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Grenades and CQB



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Old December 10th, 2012, 13:09   #16
ShelledPants's Avatar
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Agreed! Iv seen videos online when people have round nerf balls they use and consider grenades? In a airsoft game, would you call it? I find it unbelievably stupid and childish, same with lightsabours and nerf battel axes.
If its cleared by the host and explained at the begining of the game, of course, rules are rules.

Otherwise... no. Unless it shoots bb's and it hits me. That is the game I signed up for. BB's and rubber knives.

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Old December 10th, 2012, 13:31   #17
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Hmmm....makes you wonder how flashbangs would work in a game??? No bb's in those, but they sure as hell pack a wollop and incapacitate ya for a good 10 seconds...
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Old December 10th, 2012, 14:27   #18
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Do you enjoy having all your fingers? Or are you planning to be the guy in the room while one gets tossed in your lap?
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Old December 10th, 2012, 16:26   #19
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by Shaner View Post
Hmmm....makes you wonder how flashbangs would work in a game??? No bb's in those, but they sure as hell pack a wollop and incapacitate ya for a good 10 seconds...
Badly, that's how. You can't intentionally blind or deafen someone. There are loud fireworks that emit a loud clap, and a bright flash; but I don't think I'd throw one at somebody. Decibel level is important to take note of. If your ears are left ringing, your grenade needs to be dumbed down. We've had home made ones you light, but indoors they can start a fire; so I wouldn't recommend that. Unless of course you have a reasonable fire fighting plan just in case. Throwing glowsticks, nerf balls, or whatever stupid object you've decided is a grenade is hilarious and mock worthy. If someone throws a glowstick at you, please throw it back ...but try to hit them.

I don't have an issue with grenades in doors at all. Most milsims I've attended allowed their use, but it had to go bang and spray BBs. General rule of wrist for grenade kills, is a ten foot radius. It's the simplest way, as grenades don't always go off evenly, and hits aren't always felt. If your inside of that radius you can survive by being behind cover. Cover would have to be something that would reasonably shield you from an airsoft gun. Not including riot shields, they don't stop grenades. Then again I'd like to see someone with a riot shield repel automatic fire, lol.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 16:30   #20
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Do you enjoy having all your fingers? Or are you planning to be the guy in the room while one gets tossed in your lap?
I was at a game were a guy caught one with his face. He looked out a window just as a cooked grenade came in. It was hilarious, but he was out of it for a couple hours.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 22:50   #21
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Originally Posted by Shaner View Post
I didn't really want to put $120 into a Tornado Theft had a buddy lose 2 to kit mongers.
Does your friends stupidity equate to yours? I certainly hope not, otherwise I'll agree and say no, don't buy one. Dude, just because he lost one doesn't mean you will. Buy the yellow or blue versions.

And for those of you saying that you shouldn't use anything BUT replica grenades or Tornados or those clap-grenades, then you really take yourselves too seriously. Someone should really bring up the mad-dash search to find nerf tail-stabilized footballs and explain WHY those things are still such a hot commodity.

Good christ, take a breather once in a while and realize you're fucking dressing up like an 'army man' to shoot a plastic bb out of a toy gun. You are NOT military no matter how much money your mom lent you use at the local surplus store.

Last edited by Aquamarine; December 10th, 2012 at 22:54..
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Old December 10th, 2012, 23:13   #22
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I was at a game were a guy caught one with his face. He looked out a window just as a cooked grenade came in. It was hilarious, but he was out of it for a couple hours.
That's why I say finding a safe way to toss it at your enemies is the worst thing about grenades
We're here playing a war game, not a life or death match
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Old December 10th, 2012, 23:19   #23
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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The nerf rocket thing is true, they are the best thing out of an AT-4; I don't think people are shooting them at each other though ??? Vehicles, buildings, etc. I was at a sim a few years back where some guys threw a glowstick as a grenade (not recognized in the rules), and made a stink about how we should all be dead ...or something, we were to busy hitting them with BBs. Anyways, they were set straight by game admins. The next year (same sim), glowsticks were mentioned during the pre meeting and how they are "not considered a grenade". Low and behold, the same guys attended again, and threw a glowstick (as a grenade); except this time they tied a little piece of red flagging tape to it. We laughed, we shot, they complained, and lost the argument ...again.

