is there an actual list here on ASC accessible by retailers and game hosts to see who shouldn't be attending games or buying up airsoft equipment? I know its a point Brian and Tyson have made very very very clear on games they've hosted.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old October 21st, 2009, 19:13   #15
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There's no list of "people you shouldn't sell to".

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