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Old September 26th, 2015, 11:23   #6
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
The new style of Crye is supposed to be slightly loose, as they've moved away from a dry-wick style material to a modern sport t-shirt style material. The new material breathes better and is more comfortable when wet.

I'm fairly skinny and bought a large and although it's a little big on me, it's just fine. I could've gotten away with a medium. Crye sizing is simple for shirts; s,m,l,xl, etc, and you can get them in standard or long and I believe extra long. Pants are by waist size, and then if you're tall you can get long it extra long as well. Where did you try on genuine Crye BDUs? The only retailer I know of in Canada is CToms in Edmonton.

Cryes fit and work like an absolute dream. They have way more R&D than any other BDU on the market. My gen 1s lasted me 8 plus years and we're still in one piece when I sold them. I immediately bought a set of gen 3s and haven't looked back. You pay for it, but it's worth the investment.

As for Tru-Spec; there's nothing wrong with them, but nothing special either. Tru-Spec are quality made, but that's where the comparison stops. I'm sure you'd be perfectly happy with a Tru-Spec shirt if you don't want to drop the money on Crye. Crye pants are where the real magic happens though. Although I'd consider other brands of shirts if necessary, my Crye pants are amazing. I've also tried on pants from several companies, like VertX, 5.11, Tru-Spec, etc, and Crye annihilates them all.

Below Crye, but above Tru-Spec is UR Tactical. There stuff is nearly as good as Crye's, but for about 2/3 the price. Check them out as well. No matter what you decide to go with, make sure you get the Crye pads. Everyone I know who bought other brands has traded up for the Crye pads and says that they are far superior.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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