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Old March 29th, 2015, 13:15   #3
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Dude could you have formatted the post a bit better? Newlines are great but it's easier to read with full linebreaks. But other than that here's my advice.

Can you make sure you have the right nozzle for the correct gun? Unless it's the stock one in which case either the tappet return spring isn't strong enough to return properly or you might need to get a sector gear delay chip.

Go with an M110 spring for the FPS you're trying to achieve. I think you should be able to hit it with the Modify S110+ or your choice of spring (BTW the S100 should theoretically only net you about 330 FPS but that said I do remember the Modify spring ratings tended to be on the higher side, I've heard of the Modify S120+ getting like 420 FPS, try something like a Guarder M110 or SystemA M110).

Get a new motor if you want. There's plenty of options out there but seems like everyones jumping onto the ZCI Balance motors lately. The battery chemistry you use is independent of the motor. Theoretically I could use a 7.4V on the stock KA motor or a 10.8V or whatever. Chemistry doesn't matter except for voltage and voltage is a measure of potential difference between the terminals (think of a hill vs a cliff, higher potential difference you get more speed from the pinion, lower difference and you get less speed). ZCI Balance motor on stock gears with a 9.6V should be around your target RPS wise.
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