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Upgrading an ICS M4


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Old September 15th, 2009, 15:26   #1
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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Upgrading an ICS M4

I have an ICS C15 (M4A5) and I would like to start upgrading it to make it a better gun. Where do I start? Hopup, barrel, piston, spring?

I know some of you don't like ICS but I already have the gun, and not willing to buy another one. I am just trying to make the best with what I have.

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Old September 15th, 2009, 15:38   #2
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Well, basically what is it NOT doing now that you want it to do? That's the best place to start. I'm a firm believer in not fucking with things if they work properly. Find what it is that you want the gun to do, and work towards that.

I have a custom ICS M4 that I built recently. The only internal changes I've made that I deemed necessary were installing a Modify piston (since I blew the stock one with a high rof setup) and a new Modify bearing piston head. I also happened to have a spare Modify bearing spring guide so I installed that we well. I tend to install bearing piston heads and spring guides in all my AEGs as it helps make each shot more consistent. Although generally speaking, if you have either the guide or piston head with a bearing, you're ok.

Other than that, I would recommend swapping the hopup rubber. I've become a big fan of the Guarder Clear rubber. It seems to have consistently performed the best for me and I have it in all my guns. I've also found it seems to provide a better seal than most others and often will give me a slight velocity increase.

I installed a 6.03 mm tightbore. I have tightbores in most of my guns. This helps both for your range, accuracy, and will give you a slight velocity increase as well. It's a really nice addition/

If you want to change the velocity of your gun, then a new spring would be in order. Since my gun is currently setup for outdoor use, I installed a Modify S110. On its own, it should give you from 355-365 fps, depending on barrel length. Combined with a tightbore, it should give you about 380 fps.

Hope this helps.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 16:05   #3
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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I am quite happy with my gun, I would however want a bit more precision.

My barrel length is 375mm, does the tighbore need to be exactly this or a bit shorter? would a MA 6.03mm Stainless Tightbore 363mm do?

Last edited by BrokenBird; September 15th, 2009 at 16:10..
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Old September 15th, 2009, 17:27   #4
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Airsoft rifles are not all that precise. That said, to achieve the highest amount of precision consider the following:
- shot to shot velocity consistency (this comes from the piston head/cylinder head/nozzle/hopup unit interaction...and BB diameter/inner barre consistency). A consistent 200fps rifle is more accurate than a rifle that shoots 360 one shot and 420 the next, all other things being equal.

- hopup rubber. a good quality hopup rubber that imparts the same spin to each shot can do wonders for your groups.

- good, heavy bbs. heavier bbs will result in smaller groups...even though they'll be traveling slower from the same gun. It's like magic...your groups shrink instantly. Good quality bbs are consistent in both surface finish, weight, roundness and diameter.

- I believe that tight bores increase accuracy in AEGs...some don't think so. An inch one way or another doesn't matter much. 6.04mm-6.03mm is about as tight as you need.

Before you ask what parts to some research now that you have some specific items to zone in on.

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Old September 15th, 2009, 17:47   #5
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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Thanks for the info, I have what I need to do some research.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 21:48   #6
Cpt. UnderPants
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For info on upgrading an ICS give this guide a read. ICS M4 FAQ and How-to Guide by XavierMace.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 22:10   #7
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There's also ASC's own info:

ICS M4 Bible
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old September 15th, 2009, 22:12   #8
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why don you get a complete hop up unit with a larger thigth bore in order to use it with your silencer.?
will it be any good, just curious

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Old September 15th, 2009, 22:30   #9
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ICS M4's aren't compatible with other hopup systems without modifications.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 22:57   #10
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well, just a piece of advice from me.

ICS M4A1 is already a better gun compare to those other company that produce M4 beside real steel. You don't need to upgrade anything is nothing going wrong with them. I already open both of the clear ICS M4 and the full metal ICS M4 which both of them are the new version coming out, the internal are basically the same. I drop at least 5 k to 8 k in stock form, there is nothing break yet. I suggest you to keep as it is.

By the way, the accuracy of ICS M4 is way better than regular M4 because of their Hop up design, it's very consistent every shot, once you set the hop up right then it will stay there forever, again thanks to ICS M4 hop up design. Don't think to modify regular M4 hop up to fit, it's worst of time and money, better buy ICS M4 hop up.

If I were you, I would consider to buy another upper mechbox than consider to upgrade the internal of the gun. Keep it as stock and use until it's break.

By the way, I turn to like ICS M4 piston. I broke 2 systema piston already with another upper but my stock on the other upper still show any signs of wear yet. Both upper shot approximately 5000 round each. That systema piston last me only around 5000 rounds.

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Old November 2nd, 2010, 22:26   #11
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Originally Posted by Cpt. UnderPants View Post
For info on upgrading an ICS give this guide a read. ICS M4 FAQ and How-to Guide by XavierMace.
got moved to here:
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Old December 27th, 2010, 00:42   #12
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Yeah. I agree with KND. Try and keep the gun a stock as possible other than maybe a tightbore and new rubber. The longer you wait to open the gearbox. The better off you'll be. ICS M4s tend to be buggers once you throw too many aftermarket parts in them :S. And you'll be spending too much money maintaining them.
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