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Old January 10th, 2008, 16:35   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lower mainland BC
Maybe stupid question..but?

Ok, I have been building and repairing AEGs for a few years now, sure not come across everything or, know everything, but I have a question about M4/M16 nozzles!

Why do some manufacturers sell a different nozzle for the two?

I realize the barrel differences and Cylinder length (vol) effectiveness and that you can switch front Set from M16-M4 and vise-versa, so what are the differences of thr two nozzles?? length? dia.? I have never come across a nozzle leakage problem with any of the M4/M16 I have worked on, but I notice that some companies sell a nozzle for M16 and one for M4.

if so, what differences are there between the two, cuz it don't make sense if the AEG is using the same hop-up...same V2 gear box..same V2 cyl head...same V2 tappet plate...same V2 M4/M16 body, that all being said the nozzle should be the same size.

any thoughts.


all show different nozzles for M16A1-A2...XM177...CAR15..M4A1 ETC.

Last edited by BIGMEDCIN; January 10th, 2008 at 16:43..
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