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Trying to decide on an M4...


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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:28   #1
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Trying to decide on an M4...

I'm not new to airsoft. I've not played in "real" games, mostly just friends with the cheap Crappy Tire/Walmart clear stuff.

I'm an ex-paintballer where I have played competitively.

I am aware of different brands that make an M4, but I'm really picky on what I want.

Basically, from an M4, this is what I want:

- Collapsible Stock
- Front Rails
- Hidden battery (no rail-mounted batteries, I want the battery to be internal)
- All-metal, or close to it
- $300 - $500 price range
- Upgradeable
- Blowback preferred, but not necessary

Models of considered, in order of preference (based on the specs I've researched):

Tokyo Marui M4 SopmoD
Echo 1 Stag Arms M4 A1 Carbine (Metal Body)
Classic Army M15A4 URX
Classic Army M15A4 RIS

I'm just looking to be pointed in the right direction in terms of buying an M4 AEG.

Any help is appreciated.

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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:33   #2
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Well your best bet is to get age verified here on the website. Meet up with a local rep, and they'll verify you are 18. Then you get access to the classifieds and the retailers here on the site.
However, with the price range you are looking for, you will be hard pressed to find the things that you want.
Internal battery but with rails and collapsible stock will mean you will need to do your own work on it. Buying a lipo battery and a stock tube that holds a lipo battery.
No other way to get one like that really other than getting AV'd here.
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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:37   #3
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I'm in the process of getting age verified, just need the time off work that's reasonable to do so.

Anyways, I'm willing to do my own work. I've always had a knack for tinkering/modding things.

Based on what I've read/seen about the M4 SopmoD, it has an internal battery in the collapsible stock, has rails, blowback, and even a recoil system (which is great for realism).

See this site M4 SopmoD
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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:40   #4
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Ordering over-seas is a bad bad bad idea.

There's basically a law regarding importation of replica firearms(airsoft)
And we just can't do it without a license.

Get age verified, wait for it to go through and all that jazz, and buy here in Canada on ASC

Edit - Read this, it's short but worth while:

Last edited by Forever_kaos; July 17th, 2009 at 16:44..
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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:41   #5
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Indeed. It is awesome. However, in country they cost upwards of $1000. Read the FAQs about airsoft legality in Canada. It is legal, but the fully black ones aren't legal to import by any normal person; a special license is required (impossible to get). So, when things like this do get into country, the cost is substantially higher. This is the nature of airsoft in Canada. So be prepared to see a markup generally of 1.5-3x the price you see from overseas retailers.
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Old July 17th, 2009, 16:57   #6
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This makes me wonder. If full-black airsoft guns are illegal to get into the country, do new ones only get into the country completely by accident? Wouldn't that mean that, eventually, there are no more new full-black guns kicking about?

I don't want to derail the topic, so if anyone would like to answer, PM works fine. I'm just curious on the whole subject.
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Old July 17th, 2009, 17:10   #7
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I was just using that site for reference that particular model. I wasn't planning on buying outside of Canada.

But yeah.. I appreciate all of your help.

$1000 eh? That's most definitely out of my range. Should I just suck it up and use a rail-mounted battery (or mod it so it's internal)?

I mean, if the M4 SopmoD is, in fact, that expensive. What would you guys recommend me in the $500 range with all the features I listed above, apart from the internal battery?

Last edited by M4-Tactical; July 17th, 2009 at 17:17..
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Old July 17th, 2009, 17:36   #8
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you can find some m4s within your price range with everything u wanted, probably just no blowblack, not alot of people have external batteries, and if it is, u can rewire to the back and get a lipo in the buffer tube. but again as people have stated, get age verified and you'll see
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Old July 17th, 2009, 17:51   #9
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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Ics ics-141 (m4 sir)
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Old July 17th, 2009, 18:13   #10
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Originally Posted by M4-Tactical View Post
I'm not new to airsoft. I've not played in "real" games, mostly just friends with the cheap Crappy Tire/Walmart clear stuff.

I'm an ex-paintballer where I have played competitively.

I am aware of different brands that make an M4, but I'm really picky on what I want.

Basically, from an M4, this is what I want:

- Collapsible Stock
- Front Rails
- Hidden battery (no rail-mounted batteries, I want the battery to be internal)
- All-metal, or close to it
- $300 - $500 price range
- Upgradeable
- Blowback preferred, but not necessary

Models of considered, in order of preference (based on the specs I've researched):

Tokyo Marui M4 SopmoD
Echo 1 Stag Arms M4 A1 Carbine (Metal Body)
Classic Army M15A4 URX
Classic Army M15A4 RIS

I'm just looking to be pointed in the right direction in terms of buying an M4 AEG.

