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HK MP7 "Clone" and


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Old June 20th, 2009, 02:40   #1
SilentHawk's Avatar
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HK MP7 "Clone" and

Ive been looking at getting into airsoft casually. Ive been playing with cheap springer pistols for the past year with friends, and now some of them have upgraded to low/med end electros. I'm not looking to buy anything high end, since my friends cant afford them, and we aren't totally serious.

Im looking at getting the MP7 from

The reviews on the site seem make the customer service to be good. Saying fast shipping, and good service, but on here, everyone complains about bad service. I live in BC, and a few of the people Ive noticed with complaints, are from Quebec, if that has anything to do with it.

Ive also seen the same gun on capital airsoft. any help would be appreciated.
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Old June 20th, 2009, 03:31   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Well the general consensus here is just as you have stated, and that is "Dont buy from there". The gun from is the same from Capital Airsoft I believe as they are both the Well version. You say you're not serious about it, but I still have a question for you? Why spend a couple hundred on a piece of shit that will last you maybe less than a bag of BBs?
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old June 20th, 2009, 04:45   #3
Red Wine & Adderall
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Im not sure how buyairsoft is now or how they will be in the future since they are currently in the process of changing over to new management. However if you use this websites search function and use the keyword of "buyairsoft" you will find more than enough information in regards to poor service, slow shipping and other bad business conduct.

The item in question you are asking about is an AEP (auto electric pistol) or atleast that is its designation for its internal mechbox. An AEP mechbox is a smaller version of an AEG (auto electric gun) mechbox. Its considerably smaller and puts out nowhere near the amount of power as its large brother, in most cases though AEPs are still considered decent for close range engagements. Upgrades are available however in this instance the cost of upgrade parts would out value the cost of the AEP. The brand of the MP7 you are asking about is just a rebrand of another company (possibly well). The quality is hit or miss in most cases.

Capital airsoft has an excellent customer service track record, if you are going to pick between those two retailers I would suggest going with capital.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; June 20th, 2009 at 04:48..
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Old June 20th, 2009, 15:27   #4
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Well the general consensus here is just as you have stated, and that is "Dont buy from there". The gun from is the same from Capital Airsoft I believe as they are both the Well version. You say you're not serious about it, but I still have a question for you? Why spend a couple hundred on a piece of shit that will last you maybe less than a bag of BBs?
What exactly would be likely break first on it? Also, since I just turned 17, 4 months ago, I cant get verified on here, to buy better guns at a lower price. I'm only looking to spend around $200-$300. Ive checked out 007 airsoft, but guns start at around 350-400.

I'm playing against people with walmart, spring guns, so thats kind of why i didn't want to spend 500 for a good gun, and leave everyone behind, who cant afford these guns.
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Old June 20th, 2009, 16:13   #5
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Originally Posted by SilentHawk View Post
What exactly would be likely break first on it? Also, since I just turned 17, 4 months ago, I cant get verified on here, to buy better guns at a lower price. I'm only looking to spend around $200-$300. Ive checked out 007 airsoft, but guns start at around 350-400.

I'm playing against people with walmart, spring guns, so thats kind of why i didn't want to spend 500 for a good gun, and leave everyone behind, who cant afford these guns.

with 309$ you can get an CAS version G&G m4, wich is pretty much in another world than this shitty WELL mp7.
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Old June 20th, 2009, 16:25   #6
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Originally Posted by hugoqc321 View Post
with 309$ you can get an CAS version G&G m4, wich is pretty much in another world than this shitty WELL mp7.
I agree, I have an M4 C.A.S . Great gun with potential. MP7's don't have too much in the way of upgrades, internals, or externals.
Get a G&G gun and you wont be dissapointed.
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Old June 20th, 2009, 16:51   #7
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IMO you can save a little bit of money and buy the canadian vercion of the ICS M4, that you can downgrade with a weeker spring easily to play with your friendes.
YouTube - ICS AEG M4 main disassemble
thats why i want an ICS

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Old June 20th, 2009, 16:52   #8
so far out of here, Nasa started tracking
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A mp7 is more of a backup gun when you have high powered gun.There are engagement distances and a mp7 is more for defence than offence.Since you're only 17,i would suggest to invest in you're gear first and learn as much as you can about the sport.If you really don't wanna wait i would go with a g&g m4,it's not too big or small and the accesories and replacement parts are easy to find.Don't invest too much until you get age verified,trust me you won't regret to have waited.
okey dokey lokey
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