Originally Posted by jameskersten
Is your wifes friend here in Canada or the US? Mind giving us some details of why she is losing her house?
She is here in Canada. She was fortunate to get a massive inheritance from her mother when she died and has spent the many many years living off of it, putting it bluntly she should have never had to work again kinda inheritance. Unfortuately she has made a living off the stock market in order to keep a cash flow, as all of her money has been rolled up into various stocks that were giving her a damned good living and well they have all tanked. She own's her house out right but can't afford to maintain it now, let alone the taxes. She lives in Poco at the moment but because of this mess she is worried about her being able to afford anything she is already looking at liquidating a lot of her stuff to just keep afloat in hopes that everything will rebound but she's running out of options. We'll see how this plays out, she's looking for a job but any job she can get will not be enough to keep her house hold going as it is now.
Originally Posted by Blackthorne
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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