Any help is appreciated.

First off, if you've never played a real game with real airsoft guns (not the shitsoft from Canadian Tire), yes, you are new... and you're in for a real treat .

Second, if you want full metal.. you're looking at a minimum of $500 for the gun alone. That doesn't count the battery ($30-$50), charger ($50+), magazines, and gear. If your "gun budget" is $500, set aside about another $200-$300 for kit.

Third, Classic Army is win. If you're setting your sights there, don't settle for anything lower.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 17th, 2009, 18:17   #11
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A high-quality all-metal *new* AEG in the M4 style (Classic Army, G&P, new-line Tokyo Marui) will be in the $700+ range....used in the $500 range. A mid-range all-metal one will be $400+ new, and certainly over $300 used. Don't forget, you will need a battery ($50+), a *decent* battery charger ($40 and up), and several additional magazines ($50-$100) to start playing. That's assuming you already have eye protection, and doesn't include the cost of BDU's and load-bearing gear.

If you absolutely don't have to have all metal, the new line of "CanSoft" M4's by G&G are a good buy. They have a dark tinted polycarbonate lower and a metal upper, and are easy to find aftermarket replacement parts for. Expect to pay over $400 for these.

Figure on spending $750+ just to get a decent gun and some basic gear. That's less than a lot of people spend on other hobbies (golf, snowboarding, photography, R/C) so if that seems like too much, perhaps consider another hobby. If you begin playing on orgainized games, you'll be playing alongside people who have thousands (and some, tens of thousands) worth of guns and gear.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Old July 17th, 2009, 18:38   #12
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I actually have a different take on this.

You can actually start out with a decent setup for $600. Sure you won't have as much stuff but you can eventually buy more stuff with your paycheques.

Decent AEG $400
AEG package (mags, battery, optics etc.) ~$550-600

Gear $50-1000 (depending on what you want/get)

You can pretty much start out with a gun and some basic *quality* equipment and slowly buy more and more stuff.

I understand you're getting AV'ed so don't think about buying any guns before getting AV'ed, it's like a candy store in there. However you can probably start looking for some gear (I assume you already have a mask so that's $40 less dollars to spend) BDU's, some sort of load bearing equipment if you're planning on running realcap, or lowcap magazines, etc.

I have found however if you don't have certain pieces of equipment you can ask around and borrow other peoples extra gear (eg. if you forgot your mask or barrel condom at home).

Half the fun is tinkering around with your guns so don't be afraid to innovate and try and find a way to do something about your battery problem or storage of something you need.
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Old July 17th, 2009, 21:37   #13
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Originally Posted by BrokenBird View Post
Ics ics-141 (m4 sir)
I'll check it out, thanks!

Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
First off, if you've never played a real game with real airsoft guns (not the shitsoft from Canadian Tire), yes, you are new... and you're in for a real treat .

Second, if you want full metal.. you're looking at a minimum of $500 for the gun alone. That doesn't count the battery ($30-$50), charger ($50+), magazines, and gear. If your "gun budget" is $500, set aside about another $200-$300 for kit.

Third, Classic Army is win. If you're setting your sights there, don't settle for anything lower.
I planned on buying a good battery and charger, regardless of how much I spend on the gun itself. I've been really leaning towards Classic Army's stuff, as it's reasonably priced with most of my "requirements." Also, as long as the upper/lower receivers are metal, the stock/foregrips I don't really care. I'll most likely upgrade this to an RIS if I don't buy an M4 that already has one.

I can only imagine going from CT crap to "real" stuff is like going from a a Chevy to a Ferrari, I'm sure. So I'm pretty stoked about it.

Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
A high-quality all-metal *new* AEG in the M4 style (Classic Army, G&P, new-line Tokyo Marui) will be in the $700+ range....used in the $500 range. A mid-range all-metal one will be $400+ new, and certainly over $300 used. Don't forget, you will need a battery ($50+), a *decent* battery charger ($40 and up), and several additional magazines ($50-$100) to start playing. That's assuming you already have eye protection, and doesn't include the cost of BDU's and load-bearing gear.

If you absolutely don't have to have all metal, the new line of "CanSoft" M4's by G&G are a good buy. They have a dark tinted polycarbonate lower and a metal upper, and are easy to find aftermarket replacement parts for. Expect to pay over $400 for these.

