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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:31   #1
Blitzed's Avatar
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Alright, im just looking for a suggest, please dont get 'mad' or upset by this in anyways please.

Alright, so I have always been interested and intrigued by the importance of a sniper rifle and just overall how they look, more specifically the R700 series.

So basically i wanted to get a TSD SD700 from buy airsoft. although, not truly for skirmishes. So dont yell at me for that. I just wanted one, just so i can say ' yeah i have a sniper rifle ' . and Pretty much just to target with. Although if i did get one, im going to upgrade it a bit, change the sear out considering of the main flaws of it is the ' trigger box ' in this specific model. i was also going to get a new tight bore for it.

Now, if i got that VSR-10 clone, i was going to get a g&g mp5sd or the TF MP7. if i get the G&G mp5sd, all im gonna do to it is downgrade the spring to around 320 FPS for close range. The mp7 i'd leave stock, except for a new body or paint. (please keep in mind im not going to actually use the Rifle in skirmishes.)

So that was option one, my second option is a VA VK416 (JG 416 with a poly lower). With just maybe a downgraded spring and new crane stock.

So, I'd be happy to hear your opinions! Please.

*Also if you have any other suggestions, I'd to hear, I'd be willing to drop a maximum of $450 on a gun and maybe $200 in upgrades.


**EDIT: I'll have the winter to stockpile on a platform weapon and gear to use in the upcoming skirmish season.

Last edited by Blitzed; October 10th, 2009 at 21:36..
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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:42   #2
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I'd say, forget about the sniper rifle for now and focus on obtaining a quality AEG. You will regret paying for a cheap knockoff AEG when it break beyond repair at your first game.

Once you have your age verified, you will see in the classified what people use on the field and you will be able to buy a nice kit.

Even if you don't plan on fielding your sniper rifle, it won't even be good for plinking. Cheap and out the box rifles could hardly hit a box of cornflakes at 100fps and not even penetrate it.

If you want to plink, a pellet rifle is much more satisfying.

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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:49   #3
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Yah True.

I gotta wait one last year to get verified.. =[

well, i wouldnt even be plinking at 100 feet. more like 60 or 70. But i do not want a pellet gun. If i got this VSR-10 clone, wouldnt it be an 'okay' future platform.. ?
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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:52   #4
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Honestly. Don't get it.

If you want to plink, spend 50 on a daisy airgun and plink with that 'till you can get age verified. One you come of age, such a platform will get so expensive you'll be wishing you had gotten an AEG to begin with.
I made that mistake myself and was left with a gun that needed a 600 dollar repair bill.

Not worth it. Wait, Get age verified and look towards a functioning AEG. Save yourself the headache.

(In fact, the amount I have spent on it, I would've been able to buy myself 3 brand new JG aeg's. Two more had i put in the money for the repair.)

Last edited by Strelok; October 10th, 2009 at 21:57..
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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:57   #5
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Psssst read my thread about 3 spots down.
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Old October 10th, 2009, 21:57   #6
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Originally Posted by Blitzed View Post
Yah True.

I gotta wait one last year to get verified.. =[

well, i wouldnt even be plinking at 100 feet. more like 60 or 70. But i do not want a pellet gun. If i got this VSR-10 clone, wouldnt it be an 'okay' future platform.. ?
Yes... sorta.... but damned near everything would need to be upgraded for real sniping use. I got one of those TSD's and aside from how silent it is and the exponetial badass factor from everytime i work the bolt, it has zero advantages over my aegs (even my cqb ones). If you'r never planning on gameing it i'd say have at it. BUT your first priority should always be a good AEG, the VA customs are good.

And one more thing be responsible, I know there is no way for me to stop you from getting a gun now but waiting never hurts (till your 18). If you find yourself to eager to wait at least be VERY responsible with it.
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Old October 10th, 2009, 22:00   #7
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Alright AEG it is.

I think im gonna get that JG 416 with the poly receiver.
I've talked to people who have it, they love it.
Just wondering if it is a good beginner gun too.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 00:42   #8
Con Murder
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Ya dude, The M4 platform is really the way to go. Lots of sweet little parts you can upgrade and cheap mags all over the place. By far the best platform for a new player as most pouches you'll find are m4 pouches along with every company featuring a varient you can choose your after-market product!.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 00:46   #9
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
Ya dude, The M4 platform is really the way to go. Lots of sweet little parts you can upgrade and cheap mags all over the place. By far the best platform for a new player as most pouches you'll find are m4 pouches along with every company featuring a varient you can choose your after-market product!.
Don't forget the AK.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 00:48   #10
Con Murder
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Yes the AK has more than enough support from manufacturers, on par with the M4 (such a classic duel) if you are able to get a good one in the same price range
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Old October 11th, 2009, 01:08   #11
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Thanks Murder, i think im going to go for that HK416.
Alot of compatible M4 type parts, yet still different enough for me to call it a little 'unique'

Anything you suggest for my first upgrade on it, besides the obvious coloring of the lower?
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Old October 11th, 2009, 01:10   #12
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I don't suggest anything myself until you are 18.

Airsoft guns (clear or not) are for 18+ only. Wait until you get AV'd, then buy a gun. Until then, pellet gun if you want to target practice.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 01:21   #13
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... Or a VA 416.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 01:24   #14
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Or... Nothing, because you aren't 18 and therefore aren't allowed to purchase airsoft?

These forums do not condone underaged people buying, owning, or using airsoft. We won't help you out in how to buy them when you are underage.

VA only sells to 18+.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 01:26   #15
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I think it would be most cost efficient to wait until you are 18. The money you've saved up would be well spent in the classifieds.
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