If you are playing with a group who has limited funding, you do what you can to get by. But that remains with that group. My point is how people just grab an object and think this is a universal system; that and they make a big deal about it despite what game rules clearly state. Otherwise I'd just throw whatever I could get my hands on as a grenade. ...a rock, a stick, some dudes magazines that wasn't paying attention.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 23:45   #24
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Ricochet you could always throw the lightest guy on your team and call him a mortar, he can whistle on the way in and make the bang and spray shrapnel, don't forget the red flag though. That might fix the glow stick guys lol.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 00:12   #25
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I'll pretend to be a heat seeking rocket for $5, sound effects included
Originally Posted by Baird
Canada will never become a safe haven for zombies. EVER!
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Old December 11th, 2012, 00:17   #26
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Maybe, I'll pass it by the other guys and see what they think. We did stuff the lightest guy on our team up in the rafters of a building one time; he got knife kills as people came in through the door. Lol.

But seriously, there are some great airsofters out there whom are on a budget. However certain things don't usually fly; like riot shields, high caps, ...GLOWSTICK GRENADES!!!

Next time someone asks if they can borrow a mag, you might think twice. Lol
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Old December 11th, 2012, 09:03   #27
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Does your friends stupidity equate to yours? I certainly hope not, otherwise I'll agree and say no, don't buy one. Dude, just because he lost one doesn't mean you will. Buy the yellow or blue versions.

And for those of you saying that you shouldn't use anything BUT replica grenades or Tornados or those clap-grenades, then you really take yourselves too seriously. Someone should really bring up the mad-dash search to find nerf tail-stabilized footballs and explain WHY those things are still such a hot commodity.

Good christ, take a breather once in a while and realize you're fucking dressing up like an 'army man' to shoot a plastic bb out of a toy gun. You are NOT military no matter how much money your mom lent you use at the local surplus store.
....hmmm...little tense there buddy??? Stupidity...really? He tossed his grenade into a room to clear it...took a hit...put on his red head cover, waited five minutes and went to retrieve the tornado on the way to the respawn to discover a room full of bb's and no grenade...not much stupidity there... Wait, maybe he should have tied a string to his grenade so he wouldn't lose it...that wouldn't look stupid at all.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 09:46   #28
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Badly, that's how. You can't intentionally blind or deafen someone. There are loud fireworks that emit a loud clap, and a bright flash; but I don't think I'd throw one at somebody. Decibel level is important to take note of. If your ears are left ringing, your grenade needs to be dumbed down. We've had home made ones you light, but indoors they can start a fire; so I wouldn't recommend that. Unless of course you have a reasonable fire fighting plan just in case. Throwing glowsticks, nerf balls, or whatever stupid object you've decided is a grenade is hilarious and mock worthy. If someone throws a glowstick at you, please throw it back ...but try to hit them.

I don't have an issue with grenades in doors at all. Most milsims I've attended allowed their use, but it had to go bang and spray BBs. General rule of wrist for grenade kills, is a ten foot radius. It's the simplest way, as grenades don't always go off evenly, and hits aren't always felt. If your inside of that radius you can survive by being behind cover. Cover would have to be something that would reasonably shield you from an airsoft gun. Not including riot shields, they don't stop grenades. Then again I'd like to see someone with a riot shield repel automatic fire, lol.
I get what you are saying...we want to keep it fair and no one wants to be walking back to the respawn all the time because of a grenade fight on the field with bb's going everywhere.

I guess what I am looking for is a way to safely breech rooms so that players don't get into a full auto, point-blank, blaze of glory fight in a 10x10 room in typical "paintball" style. I've seen this happen...again and again..and it leads to fights and game interruption for everyone else.

I thought it would be neat to use some sort of noise/grenade device to simulate a "flashbang"...not use an actual one as they are only a little bit illegal in Canada...Players that are "incapacitated" would take a knee for a 5 or 10 count to allow entry and safe dispatch. Just a thought.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 09:52   #29
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Throw a pink bunny in, fluffy kind. While everybody in the room goes WTF? Go in and shoot them. Distraction Devices do not have to go bang, just draw attention for few seconds.

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Old December 11th, 2012, 10:00   #30
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Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
Throw a pink bunny in, fluffy kind. While everybody in the room goes WTF? Go in and shoot them. Distraction Devices do not have to go bang, just draw attention for few seconds.

...would a pink plush Unicorn work...I have one of
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