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Pros and cons for m4s and mp5s


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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:26   #1
vulcan m91
Join Date: Jun 2009
Pros and cons for m4s and mp5s

Hey i was wondering if anyone could help me out. Im new and not sure what i want. Is there anything i should know about the m4 and mp5 class of guns. Pros and Cons. Thanks
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:29   #2
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All I really know about the M4's is that sometimes the plastic bodies can be unrealiable. They can have twists and creaks, but what else to expect from a toy gun. The mechbox's are reliable out of the box(again, thats only from what I've heard.) and can last a while without upgrades.

Can't say much about an MP5.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:39   #3
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MP5 for lifemcgife.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:39   #4
5.56's Avatar
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M4's allow you to accesorize and customize them with thousands of items. You can shorten the barrel, or make it longer. MP-5's, however, will only allow you to mount a scope and a flashlight.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:41   #5
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Pros and Cons

There are many pros and cons between the two airsoft guns. Really these two along with an AK-47 are guns in which parts/accesories are common.

Pros M4:
V2 Mechbox
Lighter Weight
Rail Built in
Adjustable stock (usually)
Sights (easy to aim)

A pain for left handed people
Plastic parts
Everyone has them
Stock (can be wobbly)
Weight (somepeople complain about the weight)

MP5 Pros:
V2 Mechbox
Kickass look
Adaptability (for your needs)

Sights (i find it hard to look through compaired to a M4)
Range (not that long of barrel so not as long range)
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Old July 6th, 2009, 23:42   #6
venture's Avatar
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Pros: Small and manouerverable. Possible folding stock for more compactness. small size mags. Mechbox v2 and v3-proven designs with many upgrade parts available. Kurz model can be used as powerful secondary. Fully ambidextrous.

Cons: Short barrel causes accuracy problems sometimes. Many models have problems with selector switch. Pretty common(that may be a plus for some).

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Old July 7th, 2009, 09:28   #7
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- everyone has one
- V2 mechbox (even if it's common and easy to work with, it will probably break if you upgrade the spring)

- too many accessories to count
- everyone has one (which means you can swap mags easily)

- really short inner barrel does not lead to good accuracy at long range
- not as many accessories as the M4

- V2 mechbox (it has some support at the front and it is less likely to break)
- light and compact

Go with what you like. I recommend AKs and G36s.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 10:00   #8
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Don't think there's any more support at the front of an MP5 for the mechbox than with the M4. Version 2's are fine. Reinforced mechbox shell (a good one...not the crap clone stuff), 380-ish range, don't play in the cold and it'll last for a long, long time. In a TM's much the same, but I'd stay in the 350-ish range to take the sting out of it.

Lots of the pros/cons are covered already.

Fit the rifle to you. Some guys don't feel good behind an MP5. They find sighting impossible without a high optic mount (typically while using PB goggles). Some guys find the M4 too long for them, it'll hit the ground/etc...when they kneel going for a secondary.

Fit the rifle to where you're playing. If it's tight indoor CQB...the M4 is going to seem long. If you're not careful, you'll find your rifle sticking out around corners/through windows/etc...before you're ready to sight and shoot back. That and you'll find you're banging it into walls, doors, etc....

For outdoor games, the longer barrel helps a lot. Some guys will stick a long inner into an MP5 and hide it with a suppressor to get more accuracy at range.

Collasible stock MP5's are the pits for batteries. With a full stock MP5 you can run a big battery in the stock. Otherwise you'll be cursing dead batteries in the foregrip after a season of steady play. Anyways...with a full stock, the MP5 is not a huge amount smaller than a collasped M4...especially if it's a M4CQBR.

I find MP5 mags to be hard to store, both in a rig and in a dump pouch....they're long. stuff is setup for M-series rifles.

I've had/build/worked on several of each. I much prefer the M4. I use it for both indoor and outdoor.

With the exception of CA/ICS MP5's...the M-series is easier to work on. "TM" style MP5's are not favourites to work on.

Metal rules. Here's what I'd get if I were to buy AEGs again and had to pick an "off the shelf" model.

- Classic Army
- G&G
- KA

- CA MP5 full stock
- ICS MP5 full stock

I'd get a full M4A1 style and a CQB one. The mags and batteries would be interchangeable. The CQB would be set to indoor (sub 350) and the other to (380-390). The CQB would be the backup rifle for outdoor games...a pistol would be the backup for indoor games. One rig setup for both rifles. Rails and lights and stuff for the CQB. Light and lean for the M4 field rifle.

Anyways, best of luck.

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Old July 7th, 2009, 19:49   #9
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Gotta go away for a couple days, but I see a couple of things that aren't quite errors but could use some clearing up.

Everyone is saying that the m4 and the mp5 have v2 mechboxes. This is true, but the Mp5k models have v3 mechbox.

Also m102404 talked about how difficult it can be storing the mp5 mags because of their length. However, Mp5 short mags are quite small, although of low capacity. They are roughly half the size of long mp5 mags; much like pistol mags.

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Old July 7th, 2009, 20:00   #10
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Originally Posted by Frozencricket View Post

- V2 mechbox (even if it's common and easy to work with, it will probably break if you upgrade the spring)

- V2 mechbox (it has some support at the front and it is less likely to break)
- light and compact
Hunh? You're contradicting yourself. You were correct with the top one, sort of. V2's are more prone to breaking with heavier springs or sooner than other mechboxes due to stress (usually from a heavier spring).

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Old July 7th, 2009, 21:17   #11
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I can't really speak to the other comments made but the problem with mp5 mags isn't their length but rather their width, or lack there of. The most common pouch type out there is for m4 mags, which can be used in a pinch for ak, g36, m14 mags but using them for mp5 mags, unless you use mag clamps, tends to cause rattle. Finding mag pouches made specifically for mp5 mags is a bit of a pain.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 21:20   #12
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
I can't really speak to the other comments made but the problem with mp5 mags isn't their length but rather their width, or lack there of. The most common pouch type out there is for m4 mags, which can be used in a pinch for ak, g36, m14 mags but using them for mp5 mags, unless you use mag clamps, tends to cause rattle. Finding mag pouches made specifically for mp5 mags is a bit of a pain.
solution: buy drop leg mp5 mag pouch ... costs like 9.99 at ehobby... i have 2 they are great. thats how i carry mines

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