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Old June 12th, 2009, 23:28   #31
Seb1990's Avatar
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The minus 2.00 is for those who payed PayPal.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 23:42   #32
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That's the price of business boy-o.

If you were to send an EMT, you'd
be out $1.50 from your own bank.
But if you sent a Paypal payment,
well then, you can be accountable
for any number of ill sorted fee's
depending on your handler's type
of account. Refunds are never 100%.

Hence the 1st line above.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 01:31   #33
Brian McIlmoyle
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Krusty you can keep

my $100 , to pay for 50 people who are whining about $2

$100 is less than nothing.. I smoke cigars worth more than that..

what an utter disappointment

Manitoba can get their shit together for a large game... Alberta can... Quebec can.. but Ontario... with the largest concentration of players in the country ... no...

We had 125 people " signed up and committed" on the Canadian side.. when it came time to pay... 25 ponied up .... I put time and effort into organization and designation of sections... and developing a battle plan... and FOR WHAT?

You said you were in... well then put your money where your mouth is... and pay

There is still time to save this operation.. but only if you stop thinking about it and DO IT
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old June 13th, 2009, 01:51   #34
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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I think of that $2 as a way to justify the time and effort already put in for what might turn out to be a flop. I sincerely hope its not as it would be such a shame for all of us. Especially with the examples of other provinces you mentioned and their huge games.

Some people just don't understand the scope of the location its being held at. I played there this past March for Operation Broadsword, and godDAMN is this place ever majestic. Its every airsofters wet dream, and the mere fact that we have (had?) it at our disposal is nothing short of an honor. So for all of those who helped make this nothing more than a pipe dream by saying you will be there, but not acting when the time comes, all I can say is thanks for nothing.

We still have 2 days boys and girls, scrape together whatever money you can, borrow, beg, call in favors, hit up Visa/Mastercard, sell semen/blood/urine (not mixed together of course), turn to prostitution, do what ever you can to get a measly $100 just to help make this a reality and worry about the rest later.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 09:52   #35
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Thanks everyone for the justification, I am new to EMT and PayPal so I wasn't to sure what the two dollars was for.


For one I was not "whining", I was mearly asking for some justification because I did not understand the reason ( because ther wasn't one given ) for two dollars to be held back. Further more Krusty was unclear in his statement, he did say he would be giving back 98 minus 2......this would end up being 96. The whole thing was unclear and I just needed justification.
I would hope that next time someone asks a question you don't reply in such a rude manner.

It's sad that there are so many people that are a part of this community and yet so few can see the value behind an event like BW3. This kind of event isnt held every week, and it would be shame for it to be cancelled because so many took it for granted. I hope we can get enough people on board for this, but if not I would like to thank Krusty and his staff for there efforts.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 13:10   #36
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I apologize on DB's behalf...he's a little new to the 21st century, with all this communications via intra-net and all....and apparently he doesn't have enough money to be familiar with bank fees, as all he owns is a glass jar full of pennies.

Seriously man...

moving on.

GET PEOPLE IN FOR BW'S! now 2-3 more coming from Caledon, we're dragging in people who barely give a damn about the sport and currently own zero equipment! HOWS THAT FOR EFFORT!!!
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Old June 13th, 2009, 17:14   #37
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You sir, deserve a cookie.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 17:54   #38
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It's funny how only the people who payed are posting in this thread.
All those 125+ people who called the "I'M IN!" and haven't paid yet... what a shame!

Like seriously... I feel bad for Brian and Jim (specially Brian) who spent lots of time preparing stuff for this event.

Anyhow, if there's still a hope, please make it happen.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 18:00   #39
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What a shame this is.

By the by, Krusty, if I don't get my full $100 back, I will SUE YOU UNTIL YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE TEARS YOU ARE CRYING.

Seriously, though, I realize that amount of personal vouching you must have made during negotiations to secure the facility for airsoft use, and am sorry that the community could not support you on that.

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Old June 14th, 2009, 15:52   #40
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I have money for two more, but if the chances are slim to nil of the op running I don't want to have to wait for a refund. I am committed to submitting but I need some concrete indication from the organizers what the turn around time on Refunds will be or if there is a contingency plan or something. Waiting to hear if they still need 50 sign ups or whatever and there is no hope then I can save Krusty time and my team mates money.

So please some indication on what the scoop is would be greatly appreciated, I know that the organizers have a life but were talking a lot of money and planning on our part as we are travelling from Winnipeg to play and need to know well in advance so that we can plan accordingly.

Steve Armitage
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Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Old June 14th, 2009, 16:22   #41
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This is bad news for me, I was hoping that once I turned 18 I would go to BW and have a great time, but maybe there won't even be BW by then
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Old June 14th, 2009, 19:52   #42
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My f'in nutz are in pain -- looks like I'll be workin my monkey wrench that weekend HHHAAARRRDDD AND STRONG!
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Old June 14th, 2009, 19:55   #43
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i went out and purchased gear like crazy to be ready in time for this event and now its been cancelled.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 20:44   #44
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Originally Posted by Skump View Post
i went out and purchased gear like crazy to be ready in time for this event and now its been cancelled.
I'm sure you're not alone there. BW was the #1 reason for me getting my multicam loadout and tan CIRAS vest, as well as investing in more MP5 mags (although I didn't get them all purchased yet), proper radio & headset, etc. But in the end, it doesn't go to waste as I'll be able to use this stuff (and have been) in other games as well.

And in the end, I'm sure Krusty has already incurred significant expenses organizing this year's even that he will have to end up writing off because of this. So whatever it is we've "lost", it won't come anywhere near what he'll lose.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:15   #45
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I'm sure you're not alone there. BW was the #1 reason for me getting my multicam loadout and tan CIRAS vest, as well as investing in more MP5 mags (although I didn't get them all purchased yet), proper radio & headset, etc. But in the end, it doesn't go to waste as I'll be able to use this stuff (and have been) in other games as well.

And in the end, I'm sure Krusty has already incurred significant expenses organizing this year's even that he will have to end up writing off because of this. So whatever it is we've "lost", it won't come anywhere near what he'll lose.

this is true. i have not been to any other MILSIMs yet, but with the current state of the airsoft community in ontario, it looks like i'll have to go out of province to experience anything to what i got into this for.
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