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Kraken AK-47


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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:39   #1
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Kraken AK-47

I recently bought a Kraken AK-47 from
(which was my first mistake).

Everything was fine for the first while but now everytime I pull the trigger a "scraping" sound comes from the lower reciever.

I sent a message to, i don't know what I want them to do, because there return policy isn't exactly customer friendly.

Anyways; i guess what im asking is: is there anything I could do to fix my airsoft gun, or would I have to buy new gears (or something to that effect)?

Much Appreciated,

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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:45   #2
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depending on if you are close to a gun doc, I would suggest finding out if you are and having them look at it for you.

If you aren't, then it might make more sense to buy yourself a whole new gearbox from ebaybanned or ehobbyasia, because when you factor in shipping to and from a gun doc and his fees and cost of replacement parts as well, it might cost you more to fix it than to get yourself a new gearbox, which is like $70 shipped.
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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:47   #3
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Sounds like you've either stripped your gears or your piston. Don't think you'll get much support from the seller. Unless you can find yourself a gun doc, you're going to have to go at this one yourself.

Check out You'll find a video guide for taking apart a TM AK, which is identical to your Kraken, and how to get into the mechbox.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
because when you factor in shipping to and from a gun doc and his fees and cost of replacement parts as well, it might cost you more to fix it than to get yourself a new gearbox, which is like $70 shipped.
I'd say shipping + parts + work, you'd be able to buy a new Kraken, not just a new gearbox.
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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:47   #4
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
depending on if you are close to a gun doc, I would suggest finding out if you are and having them look at it for you.

If you aren't, then it might make more sense to buy yourself a whole new gearbox from ebaybanned or ehobbyasia, because when you factor in shipping to and from a gun doc and his fees and cost of replacement parts as well, it might cost you more to fix it than to get yourself a new gearbox, which is like $70 shipped.
So, is that the problem: i need a new gear box?? I only fired a few hundred rounds!
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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:49   #5
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Originally Posted by Kingly View Post
So, is that the problem: i need a new gear box?? I only fired a few hundred rounds!
Aftermath guns are very hit-or-miss. Some people use them for 10s of thousands of rounds without issues, some people don't even get 50 rounds off before they die. WIth a bit of preventative maintenance off the bat, a Kraken is ok in terms of reliability. But out of the box, it's the luck of the draw.
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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:50   #6
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no u dont need a new gearbox, you likely stripped something in your gearbox and that part needs replacing, which is why i said you need a gun doctor to look at it, but if one isn't nearby then you might be better off just buying a new gearbox due to the costs
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Old April 24th, 2009, 19:51   #7
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
no u dont need a new gearbox, you likely stripped something in your gearbox and that part needs replacing, which is why i said you need a gun doctor to look at it, but if one isn't nearby then you might be better off just buying a new gearbox due to the costs
+1. If you're not comfortable opening up your mechbox, this is your cheapest solution.
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Old April 25th, 2009, 13:58   #8
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Lets say I was comfortable opening the mechbox; after i did open it, i would just need to find the gear thats stripped and replace it, right?

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Old April 25th, 2009, 14:05   #9
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When you find the broken part, it needs to be replaced. You usually have to buy gears in sets though. You don't get single gears unless getting them used in the classifieds.

But it may not be the gears at all. It could be the piston too. That would be my first guess. Although the gears are a distinct possibility too.
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Old April 25th, 2009, 14:09   #10
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
When you find the broken part, it needs to be replaced. You usually have to buy gears in sets though. You don't get single gears unless getting them used in the classifieds.

But it may not be the gears at all. It could be the piston too. That would be my first guess. Although the gears are a distinct possibility too.

Thanks a lot.

Im going to go onto airsoftparts to try and find either gears or a piston. Whichever one is broken.
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Old April 25th, 2009, 14:11   #11
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It'll be one of the other. Pistons are fairly cheap. About $20-40 depending on what you get. Gears can be more expensive.
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Old April 25th, 2009, 14:12   #12
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Originally Posted by Kingly View Post
So, is that the problem: i need a new gear box?? I only fired a few hundred rounds!
Welcome to low quality airsoft guns.

There's a reason we suggest newbies spend the $350-$500 on something decent.

If your gears are stripped, I'd say to hell with it and just buy a new gun unless you can get the one gear you need. A new gearset will cost you around $100 anyway... might as well spend the extra $20 and have a whole set of spare parts.

If it's the piston it's a reletively cheap repair (~$20). However, if you are opening the mechbox I'd suggest you invest in a shim set and a gearbox grease set and do some preventative maintenance.

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Old April 25th, 2009, 14:18   #13
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Welcome to low quality airsoft guns.

There's a reason we suggest newbies spend the $350-$500 on something decent.

If your gears are stripped, I'd say to hell with it and just buy a new gun unless you can get the one gear you need. A new gearset will cost you around $100 anyway... might as well spend the extra $20 and have a whole set of spare parts.

If it's the piston it's a reletively cheap repair (~$20). However, if you are opening the mechbox I'd suggest you invest in a shim set and a gearbox grease set and do some preventative maintenance.
Totally agree to all of this. This is why I constantly recommend the Kraken to people who are tinkerers and want an upgrade platform, but not as a first airsoft gun for a noob. Too many of them break down for them to be considered reliable.

Also, consider getting some metal 6mm bushings along with the shims. Replace to crappy nylon ones that come in the gun.
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Old April 25th, 2009, 15:23   #14
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Totally agree to all of this. This is why I constantly recommend the Kraken to people who are tinkerers and want an upgrade platform, but not as a first airsoft gun for a noob. Too many of them break down for them to be considered reliable.

Also, consider getting some metal 6mm bushings along with the shims. Replace to crappy nylon ones that come in the gun.
If and when I open the gear box and (if I) see that all the gears are fine, can I assume that its the piston thats causing the problem? (I hope its just the piston)
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Old April 25th, 2009, 15:26   #15
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Originally Posted by Kingly View Post
If and when I open the gear box and (if I) see that all the gears are fine, can I assume that its the piston thats causing the problem? (I hope its just the piston)
It will be pretty obvious if the piston is damaged.

mechboxes aren't really complex, but they're precise. If something doesn't look right, chances are it isn't.

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