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See through guns and the death of "airsoft"



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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:32   #271
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
so that's a nay vote then? no one asked for your opinion, just say yes or no.
Man that is a perfect example of why people see ASC as a not so friendly place... everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, saying shit like that only makes you look like a dick.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:36   #272
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Originally Posted by HGI View Post
This thread was never a vote pus.. If you really wanted this system put in place that means everyone including you would have to Pay the, who knows how much the field owner would charge, and Attend a Required Indoctrination in the classroom before you could go to any games regardless when you started playing airsoft.

I've heard of the video a while back, it should be uploaded and available for download if not already.
I would happily pay if it became the standard, it would most likely be more like $20 and not $50, Brian has done his ATQ1 course for $20-25 before so relax, you seem to have a personal grudge against him, and it shows in your post, which is why I said to say "yay" or "nay" and leave out the personal drama

*edit* and it was my understanding that this required indoctrination was for new people anyway

Last edited by pusangani; August 10th, 2009 at 14:38.. Reason: added
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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:36   #273
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I think a required indoctrination is a great idea.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:46   #274
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Originally Posted by Torque View Post
I think a required indoctrination is a great idea.
Agreed completely. It would probably do some good.
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:48   #275
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I also would like manditory Basic Safe Handling Training and Supervision of Probationary Players

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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:48   #276
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by HGI View Post
A 1st timer day is most that would happen, or require new people to show up 2 hours before game time giving you time to handle them 1 on 1 in person and go over everything.
Thats all I'm really talking about ... Noob day.. with some stadardised content.. and and aknowledgement that it's been done..

this is not rocket science.. Every indoct would have a game .. so you come.. get sorted out , get some info, get a package of info to take home .. play a game .. and boom you're in..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 10th, 2009, 14:55   #277
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by HGI View Post
This thread was never a vote pus.. If you really wanted this system put in place that means everyone including you would have to Pay the, who knows how much the field owner would charge, and Attend a Required Indoctrination in the classroom before you could go to any games regardless when you started playing airsoft.

I've heard of the video a while back, it should be uploaded and available for download if not already.
If it cost the same as a game say $20 and you got to play a game after the info session.. what would be your complaint then?

Who said it would be in class room? .. who said there would be a cost, ( but of course there would be.. because if you don't pay for something you don't value it)
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:08   #278
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I don't think you could set a price on it since it would very from field to field, some field owners are more greedy than others. Thought it shouldn't cost anything, you shouldn't have to pay to be told how to play a sport.
Originally Posted by Lisa
Forums are a repository for info, not spoon feeding your sorry ass.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:12   #279
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that's why it should be a standardized thing and once you get it you're good to go, not like you have to do it for every field you play on, that would be BS.

for example, like the sniper certification . and everyone will get some kind of tag to show that they are qualified to handle airsoft guns safely etc. like an AV tag
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:12   #280
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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So I guess you feel post-secondary education should also be free? After all you are just learning how to do something, why should it cost anything, right? While were at it, why should you pay rent/mortgage? After all you are just paying to live somewhere. Or why should you pay for food, after all you are just paying to eat something.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:12   #281
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I don't mind paying $20 to get certified. But who all would be able to conduct a course like that? Would it be up to team leaders and field owners or would the be special people be asigned to run the course(like the age verifiers)?
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:17   #282
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Heck, I've never gamed and I'm cool with the idea of standardized newbie days. Would really help to lessen the overall intimidation of just starting off in the sport, and would make sure safety and not acting like an idiot on the field became the norm.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:18   #283
The Saint
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Originally Posted by HGI View Post
Thought it shouldn't cost anything, you shouldn't have to pay to be told how to play a sport.
So what about firearms training? Driver's licence? This isn't just any sport, this is an activity in which one's inexperience or incompetency not only affects the enjoyment of others, but directly affects their safety as well. People are pointing project weapons at each other, often complete strangers. I don't think going to a single training event is at all unreasonable.

Maybe your system of no system works in Ucluelet, but we're in the middle of a good chunk of the population of Canada. We have to be mindful of more troubles due to newbies in one year of airsoft than you're likely to encounter in 10 years.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:20   #284
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here's an idea - field owners can also get well experienced vets involved by offering them discounted game admission if they agree to buddy up with a newbie for the game following the training etc.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 15:24   #285
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as good of an idea that it is...and it is...this implies that all new people would WANT to learn and be spoken to an treated as a newbie. those that would show up to such an event would already have the interest and understanding that they are new and could use help. most would (at least should) have already spent hours and hours reading about stuff right here. i dont see those people as a pain in the ass but a welcome part of the community, already displaying intelligence and some common sense. great! the smart ones with good attitudes will get a crash course on safety and what not to do with expectations and supervision.

those would be tough guys that are growing up in the social worker generation without any real respect for ANYONE or anything, that think rules and expectations dont apply to them are the ones that wont show up simply because theyi're "too cool" to learn from seniors, vets and crankies. to those we'd (seniors, vets and crankies) could almost sound like we're preaching to them about things very foreign to them.

just this weekend at wasaga. keep in mind i'm using casual walk on type paintballers as an example. there was a group where i was playing and this bunch was maybe in their early 20's. these guys were all over the safe area, not just dry firing wtih plugs out but actually shooting at each other in the safe zone. these are the types of people that wont go anywhere near an organized newb day simply because they "cant be bothered" listening to anyone. these are the types of people...the ones that have to have something happen to THEMSELVES to actually take something seirously. they simply dont care.

as much as i dont mind and somewhat enjoy mentoring people that are willing to learn, i personally dont think that it's our job as "vets, seniors and crankies" to feel obligated to police these fools. i put my time in. i watched and observed and read and read and broke and fixed and spent zillions of dollars. i literally cant count the number of hours i've spent researching stuff...i jsut cant count that high! what makes the "ktmt" bunch so special that they have to be coddled, handheld and babysat? this is a a hobby that requires a certain level of maturity and alot of self discipline. some initiative adn indipendant learning doesnt hurt any either.

if it's to a vote than i say yes to newb days and highly respect those that are willing to give up their time and efforts to help those that want it.

but i'd suggest just a no strike rule at games. those nubs that excercise a laps in judgement get the boot and be done with it. no second chances. briefings are generally fairly clear and to the point. game postings are typically very clear in terms of safety and the expectations of those attending. comply or just dont go. it's that simple. put the nubs on notice. if EVERY host was particularly anal about this and showed no mercy than the fools will sort themselves out or just get the hell out or better yet...just not show and disappear from our midst.
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