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G&p m14 dmr


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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:15   #31
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
That may be so, and it will end up on me, that the gears (and anything else in the rifle internals) will need inspection and replacement as is necessary.

As for get what i paid for, excuse me? Do you consider $454.99 chump-change, which was a 30% 'fire-sale' price decrease on TA's original MSRP? Close to 5 large, and i got what i paid for, a steaming pile of poop enclosed in a pretty box? The Hell that my expectations were out of lines of reality. I expect a gun out of the box that at least makes it through a game or two - like everything else that i've bought so far, and in many cases for much less money involved.

I draw your attention to Toronto Airsoft's OWN advertising on this site, in relation to the G&P line-up.
$500 bucks is a cheap gun.. G&P have known crap internals, known for failure out of the box.. The fact that you did not conclude due diligence before plunking down your coin is no one's fault but yours.

add to this the fact that the gears failed after the gearbox was opened ... voiding any possible warranty ( if there had been one ) I believe your ire is misdirected.

what you should have done is asked your gun DR to swap out those crap gears while he had the box open.

You are entitled to your opinion.. and you can air it publicly if you like.. but really it's not TA that is coming off looking bad here.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:26   #32
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G&P guns have always been having issues, a couple guys who went to a game a while back bought two G&P m4A1 from TA and they didn't work right away.

the guns shipped into canada might have this issue due to the stronger spring they have in it. I am not too sure, but this is what I'm guessing because in Hong Kong people seem to be doing fine with their G&Ps.

however seriously, stop making a fuss about it. its only another 30-40 bucks for a new gear set depending what you get obviously. not that hard to fix your problem?

Hence why many people tend to change parts that are known to be a liability for their guns with better after market parts.

An example was that i have had extremely bad experiences with KA pistons. hence when i bought a KA M4A1, i also bought a Prometheus piston to be installed into my gun because i have not had a single issue with a prometheus piston EVER

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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:31   #33
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So let me get this straight:

Gun bought. Spring bought.
Gun opened. Spring swapped.
Gun Fires 4 Times. Gun Fails.
How is this TA's Fault?

I read in the RRS thread that your gun doc claims the gun failed long before it hit his bench: And yet he didn't notice any signs of failure with the gun open, and the gun functioned (4 times) after he closed the box. Sounds like the gun failed on his bench, making it the gun doctor's problem. Not TA's. Which is, in turn, your problem, because you have to buy new gears.

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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:37   #34
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Moreover, it just seems like you saw the other outspoken complainees who wrote great big "OMG, TORONTO AIRSOFT SCREWED ME BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO ANY RESEARCH" threads and got free stuff quickly from TA bending over in response to these whiners, and decided to cut right to the chase and try and get the same easy response/free product.

Frank should just make a thread for people to write what gifts they'd like, and end these giant posts.
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Last edited by talon; April 11th, 2012 at 16:44.. Reason: stylistic concerns
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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:44   #35
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Aight.. i can see this is turning into a ASC style pile-on thread.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 16:45   #36
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Too bad you can't see that you're wrong...
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Old April 11th, 2012, 17:05   #37
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Originally Posted by talon View Post
Too bad you can't see that you're wrong...
That is of your opinion, based upon a 3rd party non-involved judgement.

I have an opinion that is different from yours. I am entitled to it, as an (ex-) customer with a broken gun basically out of the box after being downgraded, and out additional $$ as a result.

Yes, the $$ value of the parts needed is not all that high compared to the cost of the rifle - but as a retailer, perhaps that $30.00 or so would be money well spent for the retention of return customers. As a G&P retailer (and the Canadian representative, as they claim), it is of TA's prerogative to go back to them, for compensation on defective product experienced by a customer. If they can't do so, or can't work a deal to that end with G&P - then perhaps they shouldn't be carrying the G&P line, as their representatives.

Yes, i'm going to end up spending the $$ to get a reliable, serviceable rifle out of the deal - but it has left a sour taste in my mouth, and also in the mouth of the Hamilton retailer, to be told nothing can be done on TA's end.

I'll leave it at that. Say what you wish, as you wish from here on out. That is entirely, wholly your prerogative to do so.

The bottom line is, the (again) quoted line from TA is just a bunch of marketing hooey for us (pre-purchase) ignorant masses, apparently. If they aren't prepared to back the below statement up, then it shouldn't have been stated. This is of my opinion.

I'm done here with defending my position, my opinion, and justifying my reaction to the situation. You are, however, welcome to continue to have at it, as you (and others) do so wish.

Originally Posted by Karnage View Post
Hello all!

After several months we have finally received our first official G&P shipment!

All models are 100% legal and have been internally upgraded by the factory direct to give you a consistent and long lasting rifle that will last at 430+fps.