Figure on spending $750+ just to get a decent gun and some basic gear. That's less than a lot of people spend on other hobbies (golf, snowboarding, photography, R/C) so if that seems like too much, perhaps consider another hobby. If you begin playing on orgainized games, you'll be playing alongside people who have thousands (and some, tens of thousands) worth of guns and gear.
Buying used doesn't bug me.. I actually prefer it in some cases, usually you can get a semi-upgraded gun for near the cost of something new that is stock.

I've been a musician all of my life, and have dumped thousands of dollars into gear/recording stuff (This is my profession). So spending lots of money on toys for me isn't an issue. Like I tell my girl, I may be easy, but I'm not cheap

I most definitely plan on getting into some organization once I move to Toronto in September. I miss playing organized games with people, whether it's paintball, or dicking around with friends with CT crap, or playing in a band.

My dad used to be in the military, thus making me an army brat, so BDU's and load-bearing gear I still have from when he gave it to me after he retired. I just gotta dig it out of the attic.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I actually have a different take on this.

You can actually start out with a decent setup for $600. Sure you won't have as much stuff but you can eventually buy more stuff with your paycheques.

Decent AEG $400
AEG package (mags, battery, optics etc.) ~$550-600

Gear $50-1000 (depending on what you want/get)

You can pretty much start out with a gun and some basic *quality* equipment and slowly buy more and more stuff.

I understand you're getting AV'ed so don't think about buying any guns before getting AV'ed, it's like a candy store in there. However you can probably start looking for some gear (I assume you already have a mask so that's $40 less dollars to spend) BDU's, some sort of load bearing equipment if you're planning on running realcap, or lowcap magazines, etc.

I have found however if you don't have certain pieces of equipment you can ask around and borrow other peoples extra gear (eg. if you forgot your mask or barrel condom at home).

Half the fun is tinkering around with your guns so don't be afraid to innovate and try and find a way to do something about your battery problem or storage of something you need.
I still have my old JT mask from when I used to be a 'baller, so face protection is not a concern for me right now, but will be upgraded once I get the "basics" in terms of a gun/mags/etc

I love tinkering with stuff. Ever since being a kid, I used to rip things apart, only to put them back together. I love the mechanics of firearms, taking them apart, cleaning, and putting them back together. I have very high manual dexterity and I'm proud to have this ability.

I plan to buy the gun first, followed by better face protection, followed by extra mags, then some sort of tactical vest to hold mags and other stuff I'd need to play.

I also plan on having all of my necessary gear (gun, mask, BDU/vest) by next summer, which is when I'll actually start playing with an organization. I mean, once I get my M4, I'm of course going to go in the backyard and shoot off rounds, and tweak it to my liking and put a nice sight on it and all of that.

I'm going to do some mods to it, and obviously will be setup similar to a real M4-Tac.

Thanks guys for all of your info, I really appreciate it and you've definitely shed some light on how much this sport really costs. Looking at pricing on the 'Net, compared to what you guys are telling me are like apples to oranges.

Either way, thanks again!

Last edited by M4-Tactical; July 17th, 2009 at 22:44..
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Old July 17th, 2009, 23:47   #14
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One more thing... Please don't shoot it in the backyard. At least do it in a garage or basement. That is unless you live in the sticks.

Also my $400 estimate was actually for a good high quality plastic bodied gun (TM for example), it will be at least $450+ for a decent used metal bodied gun.
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Old July 17th, 2009, 23:56   #15
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M4-Tactical, I was, and still am, in the same boat in terms of the requirements you want for your gun. I want one that is exactly the same as the one you want. First off, I planned to get a TM SOPMOD but the price range is way out there and i heard its not even that good. I then saw the ICS and G&G M4 RIS/CQB at a local store, but hated the tinted black lower receiver, and the guns were nothing special. After a few months of research, I narrowed it down to G&P and Classic Army. New G&P guns were hard for me to find so I opted for a Classic Army M15A4 CQB for $585 brand new. Ive bought a bunch of accessories already to make a SOPMOD- larue tactical mounts, ACOG, aimpoints, rear sights. All my accessories cost me close to $600 since they are from an expensive brand, but the quality and durability definetely pays off. I pretty much used this link as a guideline for the accessories I wanted:

Even though mine is a CQB, Im planning to get a full 14.5" barrel with a Prometheus inner barrel for increase accuracy. These parts are coming soon. My battery is stored in the crane stock so its nice and concealed. I used to be less picky about my accessories, but thge more pictures and research I did, the more picky I became--> from buying generic M4 parts to specific, well known branded items that match the M4 SOPMOD

Last edited by turok_t; July 17th, 2009 at 23:59..
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