Saw this post and at least one other about your rifle...the best advice I could give you is to find out if the rifle you have is a clone/copy/knockoff/etc...of another "name brand" one. Then look up and search for info on the name brand one. You'll find lots of info written up here and on other sites as well. (I'm guessing that your next question will be about spring sizes and which spring guide you use for which power spring...because there are differences).
So do a search (here, google, other airsoft forums) for your particular the reviews and one of the write ups are bound to mention that, "its a copy of xxxx"...or "yyyy parts seem to fit".
For example, the TSD L96 is a copy of the Maruzen L96...and most, if not 100%, of the upgrade parts work in both. (NOTE: I might have mixed those's been a while and I'm going from memory, but you should get the point).
Note: Some of the clones/copies/knockoffs might have the same parts and general specs...but irregularities might cause issues with "drop in" upgrades. Just because the Laylax bolt stop is made for the Maruzen L96...doesn't mean it will automatically fit the TSD clone. Same with barrel spacers if the clone barrel wasn't held to the same tolerances as the orginal.
It'll be really close though...I might just need a little tweaking with a file, or some common sense modding, to get it to work. Kind of a luck of the draw type of thing...but it's to be expected when working with a copy that costs 1/3rd of the original.
Best of luck,