Check them out here:

Last edited by HackD; April 11th, 2012 at 17:31..
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Old April 11th, 2012, 17:16   #38
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Anybody buying ANY airsoft gun regardless the cost/quality is a fool to expect it to be perfect. I understand it's a pain in the ass for this to happen right away but it's bound to happen eventually with any gun, in 4 shots or 4 million shots theres going to be a problem, even $3000 systema PTWs have problems and and parts replaced.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 17:28   #39
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Wow guys! Everyone take a deep breath. Try and stay nice to each other and be constructive not destructive with the posts. It helps no one to start flaming each other.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 17:46   #40
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Warranty Information: (includes returns within 14 days or manufacture warranty within 30 days on select products)

The modification in any ways of products including but not limited to the following will void any warranty of products: opening in any ways, installing new parts, painting.

Warranty covers the replacement of parts damaged by manufacturing defect. The mis use of goods ie: dropping, abuse or other damaged caused by the user is in no way covered under warranty. reserves the right to determine if a product falls under warranty protection.

Labour for repair is NOT covered under warranty.
This is taken directly from their warranty page, found here. There's more to it if you follow the link. I only included the first part.

I'd draw your attention to the bolded section. By opening the gun to change the spring you voided any warranty that you would otherwise have had. It sucks that your gun doesn't work, but TA no longer has an obligation to fix it.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 17:50   #41
aka coachster
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OP, you bought a gun and a downgrade spring and prior to purchasing you full well knew it was going to shoot hot. You drove all the way in from Hamilton to buy it, knowing it needed to be downgraded, without calling ahead to ask to have them install the m95 spring for you. Did you call to confirm it was in stock or ask to reserve one?

Instead you bought a known hot gun, took it home and then had it opened by someone who you claim is a gun doc. Then you have the never to blame Frank for a gun that broke post downgrading? Regardless if the gun doc is a good gun doc or not, how can Frank warranty a mechbox that had been opened and tinkered with?

Had you test fired it with the original setup when it broke, then I could see your side of things.

Chalk it up to your learning curve in buying airsoft. Life throws road bumps at you all the time. Learn to climb over or go around them. Being stuck behind one gets you no where.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 18:09   #42
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HACKD I feel your pain for having a nice AEG DOA on you trust me it wont be the first or last, the only thing you can do is chalk this up as a learning experience you really can't blame Frank at TA as he is only the middle guy. the process of warranty from G&P has fucked so many people that if I were to piss and moan about every G&P internal that broke DOA from G&P guns I've bought over the years I would be a very rich man. The G&P internals particularly the gears are known issue, everything else on the gun is a beauty but that small gears and shimming issue seem to be the only one shared by many G&P aeg owners and equally dispised by all.
G&P as a brand is a reputable brand, certainly much better and considered to be the top 5 in terms of AEG products, one can only wonder why they still have not gotten around to fix teh same issue that has been plaguing their entire AEG line for the better half of a decade. if you would have done your research you would have anticipate the gear issue, and you would have probably have a solution to it being that the spring that came with the gun is a far stronger spring than stock. Like I and a few others have said chalk this up as a learning experience and move on as far as TA responsibility? well the next time you should have just waited and let them opened it up that way there are no confusionas to who is responsible for what. I have a M249SF that is still at their showroom to be downgraded before I pick it up.

Last edited by wildcard; April 11th, 2012 at 18:16..
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Old April 11th, 2012, 18:22   #43
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
My beef with G&P is that because of the gear issues it's not that great.
I think everyone's beef with G&P for the better half of a decade is their shitty gears and shim job. Top notch external shitty internals why??? no one here except G&P knows maybe the gear set maker they use give them a nice head or something who knows?
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Old April 11th, 2012, 18:32   #44
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Next time go VFC. On my third gun with them not a single issue. On the other hand I feel your frustration 500$ and changing things out sucks. Regardless of what people post you shouldn't have too do this.
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Old April 11th, 2012, 18:40   #45
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Originally Posted by MMatersk View Post
Next time go VFC. On my third gun with them not a single issue. On the other hand I feel your frustration 500$ and changing things out sucks. Regardless of what people post you shouldn't have too do this.
VFC have had their issues as well, for a while there they use impact drivers to tightend their hop up resulting in broken hop and other issues too fortunately their QC has made vast improvement. Like I state before in some other thread companies like TM, KA and others have their growing pain and unfortunately some companies have grown too big to notice the little things, as for the frustration of needing to swap things out after spending $500 to make it shoot as it should well same can be said with PTW why do I have to spend extra to make it shoot better or pay for the motor mods or risk the motor failing on a $1800 gun?, however consider that G&P have to be upgraded with a stronger out of regular speced spring to make it import legal the OP should have just let the original importer do the spring swap on site instead of his local affiliate. That way there are no confusion as to who is responsible for what and anygun you purchased especially in person you should test fire it make sure there are no issues that way any issue can be dealt with on site.

Last edited by wildcard; April 11th, 2012 at 18:47..
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